What is Tencent rhinoceros bird open source talent training plan

In response to the open source strategy of the 14th Five-Year Plan of China, Tencent released the “First Tencent Rhinoceros and Bird Open Source Talent Training Plan” in May 2021. It united academic forces to create open source courses and open source practice training programs for college students, cultivate open source talents, popularize open source culture, and promote the development of open source talent ecology. The training program is divided into open source basic training, open source advanced research and open source project practice. The project involves a number of technical hot spots, such as cloud original, micro-service, container, AI, big data, front-end, Internet of Things/edge green computing. You can enroll in the online open source series of courses, in which the students selected for the open source project will be under the one-to-one guidance of the tutor, in the summer vacation to carry out programming practice.

What do we gain

I believe you will find that the information in the above paragraph is very dense. “The first Tencent Rhinoceros bird Open Source Talent training Plan” is an open source talent training plan for colleges and universities, but also for the popularization of open source culture.

The whole project also sets up different learning contents according to different grades and different stages of students.

  • Beginner of programming (freshman and sophomore)
  • Students who have some programming learning experience (can have some project development ability)
  • Student developers who are active in the open source community (students who usually put forward pull requests for various open source projects)

For beginners in programming

For beginners, the project provides “zero-based Git&GitHub Introductory video tutorial”, which enables you to contact the open source culture and community earlier. Meanwhile, Github and Git are also very commonly used project code hosting and team collaboration software. Github is the world’s largest dating site for programmers. Github is also a great place to learn how to program, with plenty of instructional documentation and open source projects. Learning to use Github and Git can help you get on the fast track.

For students who have some programming learning experience

For a certain programming learning experience of students, the project provides a “tencent open source project introduction” and “industry higher-ups sharing” video and live, let you have the opportunity to dialogue open source experts, open source to help you study further knowledge, understand the open source project to try to join the open source community and gradually transformed into a contributor, this project includes 13 tencent open source project, It involves all areas of software.

  • Artificial intelligence: Angel- High performance distributed machine learning platform, NCNN – Neural network reasoning framework, TNN- cross-platform AI reasoning framework

  • Internet of Things: TencentOS Tiny- Tencent Internet of Things operating system

  • Big Data: Apache Ozone- Distributed Universal Storage of Big Data

  • Cloud Native: TKEStack- Open source container services platform, SuperEdge- Cloud native Edge computing platform, TARS- high-performance microservices governance framework

  • Backend: TencentKona JDK, APIJSON- Back-end zero code interface and documentation ORM library, Apache InLong (original Apache TubeMQ project)

  • Front end: Hippy- cross-platform dynamic framework, OMI- front end [cross-frame] framework

For student developers active in the open source community

For student developers who are active in the open source community, you should definitely pay attention to the hands-on part of the project.

I believe that those who have participated in or understood GSOC (Google Summer of Code) or OSOC (Open Source Software Supply Chain Lighting Program) are familiar with the form of this practical project.

The practice part of the open source project is open to those who complete the application and submit proposals before June 21 & pass the screening. Each student can submit at most 3 proposals

Students selected for the open source project will have the opportunity to get the Tencent Open Source Contributor certificate in the summer vacation under the one-to-one guidance of the tutor. (Currently, only 10+ open source contributor certificates have been issued worldwide).

Tips for applying for projects

  • From understanding the project to writing and submitting the application, it is recommended that you allow more than one week. Adequate preparation and communication can increase the possibility of practical screening.

  • Keep in mind that the more detailed the technical proposal, the better it will be understood and approved by the project supervisor. Students can choose 1-3 projects according to their own interests and basis in advance. Before applying, you can communicate with your tutor by email to understand the requirements of the project and make a good impression on your tutor. (Please refer to the end of each program introduction for the contact information of each program supervisor: github.com/Tencent/Ope…

  • Carefully write the project application form (refer to the above template), such as technical proposal, time plan, project experience, express their understanding, love and willingness for the project, etc.;

  • Try to submit the application before June 20 to avoid missing the application due to the temporary discovery of problems.

Type on the blackboard to highlight (project timing)

The overall training process of “Tencent Rhinoceros bird Open Source Talent Training Plan” is as follows:


time content
On May 17th Registration began
12:00 noon on June 21st Deadline for application & deadline for submission of proposals
July 12 – mid September Students who pass the selection of the tutor will enter the practice of open source project and practice programming with the tutor
Mid-july to the end of July Students who have not entered the actual practice of the project can continue to participate in advanced open source research, and you can continue to explore the open source world with the help of super Da Jia tutor (registration is required before June 21).

How to sign up for Tencent Rhinoceros bird open source talent training plan

“2021 Tencent Rhinoceros Bird Open Source Talent Training Plan” hot registration, welcome you love open source with me to sign up, learn and grow. Website & registration entry opensource. Tencentcom/summer – of – c…