1 Omnigraffle + Ultimate iPhone Stencil

Omnigraffle is a powerful Microsoft Viso-like software that runs only on Mac OS X and the iPad. It won an Apple Design Award in 2002. Here you can download the Ultimate iPhone Stencil and use Omnigraffle to create the demo interface for your iPhone app very quickly.

2 Glyphish Icons

You can probably see from the ICONS above that Flipboard and Twitter apps on iOS use some of these ICONS. Yes, these little ICONS are very helpful for your development.

3 teehan + lax iPhone 4 GUI PSD

Teehan + Lax is a Da1L1 provider based in Toronto, Canada. They often publish some of their own resources for internal use, and the iPhone 4 GUI PSD is one of them. This is a PSD resource file that includes iPhone 4 UI view controls and general UI components. It’s free for you to download.

4 71 Squared

If you want to develop games for the iPhone, check out 71 Squared for resources and tutorials that will help you build iPhone games from scratch. Have you ever heard of Tiny Wings, a beautiful and hugely successful game developed by Andreas Illiger? Andreas learned his development from this site. The resources on this website are so rich that you can’t miss it.

5 Charles

If you want your application to make an HTTP request and debug it through an emulator, this can be difficult. Charles is one of the great tools that allows you to see all the requests that you have to interact with the Internet. This invaluable tool allows you to save a tremendous amount of time debugging your application.

6 Stanford University iPhone Development Lectures

Stanford University iPhone Development course, this is probably the iOS open bible class, you can download from iTunes U, of course, every major portal also has this video, there are Chinese subtitles.

7 ASIHTTPRequest

Like Charles, ASIHTTPRequest is a powerful wrapper constructed by the CFNetwork API. If you want to call a Web API from your iPhone, ASIHTTPRequest will definitely save you a lot of trouble. The documentation for this thing is extremely good and has thousands of useful features covering almost everything, such as PUT, DELETE, GET, and POST.

8 Stack Overflow

Let’s not talk about Stack Overflow. I personally think it’s the best place in the world to ask questions, even if you don’t ask them, you just go and look them up, and you’ll see a bunch of questions that have already been asked. Deepening awareness through questions is an advanced thing to do. In front of Stakeholder overflow, CSDN, IT-pub, etc., domestic tech solution sites are worth nothing.

9 MBProgressHUD

MBProgressHUD is an alternative to UIProgressHUD UIKit without documents. This is used to show an indicator that is being downloaded. It’s easy to use, well documented, and you can integrate it into your application in a matter of minutes. You can check it out at Github Repository. The author claims that 99% of his apps use it.

10 Apple Documentation

The last resource, and one of the best, is Apple Documentation, with sample code, videos, and class references that you can’t live without during development. Before you go to Stack Overflow and Google, you should check this document first.