• type: FrontEnd
  • title: Testing React components with Jest and Enzyme
  • Link: hackernoon.com/testing-rea…
  • author: Artem Sapegin

The introduction

Some people say that testing the React component isn’t very useful in general, but I think it’s necessary in a few scenarios:

  • Component library,
  • Open source projects,
  • Integration with third-party components,
  • Bugs, preventing recurrence.

I’ve tried a lot of tool combinations, but in the end, if I can recommend them to another developer, I’d rather recommend the following combination:

  • Jest, a testing framework;
  • Enzyme, React test library;
  • Enzyme -to-json converts the snapshot that the enzyme wrapper type matches Jest

I often use shallow rendering and Jest snapshot testing in my tests.

Snapshot test in Jest

Shallow rendering

Shallow rendering refers to rendering a component as a virtual DOM object, but rendering only the first layer and not all child components. So even if you make a change to a subcomponent it won’t affect the output of the shallow render. Or a bug in an introduced child component will not affect the shallow rendering of the parent component. Shallow rendering is DOM independent.

Here’s an example:

const ButtonWithIcon = ({icon, children}) = > (
    <button><Icon icon={icon} />{children}</button>
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React will render as follows:

    <i class="icon icon_coffee"></i>
    Hello Jest!
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But in shallow rendering it will only render as follows:

    <Icon icon="coffee" />
    Hello Jest!
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Note that the Icon component is not rendered.

A snapshot of the test

A Jest snapshot is like a static UI with a combination of text characters representing Windows and buttons: it is the rendered output of a component stored in a text file.

You can tell Jest which components will output UI without unexpected changes, and Jest will save it to a file like this at runtime:

exports[`test should render a label 1`] = `  `;

exports[`test should render a small label 1`] = `  `;
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Each time you make a change to a component, Jest compares the value of the current test and shows the difference, and asks you to update the snapshot if you make a change.

In addition to testing, Jest stores snapshots in files like __snapshots __ / label.spec.js.snap, which you need to submit at the same time.

Why Jest

  • It’s very fast.
  • Snapshot tests can be performed.
  • Interactive monitoring mode tests only the parts that have been modified.
  • The error message is very detailed.
  • The configuration is simple.
  • Supported by Mocks and Spies.
  • You can generate test reports from the command line.
  • The development prospect is very good.
  • Don’t write error-prone assertions like ‘Expect (foo).to.be. A (‘ function’)’ because Jest only writes ‘expect(foo).to.be.true’ thus determines the correct assertion.

Why choose Enzyme

  • Handy tool library package, can handle shallow rendering, static rendering markup and DOM rendering.
  • Jquery-style API, easy to use and intuitive.


The first step is to install all dependencies including the same version dependencies:

npm install --save-dev jest react-test-renderer enzyme enzyme-adapter-react-16 enzyme-to-json
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You also need to install the Babel plug-in babel-jest or TypeScript plug-in TS-jest

Update project package.json file:

"scripts": {
  "test": "jest",
  "test:watch": "jest --watch",
  "test:coverage": "jest --coverage"
"jest": {
  "setupFiles": ["./test/jestsetup.js"],
  "snapshotSerializers": ["enzyme-to-json/serializer"]
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Configuration item ‘snapshotSerializers’ allows you to transfer the enzyme package type to ‘Jest’ snapshot matches by using ‘enzyme-to-json’ without manual conversion.

Create a test/jestsetup.js file to customize the Jest runtime environment (setupFiles configuration item above)

import Enzyme, { shallow, render, mount } from 'enzyme';
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';
// React 16 Enzyme adapter
Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
// Make Enzyme functions available in all test files without importing
global.shallow = shallow;
global.render = render;
global.mount = mount;
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You can also add the following configuration to package.json for CSS modules

"jest": {
  "moduleNameMapper": {
    "^.+\\.(css|scss)$": "identity-obj-proxy"
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And run:

Install dependencies at the same time:

npm install --save-dev identity-obj-proxy
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Mysql > Identity-obj-proxy Proxies can be played on/around/around/around/around/around/around/around/around/around/around/around/around

Test the rendering of the component

For most components that do not interact, the following test cases are sufficient:

test('render a label', () = > {const wrapper = shallow(
        <Label>Hello Jest!</Label>

test('render a small label', () = > {const wrapper = shallow(
        <Label small>Hello Jest!</Label>

test('render a grayish label', () = > {const wrapper = shallow(
        <Label light>Hello Jest!</Label>
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Props test

Sometimes if you want to test more accurately and see real values. In that case you need to use Jest’s assertion in the Enzyme API.

test('render a document title', () = > {constwrapper = shallow( <DocumentTitle title="Events" /> ); expect(wrapper.prop('title')).toEqual('Events'); }); test('render a document title and a parent title', () => { const wrapper = shallow( <DocumentTitle title="Events" parent="Event Radar" /> ); Expect (wrapper. Prop (" title ")). ToEqual (' Events - the Event Radar '); });Copy the code

Sometimes you can’t use snapshots. For example, the component has a random ID like the following code:

test('render a popover with a random ID', () = > {const wrapper = shallow(
        <Popover>Hello Jest!</Popover>
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Event test

You can simulate events like ‘click’ or ‘change’ and compare components to snapshots:

test('render Markdown in preview mode', () = > {const wrapper = shallow(
        <MarkdownEditor value="*Hello* Jest!" />



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Sometimes you want to test how an element in a child component affects the component. You need to use the Enzyme mount method to render a real DOM.

test('open a code editor', () = > {const wrapper = mount(
        <Playground code={code} />



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Test event handling

Similarly in event testing, instead of using the output rendering of the snapshot test component to test the event handler itself with the mock function of Jest:

test('pass a selected value to the onChange handler', () = > {const value = '2';
    const onChange = jest.fn();
    const wrapper = shallow(
        <Select items={ITEMS} onChange={onChange} />


        wrapper.find('select').simulate('change', {
        target: { value },

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It’s not just JSX

Jest uses JSON for snapshot testing, so you can test any function that returns JSON in the same way as the test component:

test('accept custom properties', () = > {const wrapper = shallow(
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Debugging and troubleshooting

Debug shallow renderer output

14. Use Enzyme debug method to print shallow renderer’s output:

const wrapper = shallow(/ * ~ * /);
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Enable failure tests for coverage

When your test fails, the diFF with the coverage flag looks like this:

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Try replacing the arrow function component with a regular function component:

- export default const Button = ({ children }) = >{+export default function Button({ children }) {
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RequestAnimationFrame error

When you run your tests, you may see the following error:

console.error node_modules/fbjs/lib/warning.js:42
  Warning: React depends on requestAnimationFrame. Make sure that you load a polyfill in older browsers. http://fb.me/react-polyfills
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React 16 relies on requestAnimationFrame, so you need to add a polyfill to your test code

// test/jestsetup.js
import 'raf/polyfill';
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Reference source

  • Jest cheat sheet
  • Testing React Applications by Max Stoiber
  • Migrating to Jest by Kent C. Dodds
  • Migrating Ava to Jest by Jason Brown