I haven’t updated this series for a long time. I’ve been really busy recently.

All kinds of work are going on at a snail’s pace.

The group began technical training. The leader required full output to improve the technical level of the whole group of students.

I expressed my concern that I would become too skilled and jump ship. My boss told me that as long as you are still in training, they will not change jobs.

Leadership is leadership. There are many ways to look at things.

Therefore, I immediately started a large-scale training plan for the second half of the year. Students in the group gave various topics, and then the whole group voted.

To be honest, this topic is not the height of the general test development can be said to understand. Of course, I can basically, although most of the design mode I have only learned and not used, but for the lecture, I also have to rack my brains to think how to install in the field of automated testing, the first section is relatively successful, various algorithms and the corresponding time complexity/space complexity and other basic theories, all talked about. There was also a blind selection of Leetcode algorithm, with two different solutions. It teaches you how to think, how to do it. Design patterns here, the factory pattern, which is the simplest and most familiar, and of course the singleton pattern. How to understand and apply me and a new series of articles published in the public account. Application of factory pattern in automated testing

I teach all the lectures in two sessions, and the first time someone is bound to miss something, so they have to make up for it the second time. This ensures that everyone can hear. You can listen to it twice if you want to review it.

And some of the latest tool classes, as a good training, that is, to talk about technology and achieve the purpose of promotion. The course is roughly divided into two parts, one on how to use it and one on how to develop it. Some students learn to listen to how to use, and some more powerful people like to listen to how I develop.

What exactly are the techniques?

  1. Automatic black box test case generation assistant:


2. Test platform applets

3. Trend analysis chart of bugs and defects

And so on. More will not be a tile. Later mature, no problem in the company to use, I will open source and in this public account development tutorial. So don’t unfollow


This public account does not pull those old sesame seeds of theoretical knowledge, are solid teaching to develop some new installed X weapon, you used to raise salary or job, promotion or.


Today is busy finished this stage of the live, the next stage began to do buried point automation. This technology is definitely going to be an open source framework, perfect for Windows/Linux/MAC/and easily embedded in various UI automation frameworks like Appium, Apple/Android.


Some of the previous open source projects, such as WQRFnium, have recently received feedback that they had problems with compatibility with Windows and were fixed in seconds. There are also people who raise new needs and think ecology is good. PIP Install is available for direct download


I’m more worried about my career these days. When you hit 30, you start to worry. But as long as I hold on, I don’t think I’ll have a problem getting enough to eat.


Finally, I would like to thank the medical staff in Xinjiang. Some of my good friends are the front-line staff, who are really very hard. They constantly struggle beyond the limit and have the spirit of not fearing life and death. I hope you don’t run around and wear masks. Don’t be afraid of the heat. The medical staff were so hot that they had to stand on the street all day in their protective suits. They were so hot that their fingers were covered with sweat. Many girls even shave their heads. I hope everyone cooperate and wear masks. Don’t end up in the hospital before you’ve learned how to test and develop dry products