
Programming is a river’s lake, river’s lake, good and evil people mixed up, part of the river’s lake is lieutenants, a carelessly was a shot to death, we call it “code farmers”, an important part of the personnel jianghu, they bear the packing code, realize the function design of the mission, they is bit player in the river’s lake, but indispensable. They are system analysts and architects, etc. They have profound internal skills and broad vision. Every move and every move contain the thoughtful consideration of maintainability and expansibility. Of course, more part of the people, they are unwilling to the status quo, intelligent, is from the “code farmers” to the identity of the master efforts.

One, hongmeng core content master degree

See how well you know these nuggets:

  • Base environment and development tools

  • Development Tool Installation

  • Run the development tools to complete the basic configuration DevEco Studio

  • Run the first Hello World

  • Run the first page

  • Create page Feature Ability through code

  • Programming page jump

Most of the hongmeng tutorials on the market are limited to theoretical knowledge explanation, few concrete implementation scheme cases. Here xiaobian to share a “the most comprehensive most systematic Hongmeng study notes” notes take you 2 weeks to understand the core principle of hongmeng technology development problems and solutions, there is a need for this hongmeng study notes at the end of the friends see free access to the way!

Due to the excessive content of the document, in order to avoid affecting everyone’s reading experience, only part of the content is shown in screenshots here. The detailed and complete PDF version can be obtained in the group folder.

Iii. The Most Complete and Systematic Study Notes of Hongmeng

Total directory

Chapter 1 Introduction

  • Section 1 Overview of Harmony OS
  • Section 2 Developing basic knowledge
  • Section 3 Quick start

Chapter two: Development

Chapter III Equipment

Chapter 4 Tools

Chapter five, terminology

Chapter six, common problems

The last

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