“This is the 12th day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: The Last Gwen Challenge in 2021.”
A few days ago when I was sorting out bookmarks, I found that I collected a lot of treasure websites and treasure projects. Just speaking of the text effect, I let you big guys play out ten thousand tricks. Therefore, AH Bao is ready to share and learn these colorful ideas and writing methods with you.
This article serves as the first article of “how many tricks can the text play”, first of all to take you to study the realization of the text particle.
I don’t know who the word particle idea originally came from, but I first discovered it was kennethcachia’s awesome word particle effect. Every time I open this demo, I feel like I’m an aesthetic idiot.
Here is the github address and demo interface for shape-Shifter effects:
- shape-shifter
- Demo Demo Address
Without further ado, let’s enter the character particle effect of A Bag.
Basic knowledge of
Before we start this article, we will introduce you to the two Canvas functions
ctx.fillText(text, x, y, [maxWidth]);
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: Specifies the text to output on the canvas.x
: text starting pointx
Axis coordinates.y
: text starting pointy
Axis coordinates.maxWidth
: Optional, the maximum width to draw.
You can use the Font property to define the font and size, and the fillStyle property to define the font color.
ctx.getImageData(sx, sy, sw, sh);
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sx, sy
: To extract the upper left corner of the imagex y
coordinatessw, sh
: To extract the width and height of the image
The return value
- return
Object that copies the pixels of the specified image region - Each pixel in the image is stored separately
Information on all four sides, all pixel countsA one-dimensional arrayFormal storagedata
Properties of the
Draw ideas
In terms of basic knowledge, I first introduced two methods: fillText and getImageData. FillText can draw text on the canvas, and getImageData can extract pixels in a rectangular area of the canvas. In other words, these two methods can extract the pixel data of the text we draw. All that’s left is what to do with the pixel data, mapping the moving particles.
Let’s analyze the specific implementation ideas:
- Draw main Canvas: Render canvas as a text particle
- Generate subcanvas: As a canvas to draw text, do not need to be added to the page, as a vehicle to extract the pixels of the drawn text
- Generate text particles: Render particles according to the pixels obtained
- Text particle trajectory: Calculates the movement trajectory of each particle
- Start the animation
Initialization work
Options and textOptions are set to store the width, height and speed of the canvas and the configuration of sub-canvas text respectively.
const options = {
width: 400.height: 400.speed: 10
const textOptions = {
words: "Battlefield pack".font: "200px fangsong"};Copy the code
Draw the main canvas
The main canvas has already been tagged to the page, so you only need to configure its width and height. For display purposes, set the canvas width to the browser width
function pointCanvas(canvas, { width, height }) {
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
return ctx;
// pointCavas(canvas, options)
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Create a subcanvas
Creating a subcanvas is also very simple. You just need to create a Canvas node using JavaScript and configure the width and height of the subcanvas (the same as the main canvas). You don’t need to add it to the DOM.
The secondary canvas is the same width and height as the main canvas, so that the pixels in the secondary canvas can correspond to the pixels in the main canvas without conversion
function createVitualCvs({ width, height }) {
const vitualCvs = document.createElement("canvas");
vitualCvs.width = width;
vitualCvs.height = height;
let vitualCxt = vitualCvs.getContext("2d");
initCanvas(vitualCxt, options, textOptions);
return getFontInfo(vitualCxt, options);
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Initialize the subcanvas
Sets the text properties and draws the text using fillText. Make sure to draw text in the middle of the canvas with (canvas.width -measure.width) / 2.
MeasureText can obtain the width and height of text. For more details, see measureText
function initCanvas(ctx, { width, height }, { font, words }) {
ctx.font = font;
const measure = ctx.measureText(words);
ctx.fillText(words, (width - measure.width) / 2, height / 2);
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Building particle classes
Each particle has the following properties:
: The final resting position of the particlex
: The final resting position of the particley
: of the particle when initializingx
: of the particle when initializingy
: particle sizespeed
: Particle movement speed
There are also two methods:
: method of drawing the particle itselfupdate
: Method of updating particle positions
Here are the codes for the DRAW and UPDATE methods
draw() {
ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
ctx.arc(this.mx, this.my, this.radius, 0.Math.PI * 2.false);
// My update here is relatively simple, but if you want more complex and cool effects, you can use bezier curves
update() {
this.mx = this.mx + (this.x - this.mx) / this.speed;
this.my = this.my + (this.y - this.my) / this.speed;
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Understand Bessel curves in depth
Get text position information and draw particles
GetImageData is used to obtain the pixel information of the sub-canvas. The return value of getImageData stores RGBA information for each pixel, so every four array elements represent a pixel. Alpha can be used to determine whether there is text in the pixel.
function getWordPxInfo(ctx, { width, height }) {
let imageData = ctx.getImageData(0.0, width, height).data;
const particles = [];
for (let x = 0; x < width; x += 4) {
// In order for the particle effect to appear, the interval selection point
for (let y = 0; y < height; y += 4) {
// Determine whether the current pixel has text
const pxAlphaIndex = (x + y * width) * 4 + 3;
if (imageData[pxAlphaIndex] > 0) {
newParticle({ x, y, }) ); }}}return particles;
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Start the animation
Animation is implemented with a requestAnimationFrame, which clears the canvas with each frame and redraws all the particles.
RequestAnimationFrame learning: a fantastic front-end animation API requestAnimationFrame
function init(points, { width, height }) {
ctx.clearRect(0.0, width, height);
points.forEach((value) = > {
const timer = window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
init(points, options);
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You’re done
All done and done.
Source warehouse
Portal: Text particles
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