Quick learning
- Install the docker
- Docker installation TensorFlow
docker pull tensorflow/tensorflow:nightly-jupyter
Copy the code
- Start the Jupyter Notebook
docker run -it -p 8888:8888 tensorflow/tensorflow:nightly-jupyter
Copy the code
- Copy the link to jupyter Notebook in your browser
Problems encountered
1. Solution to slow download of docker imageuseAli Cloud container image accelerator 2. The docker run – it – p, 8888:8888 – v $(PWD) : / tf/notebooks tensorflow/tensorflow: what is the meaning of each parameter in the nightly – jupyter?
- -t causes docker to assign a dummy terminal and bind it to the container’s standard input
- -i keeps the container’s standard input open
- -p 8888:8888 Binds port 8888 of the Docker to port 8888 of the local host
- With jupyter tensorflow/tensorflow: the nightly – jupyter daily build automatically compile tensorflow version