Have you ever encountered such a situation, the test script that you have worked so hard to write, separated from the development environment, can not be used on a new machine, or from building the development environment to run, or honestly run on the machine.
I used to run things locally, but I was often exposed to sharing my work. So, in order to keep the script invisible and make it more portable, I opened up github, the infamous gay dating site, and started searching for Python script packaging tools.
I have to say github is an amazing site.
The first to search pyInstaller, small star 4.2k, I think is still more reliable.
pip3 install pyinstaller
I familiarized myself with the project while installing it. After reading the README, I didn’t find out how to use it. So Google started all kinds of tutorials.
Pyinstaller script. Py is used to install the pyInstaller script in the directory where it is stored. The corresponding script is then packaged into an executable file.
Two folders and one file are generated in the directory.
Open up the dist directory and find a folder with the same name as “script.py”.
Once inside, find the executable with the same name and, without hesitation, double click it vigorously.
Our script can be executed, surprise, surprise, it is so simple and crude, there is no reason.
For the record, if you don’t want to generate too many executables, you can add the “-f” parameter to the package so that only one executable is created.
Pyinstaller -f script.py
The original link