
Ranorex is a GUI automation testing framework for Windows platforms that can test desktop, Web and mobile applications, including Web 2.0 applications, Win32, MFC, WPF, Flash/Flex,.NET and Java (SWT). Ranorex provides innovative software test automation solutions that allow users to generate and write C#,VB.NET test code in the Ranorex editor.


MongoDB is a distributed file storage database written by C++, aiming to provide scalable high-performance data storage solutions for WEB applications. As a product between relational database and non-relational database, Mongo has the characteristics of high performance, easy deployment, easy use, convenient storage data and so on.


Rancher LABS has built innovative open source software that makes it easy to deploy and manage containers on any infrastructure. They enable organizations to accelerate every aspect of their software development pipeline, from writing and testing code to running complex microservices-based applications.


Chef is an automatic server configuration management tool, which can implement automatic configuration of managed objects, such as system management, software installation, etc. Chef consists of three main components: Chef Server, Chef Workstation and Chef Node.


AppViewX is a global leader in managing, automating and orchestrating web services from Brownfield and Greenfield data centers. The AppViewX platform helps Network operations (NetOps) adapt to technical and process requirements. Free AppViewX allows users to experience the power of enterprise-level automation and service choreography with the click of a button.


Puppet provides a platform for automated delivery and manipulation of the software that powers everything around us. Users leverage Puppet’s open source and commercial solutions, adopt DevOps practices situational awareness and drive software change.


As the leading open source automation server, Jenkins is a DevOps tool for monitoring the execution of repetitive jobs. This extensible automation engine makes it easier for DevOps teams to integrate project changes and access output for quick problem identification.


HashiCorp provides organizations with the ability to feed, secure, and run any infrastructure for any application, including tools such as Vagrant, Packer, Terraform, Vault, Nomad, and Consul. Vagrant, in particular, helps DevOps teams create and configure lightweight, replicable, and portable development environments.


Prometheus is an open source service monitoring system and time series database that drives metrics and alerts for DevOps teams. Prometheus was particularly popular with teams using grafting.


CFEngine is an industry leader in the automation of large-scale, software-defined IT infrastructures. It helps It organizations become more productive in the face of growing demand and resource constraints. With CFEngine, IT organizations provide new services that are faster while providing continued availability and security compliance.


This article is translated from Dzone.com

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