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“Tencent WeTest”, the official one-stop quality open platform of Tencent, joined hands with the well-known testing community “TesterHome” and three financial related enterprises to bring us the financial special performance.

This activity mainly focuses on the test landing and test technology of financial companies. We hope you are a: 1. Love test technology, willing to work in the test industry. 2. Have more than 1 year effective test experience or development experience, hope to gain in the field. 3. From finance industry, working in testing, development or technical management. 4. Of course, you are also welcome to come to the scene for communication.

This activity will last for half a day. We hope that all participants will learn how to test financial companies in Guangdong together with us. Grow in communication, and bring skills and ideas that can help you and your company to the ground.

Sharon time

14:00 — 18:00, May 18, 2019

Active process

time content
13:30 – then Check in +TesterHome Mobile Community Profile
PM – passion “Interface Automation Practice” — Professor Dao
But passion – 40 Q&A
40 – he GRPC Interface Testing Sharing by McGrady
Therefore – 15:20 Q&A
15:20 – now Tea interaction
Now – who gives From APP to small program, Tencent WeTest Financial Product Testing solution sharing — Liu Yueqi
Justice – ticket, Q&A
Ticket – 17:00 Easy to remember the practice of interface automation road — Liu Yunhai
17:00 – they Q&A
And – 18:00 Round table interaction

Sharon site

Multi-function Hall, 2F, North Plaza, Tencent Building, 10000 Shennan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong

Traffic guidance:


North gate of Shenzhen University (1) : Route 338, M200, M435, High 30, etc.

Yan xiang technology building: 74,37.


It is about 1000 meters’ walk from the A3 exit of Shenda Station of Luobao Line metro Line 1

Salon registration…


The fee charged by the salon will be used for offline salon refreshments and other registered children's shoes to join TesterHome Guangdong, QQ group number: 236877480(QQ group requires you to fill in the forum ID to join) wechat group due to restrictions, more than 100 people need to be invited to join. Therefore, please add the following wechat account of TesterHome shenzhen (Kasi2014to2084). After adding friends, send the message "Hope to join Shenzhen TesterHome wechat group", and then the group owner will send an invitation link. This salon is co-organized with WeTest, and the information of participants will be sharedCopy the code