
With the rapid iteration of the product, there will be a scene where the product is urged to have functions in front and the package is not tested (regression testing). In order to solve this problem, I implemented the trial of end-to-end testing.

Demo Test Scenarios

Search ourselves on Baidu and judge whether the first item matches our results based on the results returned.

Demo Effect Example

The premise condition

  • Operating environment: Node environment (Node installation is preferred)
  • The test framework is ourselves test-test
  • Grammar: TypeScript
  • Test tool: offended
  • The test tool relies on a specific test browser (any one) : Google, Safari, Opera, Edge, Firefox, etc

Note: Ourselves does not support Babel compilation, so we may use ts in conjunction with ourselves. We may not configure ourselves if we do not use ECMAScript-related syntax

Installing dependency packages

yarn add playwright  @playwright/test typescript ts-node
npm install playwright  @playwright/test typescript ts-node
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Configure the project configuration file

Configuration package. Json
{... "scripts": { "test": "playwright test" } }Copy the code
Condemnation.config.ts is a common configuration

(For details, see test-Configuration.)

import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from "@playwright/test"; 
let config: PlaywrightTestConfig = { 	
     timeout: 6 * 60 * 1000.// Each test case timed out
     globalTimeout: 60 * 1000./ / the total timeout
     testDir: "./demo".// Test the directory
     reporter: [["html", { outputFolder: ". /".open: "always" }]],// Test report
    use: { 		
        launchOptions: { 			
        headless: false.// Not headless mode
        // recordVideo:'videos' 			
        // recordVideo 			
        // devtools: true, 		
    contextOptions: { 			
    viewport: {   // Window view size
        width: 1400.height: 900,}},//baseURL: process.env.tenant_url, //baseURL
    screenshot: "only-on-failure".// Take screenshots on failure
    trace: "retain-on-failure".// Trace failure records
    browserName: "webkit".// Test the browser}};export default config;
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Configuration tsconfig. Json
    "compilerOptions": { 
    /* Visit to read more about this file */
    /* Basic Options */ 
    "target": "es2017"./* Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017', 'ES2018', 'ES2019', 'ES2020', or 'ESNEXT'. */ "module": "commonjs"./* Specify module code generation: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', 'es2020', or 'ESNext'. */ 
    "esModuleInterop": true./* Enables emit interoperability between CommonJS and ES Modules via creation of namespace objects for all imports. Implies 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports'. */ 
    /* Advanced Options */ 
    "skipLibCheck": true./* Skip type checking of declaration files. */ "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true /* Disallow inconsistently-cased references to the same file. */}}Copy the code

Write test cases

1. Create test directory Demo in the root directory
2. Create test case files
import { expect, test } from "@playwright/test"; import { chromium } from "playwright"; 
import { TestOperationPanel } from "./TestOperationPanel"; 
import { judgeSystem } from "./config"; 
let  testOperation: TestOperationPanel, browser, page, context; 
    /** Test case group **/ 
    test.describe("Playright-demo".async function () { 
    /** Run all test cases before the function **/ 
        test.beforeAll(async ({ browserName }, testConfig) => { 
        /** Check the system type configuration **/ 
        const launch = await judgeSystem(); 
        /** Create a browser **/ 
        browser = await chromium.launch(launch); 
        /** Create window **/ 
        context = await browser.newContext(); 
        /** create interface **/ 
        page = await context.newPage(); 
        /** Create UI interaction configuration code instance **/ 
        testOperation = new TestOperationPanel(page); }); 
        /** Run the function **/ before each test case 
        test.beforeEach(async function () { 
        /** redirect address **/ 
        await testOperation.goTestUrl(""); }); /** Test case **/ 
        test("Search Playwright".async function () { 
        /** Search for the specified content **/ 
        const result = await testOperation.searchContent("playwright"); 
        /** assertion verifies matched content **/   
        expect(result).toMatch(/^playwright/); }); 
        /** The function **/ after running all the test cases 
        test.afterAll(async function ({ browser }) /** Close the browser **/
            await browser.close()
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3. Create a test case common Settings file

(Create config.ts file in demo folder. Configure browser separately because you need to match different operating systems.)

import os from "os"; 
import fs from "fs";
/** * Determine the operating system to determine the Lanuch condition *@returns * / 
export function judgeSystem() { 
        const osType = os.type(); 
        if (osType === "Darwin") { 
        /**macOS test browser configuration */ 
        return { executablePath: "/Applications/Google Chrome".// browser address}; }
        if (osType === "Linux") { 
        /** Test the browser configuration on Linux */ 
        // return { devtools: true }
        if (osType === "Windows_NT") {
        /** Windows test browser configuration */ 
        // return { devtools: true } }
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4. In the Demo folder testOperationPanel.ts

(Implement UI interaction layer code and business code segmentation, capture elements more methods, refer to Page Object Model, UI interaction reference Selectors)

//UI interaction layer code
import { Page } from "playwright"; 
export class TestOperationPanel { 
    protected page: Page; 
    constructor(page: Page) { = page;
    /** * load test url */ 
    goTestUrl = async (url: string) => { 
        /** redirect address **/ 
        /** Wait for the page to load **/ 
        await; }; 
        /** * search for the specified content */ 
        searchContent = async param => { 
        /** Fill the input field with the search field **/ 
        /** Press enter in the input box to trigger the search **/ 
        /** Wait for the page to load **/ 
        /** returns the first item of the search **/ 
        const result = await'//div[@id="1"]/h3//em').textContent(); 
        returnresult; }}Copy the code

Run the test case

npm run test  // To obtain detailed logs, add DEBUG=pw: API before running
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