Email should be one of the must-have extensions to your website, sign up for verification, forget your password, or send marketing messages to users.

I. Mail protocol

In the process of sending and receiving emails, you need to comply with the following protocols:

  1. Protocol for sending E-mail:SMTP;
  2. Protocol for receiving E-mail:POP3andIMAP.

1.1 what isSMTP?

SMTP is the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). It is a set of specifications for transferring mails from source addresses to destination addresses to control the Transfer mode of mails. SMTP authentication requires users to provide an account and password to log in to the server, which is designed to prevent users from being invaded by spam.

1.2 what isIMAP?

The Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) allows users to obtain and download mail information from mail servers. IMAP, like POP, is a mail retrieval protocol.

1.3 what isPOP3?

POP3 is short for Post Office Protocol 3 (Post Office Protocol 3). POP3 allows clients to remotely manage emails on servers. POP3 is often used for offline mail processing, which allows clients to download server messages and then the messages on the server will be deleted. At present, many POP3 mail servers only provide the function of downloading mail, the server itself does not delete mail, this is an improved version of the POP3 protocol.

1.4 IMAPandPOP3What’s the difference in the protocol?

The biggest difference between the two is that IMAP allows bidirectional communication. That is, operations performed on the client side are reported back to the server. For example, operations such as receiving emails or marking read on the client side are synchronized by the server. Although POP protocol also allows the client to download server mail, but the operations on the client side will not be synchronized to the server above, such as receiving or marking read mail on the client side, the server will not synchronize these operations.

2. Initial configuration

2.1 Enabling the Mail Service

This article only takes QQ mailbox and 163 mailbox as examples.

  1. QQMailbox Open the mail service document
  2. 163Mailbox Open the mail service document

2.2 pom.xml

Normally we would use JavaMail apis to write code for sending emails, but Spring Boot now provides a package that is much easier to use.

  1. spring-boot-starter-mail:Spring BootMail service;
  2. spring-boot-starter-thymeleafUse:ThymeleafCreate email templates.
<! - the test package -- -- >
<! --mail -->
<! Create a mail template with Thymeleaf -->

<! -- lombok -->
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2.3 application.yml

The spring-boot-starter-mail configuration is provided by the MailProperties configuration class.

The configuration is slightly different for different mailboxes. The following is the configuration of QQ mailbox and 163 mailbox.

server: port: 8081 #spring: # mail: # # # QQ email host: # # email account # username: [email protected] # # email authorization code (not password) # password: password # default-encoding: UTF-8 # properties: # mail: # smtp: # auth: true # starttls: # enable: true # required: true spring: mail: # 163 mailbox 516 host: # email account username: [email protected] # email authorization code password: password default-encoding: UTF-8 properties: mail: smtp: auth: true starttls: enable: true required: trueCopy the code

2.4 Mail Information

To save the message subject, message content and other information when sending a message

public class Mail {
    /** * Email id */
    private String id;
    /** * Email sender */
    private String sender;
    /** * Email recipients (multiple email addresses are separated by commas (",") */
    private String receiver;
    /** * Email subject */
    private String subject;
    /** * Email content */
    private String text;
    /** * Attachment/file address */
    private String filePath;
    /** * Attachment/file name */
    private String fileName;
    /** * Whether there is an attachment (default no) */
    private Boolean isTemplate = false;
    /** * Template name */
    private String emailTemplateName;
    /** * Template content */
    private Context emailTemplateContext;

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Three, the realization of sending emails

3.1 Checking the entered Mail configuration

Verify email recipient, email subject, and email content

private void checkMail(Mail mail) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mail.getReceiver())) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Mail addressee cannot be empty.");
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mail.getSubject())) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Email subject cannot be empty");
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mail.getText()) && null == mail.getEmailTemplateContext()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Email content cannot be empty."); }}Copy the code

3.2 Saving Emails to the database

After the mail is sent, the mail is saved to the database for collecting statistics and tracing mail problems.

private Mail saveMail(Mail mail) {
    // ToDO send success/failure synchronize mail information to database
    return mail;
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3.3 Sending Emails

  • Send plain text messages
public void sendSimpleMail(Mail mail){
    SimpleMailMessage mailMessage = new SimpleMailMessage();
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  • Send mail and carry attachments
public void sendAttachmentsMail(Mail mail) throws MessagingException {
    MimeMessage mimeMessage = mailSender.createMimeMessage();
    MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(mimeMessage, true);
    File file = new File(mail.getFilePath());
    helper.addAttachment(file.getName(), file);
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  • Send template email
public void sendTemplateMail(Mail mail) throws MessagingException {
    // templateEngine replaces dynamic parameters to produce the final HTML
    String emailContent = templateEngine.process(mail.getEmailTemplateName(), mail.getEmailTemplateContext());

    MimeMessage mimeMessage = mailSender.createMimeMessage();

    MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(mimeMessage, true);
    helper.setText(emailContent, true);
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4. Test and optimization

4.1 Unit Test

  1. When testing attachment mail, the attachment is placedstaticUnder the folder;
  2. When testing the template email, the template is placed infileUnder the folder.
public class MailServiceTest {

    MailService mailService;
    /** * Send plain text message */
    public void sendSimpleMail(a) {
        Mail mail = new Mail();
// mail.setReceiver("[email protected]");
        mail.setReceiver("[email protected]");
        mail.setSubject("Test simple mail");
        mail.setText("Test simple content");

    /** ** Send mail and bring attachments */
    public void sendAttachmentsMail(a) throws MessagingException {
        Mail mail = new Mail();
// mail.setReceiver("[email protected]");
        mail.setReceiver("[email protected]");
        mail.setSubject("Test attachment mail");
        mail.setText("Contents of the Attached Mail");

    /** * Test template email */
    public void sendTemplateMail(a) throws MessagingException {
        Mail mail = new Mail();
// mail.setReceiver("[email protected]");
        mail.setReceiver("[email protected]");
        mail.setSubject("Test Template Email");
        // Create template body
        Context context = new Context();
        // Set the template parameters to be replaced
        // Template name (templates are in the templates directory)
        mail.setEmailTemplateName("emailTemplate"); mailService.sendTemplateMail(mail); }}Copy the code

4.2 optimization

Since there are cc/BCC requirements for sending mail, we encapsulate an entity and utility class to make it easy to call the mail service directly.

  • Mail message class
public class MailDomain {
    /** * Email id */
    private String id;
    /** * Email sender */
    private String sender;
    /** * Email recipients (multiple email addresses are separated by commas (",") */
    private String receiver;
    /** * Email subject */
    private String subject;
    /** * Email content */
    private String text;

    /** * cc (multiple mailboxes are separated by commas ",") */
    private String cc;
    /** * encryption (multiple mailboxes are separated by commas (,") */
    private String bcc;
    /** * Attachment/file address */
    private String filePath;
    /** * Attachment/file name */
    private String fileName;
    /** * Whether there is an attachment (default no) */
    private Boolean isTemplate = false;
    /** * Template name */
    private String emailTemplateName;
    /** * Template content */
    private Context emailTemplateContext;
    /** * Send time (future send time can be specified) */
    private Date sentDate;
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  • Mail tool class
public class EmailUtil {

    private JavaMailSender mailSender;

    TemplateEngine templateEngine;

    private String sender;

    /** * Build the complex mail message class *@param mail
     * @throws MessagingException
    public void sendMail(MailDomain mail) throws MessagingException {

        //true: complex types are supported
        MimeMessageHelper messageHelper = new MimeMessageHelper(mailSender.createMimeMessage(), true);
        // The mail sender reads from the configuration item
        // The sender of the email
        // The recipient of the email
        // The subject of the message
        // The content of the email
        if (mail.getIsTemplate()) {
            // templateEngine replaces dynamic parameters to produce the final HTML
            String emailContent = templateEngine.process(mail.getEmailTemplateName(), mail.getEmailTemplateContext());
            messageHelper.setText(emailContent, true);
        }else {
        / / cc
        if(! StringUtils.isEmpty(mail.getCc())) { messageHelper.setCc(mail.getCc().split(","));
        / / send
        if(! StringUtils.isEmpty(mail.getBcc())) { messageHelper.setCc(mail.getBcc().split(","));
        // Add mail attachments
        if(mail.getFilePath() ! =null) {
            File file = new File(mail.getFilePath());
            messageHelper.addAttachment(file.getName(), file);
        // Send time
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mail.getSentDate())) {
        // Officially send the email

    /** * Detect mail messages *@param mail
    private void checkMail(MailDomain mail) {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mail.getReceiver())) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Mail addressee cannot be empty.");
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mail.getSubject())) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Email subject cannot be empty");
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mail.getText()) && null == mail.getEmailTemplateContext()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Email content cannot be empty."); }}/** * Save the message to the database *@param mail
     * @return* /
    private MailDomain saveMail(MailDomain mail) {
        // ToDO send success/failure synchronize mail information to database
        returnmail; }}Copy the code

See the Github sample code for details, which I won’t post here.

Five, summary and extension

5.1 Asynchronous Sending

Most of the time, mail delivery is not an outcome that our main business must care about, such as notification class, notification class business can allow delay or failure. At this time, asynchronous mail can be sent to speed up the execution of the main transaction. In the actual project, MQ mail sending parameters can be used to monitor the message queue and start sending mail.

5.2 Sending Failure

There are always mail sending failures due to various reasons, such as too frequent mail sending and network exceptions. In this case, we generally consider sending the email again, which can be divided into the following steps to achieve:

  1. After receiving the request to send mail, first record the request and put it into the database;
  2. Call the mail sending interface to send mail, and record the sending result into the database;
  3. During the period when periodic system scanning is started, the system fails to send messages and the number of retries is smaller than the number of retries3To send the message again.

5.3 Other Questions

Mail port problems and attachment size problems.

5.4 Sample code address

  • Github sample code

  • Spring Boot series articles, welcome to pay attention to the dust blog!

5.5 Technical Exchange

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