Multi-line text overflow shows ellipsis,

display: -webkit-box;
-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
-webkit-line-clamp: 3;
overflow: hidden;
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0. Yesterday to review 1. Text related properties Text font size – the size color color style of the font – style: normal | italic font thickness, weight: 400 | 700 | normal | bold text types The font-family: ‘1’, ‘2’ modify text – decoration: underline | line – through | none; The high line – height: * px; 1. Center the single-line text vertically. 2

Text indenting text text-indent: * px | 2 em; Horizontal alignment text - align: right | center | the justify 2. List-style :none; 3. Background-color: color; Background - image: url (path); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:x y; background:; Sprite: 1. implement a box of the specified size 2. set the Sprite as its background figure 3. Change the starting position of the background image using the background-position propertyCopy the code

1. Single line text overflow display ellipsis 1. Set width:*px; 2. Force no newline white-space:nowrap;

They overflowed and hid the overflow. 4. Text overflow is identified as ellipsis (text-overflow:ellipsis);Copy the code