I have been lying in a pit all night. Now I am writing an article to sum up my successful experience

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First take a look at your configuration:

1) System Win10 64bit


2) Video card 1050TI


First of all go to the www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu Tensorflow website above to view their own version requirements

It’s clearly written up here

Cuda will be released in version 10.0 and above

The drive is above 410.x

Cudnn is 7.4.1 and above

So the first thing is to look at your graphics card if I could use CUDAhttps://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus

Here to update your driver www.nvidia.com/Download/in…

It says that the drive we need is above 410.x

Pick your device and look it up and update it

(I’m going to draw a circle here for you to circle. This is very important. It’s very important to do it.

Above must look carefully carefully otherwise easy to step on the pit behind

Above must look carefully carefully otherwise easy to step on the pit behind

Above must look carefully carefully otherwise easy to step on the pit behind

After the preparations are complete, the environment installation begins

Install Anaconda & Tensorflow-GPU

Anaconda download https://www.anaconda.com/download/

According to their own needs

Once you’ve installed it

Install CUDA and cuDNN

Here to find the corresponding CUDA version download remember to the local version developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downlo…

Find Conda 10.0 here


Be careful not to choose the lite version when installing

Download it and install it

Configure environment variables. If not, configure them yourself

Check whether the installation was successful. Use this to see if the following screen appears

nvcc -V

Start installing cuDNN7.3

Here you can download cuDNN, to apply for account developer.nvidia.com/rdp/cudnn-d…

Download the files you can see after the escort, and copy these folders to

(C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v9.0)

Put these files in CUDA and rename them CUDNN

Configure variable environment

Install Tensorflow in CMD

pip install  --upgrade tensorflow-gpu

Test success

The GPU test succeeds

Here I want to thank Teacher Longlong

A full set of netease cloud classroom video link: study.163.com/course/intr…