Intel and Tencent Cloud University upgrade course construction project, release version 2.0. The upgrades for AI, big data, and other areas of the core provides more abundant resources, at the same time pay more attention to strengthen the practice content, from general technical training to the cloud of actual combat, more effective to developers, and based on TI – ONE platform, tencent cloud and Intel provides more tools image, let the students will learn by theory and knowledge skills, Direct implementation of landing applications, and then more comprehensive support for cloud ecological talent training, to help the majority of developers to create an infinite future.

Tencent Cloud University is a one-stop learning and growth platform created by Tencent Cloud for cloud ecosystem users, aiming to continuously empower cloud ecosystem talents such as college students, IT practitioners (development, operation and maintenance, architecture) and commercial customers. At the same time, students through the Cloud computing and special certification system provided by Tencent Cloud Training certification Center, after the corresponding technical examination, but also can obtain the Authoritative professional certificate of Tencent cloud, better show their technical ability.

Intel Cooperation project of Tencent Cloud University is the first online learning zone jointly launched by Tencent Cloud University and leading manufacturers in the industry, aiming to help developers and Tencent cloud ecosystem users obtain technical support and achieve professional development relying on one-stop learning and growth platform and cloud computing industry chain resources. Relying on cutting-edge technologies, increasingly rich Intel image resources and practice-oriented courses, Intel Zone of Tencent Cloud University has been welcomed by developers since its launch. In less than a year, nearly 20,000 students have studied courses.

In Tencent Cloud University platform, Intel provides developers with six courses including artificial intelligence, environment deployment, featured tools, industry applications, storage and high-performance computing, covering a wide range of content including big data and AI, operating system and container, software development and optimization, HPC, video and network. From theory to practice, from technical explanation to hands-on operation, and then to industry application cases, it covers cloud technology and main application fields in an all-round way. More importantly, Intel also provides Intel’s latest software technology introduction in Tencent Cloud University platform. Developers can choose corresponding big data, AI, video and high-performance computing tool images in the cloud market, creating an easy experience on the cloud.

For further to the developer to provide quality content and more practice resources, upgrade the Intel zone after 2.0, in front of the mirror for the 15 to 19, course which increased from 35 to 44, will be more strong and assign developers to embrace the latest AI, data analysis, trend, practice and master the technical innovation of Intel’s new tools.

Provide quality content to enhance developer AI capabilities

AI technology is developing rapidly and is becoming a new driving force of social economy. Intel is committed to being the best partner in the digital transformation of the industry, offering blockbuster course resources through Tencent Cloud University. For example, such important courses as Analytics Zoo, which has zero code to migrate AI applications to production environment, and OpenVINOTM tool suite, which solves the pain points of intelligent edge development, can effectively help developers improve AI development and application level.

Specifically, Analytics Zoo is Intel’s development and the unity of the open source platform for the large data analysis and artificial intelligence, can play Intel proprietary software and hardware combined with strength, convenient data scientists and developers use based on Intel ® xeon platform cluster or a standalone, easily create end-to-end application of artificial intelligence, and deployment, It brings many benefits:

1) Integrating data production, storage, and AI capabilities into one pipeline without moving data not only improves development deployment efficiency and scalability, but also reduces the time developers spend managing hardware and learning new languages;

2) Integrate TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Spark, Flink and Ray programs into a unified pipeline, so that users only need to focus on the application and do not need to care about the framework and algorithm, so as to reduce the difficulty of AI landing;

3) In the cluster computing environment, users can use existing data and models, and only need to specify the address to implement inference or data mining;

4) AutoML can realize full-stack automation from feature selection, model selection to hyperparameter tuning. Especially, through the deep cooperation between Intel and Tencent Cloud in AutoML algorithm, users can directly develop and apply AI on Tencent cloud platform;

5) Intel xeon ® Expandable Processor integrates AI acceleration, the industry’s first third generation Intel xeon ® expandable processor with BUILT-IN BFloat16, making AI reasoning and training easier and more efficient.

And OpenVINO ™ tool suite is accelerated Intel launched a depth study of reasoning and the deployment, software package based on Intel ® platform is optimized, can effectively promote the computer vision technology from the intelligent cameras, video surveillance, robot, to in-depth application in the field of intelligent transportation, intelligent medical, etc, and obvious advantages:

1) the tool allows heterogeneous execution and supports Windows and Linux, as well as Python/C++;

2) It can enhance the function and performance of vision system by relying on Intel ® architecture processor and core integrated graphics card, FPGA and Movidius™ VPU deep learning acceleration chip, and quickly complete hardware product upgrade and algorithm transplantation without changing software;

3) MO files of pre-converted Caffe, TensorFlow and MXNet models, plus more than 20 pre-trained models;

4) You can use the basic libraries of OpenCV and OpenVX to create specific algorithms;

5) Support the second generation of Intel ® Xeon ® scalable platform, based on Intel ® AVX-512 and Intel ® DL Boost significantly improved reasoning performance.

Based on ti-One to strengthen hands-on practice, enabling AI landing application

The cooperation between Intel and Tencent Cloud is extensive and in-depth. Through the platform of Tencent Cloud University, Intel pays more attention to “practice” while sharing the knowledge of technical principles and development tools systematically through rich courses. This is also the commendable point that the two sides jointly upgrade the curriculum construction project and launch version 2.0. Ti-one, based on Tencent cloud one-stop machine learning service platform, helps developers and AI engineers experience THE whole process of AI development and deployment through hands-on operation after learning knowledge, so as to directly improve the development ability and land in the production environment to solve practical problems.

Based on this upgrade, both the above mentioned AnalyticsZoo, OpenVINOTM tool suite and other popular courses in the industry, and other content are focused on training and “practical operation” based on Tencent cloud, and detailed guidance to developers to install image tools, server configuration, complete the corresponding environment construction. Until you create your own AI applications, such as image object recognition and image layering using the OpenVINOTM tool suite.

In addition, in order to enable developers to implement AI applications in various aspects, Intel and Tencent Cloud have also carried out cooperation projects such as Analytics Zoo AutoML and OpenVINOTM tool suite to optimize THE AI capabilities of Tencent cloud platform and provide convenience for developers to apply. For example, Tencent cloud platform added options based on Intel ® Xeon ® scalable processor for users, and enriched algorithm library based on Analytics Zoo; At the same time, both sides also implemented full-stack end-to-end AutoML development to help users build and optimize AI applications more easily. In addition, Tencent Cloud also took the lead in using OpenVINOTM tool suite for optimization, which improved the reasoning performance of the platform by 1.8 times on average. Based on Intel ®DL Boost and optimization at the CPU hardware instruction set level, the inference service performance of the platform increased by another 2.4 times.

It is the tenet of the cooperation project of Intel Tencent Cloud University to help developers experience Intel’s latest platform and technology and realize cloud use through technical course explanation and application examples and practical operation. Intel’s future will continue to deepen cooperation with tencent cloud, with Intel’s latest technology, products and solutions, based on more rich, more targeted, and focused on the resource of the practical application, to help the growing AI, big data, such as application and development of personnel, carry tencent cloud TI – ONE platform, fully release Intel all “core” ability, Through the close combination of production system and data system, the threshold of AI application is lowered, the landing of AI is accelerated, and a bright future of AI innovation and application is created.