On March 10, 2019, the Spain-based Website China Policy Watch published an article titled “Anime Kingdom Japan: China — The Awakening of a new power of Anime”. In addition, we can see from this article that in recent years, China’s animation industry has been very good development. The so-called “good development” can be reflected in many aspects, the most intuitive embodiment is that the market size of China’s animation industry has entered the level of 100 billion, officially ushering in the “golden era” of the animation industry.

Statistics released by The Qianzhan Industry Research Institute show that as of 2017, the total output value of China’s animation industry broke 150 billion yuan, reaching 153.6 billion yuan. According to the rapid growth of the animation industry in the market in recent years, it is expected that by 2020, the total output value of China’s animation industry will reach more than 200 billion yuan.

Affected by these increasing data, China’s animation industry is increasingly concerned by the market. The market is a lot of animation platform, such as quick look cartoon, Tencent cartoon, demonic cartoon, Dong Man, look cartoon, cartoon home, netease cartoon and so on. Today, we are going to say is called “China’s largest Internet animation platform” Tencent animation.

Flow power below, Tencent animation industry giant nurturance record

Speaking of Tencent animation, its name in the market is not small, but compared with the established animation platform such as animated Home founded in 2005 and Demonic cartoon founded in 2006, Tencent animation founded in 2012 is still relatively young. Even so, its position in the market cannot be ignored. Only a few years, Tencent animation with rich content, huge user flow and other congenital advantages, broke out of their own world.

For online platforms, traffic is crucial. Traffic may not bring success to an enterprise, but without traffic, it will not succeed. In The Chinese market, it is easy to think of Tencent, whose successful layout in social networking, games, short videos, novels and other fields gives it a large amount of traffic resources. These bring great convenience to Tencent animation, Tencent animation can easily introduce a large number of traffic users.

Of course, content is also crucial to the platform, and in content, Tencent animation has enough confidence. On the one hand, Tencent’s China Literature Group makes its useful script to create animation works, Tencent animation has brought many potential users; Second, Tencent Animation actively introduced Japanese comics, and cooperated with well-known Japanese publishing houses such as Kodansha, Jiyingsha, Baiquan, and Primary School. The introduction of Japanese comics not only brings back memories of people, but also brings many loyal users. Third, games and animation have never been separated, Tencent’s achievements in games can also be used in animation, whether it is operation or adaptation.

In addition, Tencent animation on the original author of the strong support for the platform to bring rich quality content. In order to be able to roll out more high-quality original content, Tencent animation on the subsidies to the original author, it can be said is a thousand dollars. It is reported that In 2015, Tencent invested 300 million yuan to establish juxing Fund, which gives great support to original animation creators and studios. Increase the income of authors on the platform, thus stimulating authors to create better works.

With innate advantages and acquired efforts, Tencent animation has achieved good results in the market. According to the data released by Tencent Animation, in 2017, the monthly active users of Tencent animation have exceeded 120 million, the number of signed authors is no less than 700, the platform has more than 50,000 animation works, and the paid reading share is more than 80 million yuan, an increase of 160% year-on-year…

As Tencent animation to market layout strength increase, these data will be further promoted. And these can not only let Tencent animation a firm foothold in the market, but also make it become an industry giant. At present, Tencent Animation is considered to be the largest online animation platform in China with the largest number of licensed Japanese animation works, the largest number of contracted authors and the largest number of licensed animation works.

Nevertheless, Tencent animation still has many powerless places on the market.

About Tencent animation, there is a bit “bereavement” have to say

Tencent animation in the market position is high, this is no doubt, but this does not mean that in the “upper circle” Tencent animation can be no scruples, recklessly. There are many online animation platforms in the market, some of which have been promoted from the “lower circle” to the “upper circle”, and as the platform of the “upper circle”, there is also the danger of being pulled out of the circle. Tencent animation although the development is still stable, but in other home are in rapid progress and the market is constantly changing under the circumstances, Tencent animation risk is also increasing.

According to QuestMobile’s 2019 Spring Festival Report released on February 26, Kuaikan comics ranked first in the industry with 10.25 million daily live entries, followed by Unwave Planet with 4.26 million daily live entries and Weibo Animation with 3.29 million daily live entries. Tencent Animation, which had been in second place in the market, dropped out of the list. This is not good news for Tencent animation.

Part of the reason for this is that it is a disaster. Tencent launched the fluctuation planet for Tencent animation, is like a “vampire” general existence. Planet Wave not only sucked away QQ social traffic, Tencent animation works content, Planet Wave also basically have. Tencent this wave of operation, greatly holding the fluctuations of the planet, reduce the Tencent animation layout strength of the meaning, Tencent animation is very unfavorable.

Bilibili comics, which was just launched in November 2018, attracted many Japanese comics core fans based on the attributes of B station itself (when it comes to B station, it will think of quadratic yuan, and when it comes to quadratic yuan, it will think of Japanese comic). Unfortunately, Tencent animation rise of the core users, is Japan diffuse users. The launch of Bilibili comics, to some extent, weakens Tencent’s appeal to Japanese manga users.

Moreover, Tencent animation in the animation market in the monthly average active users and other aspects of the cartoon has been a quick look at the cartoon pressure, so that it has a “industry second” meaning. And Tencent comics will be slightly inferior to look at comics one, the main reason I’m afraid is its too “dull”, and look at comics is its own school, more “interesting” some. Compared with Tencent animation content works of long, quick look comic content works short and delicate, especially suitable for fragmentation reading more serious today.

There is the current animation market is not as prosperous as in previous years. Before that, there was A joke on the Internet about the status quo of China’s cartoon industry: A platform sold, B platform sold, C platform also want to sell, D platform when to sell, E platform to sell to whom, F platform went to sea, G platform themselves play quite high, H platform ready to take over. Below the circumstance of environment depression, Tencent animation is also affected more or less.

In addition, Tencent animation is its own existence of some models, some inhuman. For example, when users read a work, the platform will start to charge from a certain chapter and charge for each chapter. However, the content of each chapter is too small, only a few pictures and a few sentences, and the fee is high but the content displayed is not enough. If you don’t want to pay, you have to wait, and you have to wait 24 hours to unlock the next chapter. This kind of reading experience has greatly eroded the user’s interest value, and will also affect the subsequent development of the platform.

Too “insipid” Tencent animation how to jump out of the siege?

Although the manga market is in a slump, it is true that the size of the animation market is growing year by year. This explains why, in recent years, more and more people enter the industry. Now, in China’s animation market, when it comes to animation, Tencent animation has to be mentioned. Now, Tencent animation in a high position, although it is facing a lot of difficulties (or internal force, or external pressure), but it is not impossible to return to the peak of the market or to a higher peak.

For some enterprise platforms, too much pursuit of “bland”, slow development is not a long-term solution. The market is new and old, in the early stage, enterprises to maintain stable development in the market, but some insurance. But later on, if the environment changes or the enterprise platform starts to show more problems, then something “different” will do. Tencent animation is now such a situation.

User experience is crucial for any enterprise or platform, especially in animation platform. Tencent animation has a wealth of content works, which may make it a little proud, its reading mode to bring users more and more poor experience. In the long run, it may not be easy for the platform to establish a good reputation. Poor user experience and lower expectations for the platform will not only lead to the loss of original users, but also many potential users.

From this, Tencent animation in user experience also need to be treated strictly. It’s not about getting rid of content payments or waiting times, but it’s about optimizing these models so that users are willing to pay and wait without complaining. For example, in addition to appropriately increasing the display content and shortening the waiting time for unlocking, other ways (activities, etc.) can also be used to increase the opportunity for users to unlock the next chapter, which will not only increase the usage time of users on the platform, but also improve the value of users’ expectations for the platform.

In a word, at present, the scale of China’s animation market has been very large, more and more people into the game. As a member of the industry “general”, Tencent animation in the market overall performance is good, has become an indispensable part of China’s animation market. At the same time, due to the influence of internal and external factors, Tencent animation is difficult to move forward quickly, only to optimize themselves, “refinement” and user experience and other aspects, Tencent animation can jump out of the siege, climb the next peak.

Article/Liu Kuang public number, ID: Liukuang110, this article first kuang Venture capital network