Create a User model class create a form component page test summary reference
Forms were covered in Angular Learning part 1, but that was a basic demonstration. Later, we learned about template-driven forms, so we considered refactoring the form example to make it more relevant to the application.
According to the knowledge content of template-driven forms on the official website, we rebuilt the personnel registration form, which is mainly divided into the following steps:
- Create the Uuser model class
- Create a component that controls this form
- Create a template with an initial form layout.
- use
The two-way data binding syntax binds data properties to each form input control. - Add to each form input control
Attributes (attribute). - Add custom CSS to provide visual feedback.
- Displays and hides validation error messages.
- Use ngSubmit to handle form submission.
- Disable the submit button for this form until the form is valid.
Create the User model class
Use the Angular CLI command ng g class to generate a new class named Uuer:
ng g class model/uuer
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As follows:
export class Uuser {
public name: string.
public sex: string.
public city: string.
public hobbies: any[],
public remark: string
) {
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This class contains five main attributes: name, gender, city, hobby, and remarks. There are multiple hobbies, so they’re represented by arrays.
Create a form component
Use the Angular CLI command ng g component to generate a new component named UserForm:
ng g component components/userForm
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Because template-driven forms reside in their own modules, you need to add The FormsModule to the application module’s imports array before using the forms. Make changes to app.module.ts:
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
imports: [
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There are two changes
- The import
. - the
Added to thengModule
The decoratorimports
List, so that the application can access all features of template-driven forms, includingngModel
As for the analysis of the form content, the official document is very detailed. Here, I only analyze the difficulties in this case, and you can read the official document for other details.
user-form.component.html is as follows:
<h2>Personnel registration system</h2>
<div class="container">
<div [hidden] ="submitted">
<form (ngSubmit) ="onSubmit()" #form="ngForm">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="name">name</label>
<input class="form-control" id="name" type="text" required name="name" [(ngModel)] ="" #name="ngModel">
<span [hidden] ="name.valid || name.pristine" class="alert alert-danger">Name is required</span>
<div class="form-group">
<label>Sex don't</label>
<div class="radio-inline">
<input type="radio" value="Male" name="sex" id="man" [(ngModel)] ="" > <label for="man">male</label>
<div class="radio-inline">
<input type="radio" value="Female" name="sex" id="woman" [(ngModel)] ="" > <label for="woman">female</label>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="city">city</label>
<select class="form-control" id="city" required name="city" [(ngModel)] ="" #city="ngModel">
<option *ngFor="let ct of cities" [value] ="ct">{{ct}}</option>
<span [hidden] ="city.valid || city.pristine" class="alert alert-danger">City is required</span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="hobby">Love is good</label>
<span *ngFor="let item of user.hobbies; let key=index" class="checkbox-inline">
<input type="checkbox" [id] ="'check'+key" [(ngModel)] ="item.status" [name] ="'check'+key"><label [for] ="'check'+key">{{item.title}}</label>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="remark">For note</label>
<textarea class="form-control" id="remark" type="text" required name="remark" [(ngModel)] ="user.remark" #remark="ngModel"></textarea>
<span [hidden] ="remark.valid || remark.pristine" class="alert alert-danger">remark is required</span>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" [disabled] =! "" form.valid">Submit</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" (click) ="newUser(); form.reset()">New User</button>
<div [hidden] =! "" submitted">
<h2>You submitted the following:</h2>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-3">name</div>
<div class="col-xs-9">{{ }}</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-3">Sex don't</div>
<div class="col-xs-9">{{ }}</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-3">city</div>
<div class="col-xs-9">{{ }}</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-3">Love is good</div>
<div class="col-xs-9">
<span *ngFor="let item of user.hobbies">
<span *ngIf="item.status == 1">{{item.title}}</span>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-3">For note</div>
<div class="col-xs-9">{{ user.remark }}</div>
<button class="btn btn-primary" (click) ="submitted=false">Edit</button>
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Compared with the case in the official document, the case in this paper adds the application of single select box and multiple select box, especially the multiple select box. Considering the two-way binding of data, the user. Hobbies property must be initialized.
user-form.component.ts is as follows:
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Uuser } from '.. /.. /model/uuser';
selector: 'app-user-form'.
templateUrl: './user-form.component.html'.
styleUrls: ['./user-form.component.css']
export class UserFormComponent implements OnInit {
submitted = false;
cities = ['Beijing'.'Shanghai'.'guangzhou'.'shenzhen'.'hangzhou'.'wuhan'.'chengdu'];
hobbies = ['singing'.'dancing'.'running'.The 'fitness'.'swimming'];
user = new Uuser(' '.'male'.this.cities[1], [], ' ');
constructor() {}
ngOnInit(): void {
// Each User object initializes the Hobby property, except that the status value defaults to 0, which is modified by the foreground check
setHobbies() {
// tslint:disable-next-line: prefer-for-of
for (let i = 0; i < this.hobbies.length; i++) {
title: this.hobbies[i],
status: 0
onSubmit() {
this.submitted = true;
newUser() {
this.user = new Uuser(' '.' '.' '[],' ');
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Some changes have been made to the CSS style of the form to make it more visually appealing.
The first is styles.css, which introduces the Bootstrap style to optimize the overall frame display of the form.
@import url('');
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The second is ponent. CSS
text-align: center;
.ng-valid[required] {
border-left: 5px solid #42A948; /* green */
.ng-invalid:not(form) {
border-left: 5px solid #a94442; /* red */
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You can add a colored vertical bar on the left side of the input box. When you enter valid content in the required field, the left side of the input box will turn green. Otherwise, it will be regarded as invalid and turn red.
Test page
To verify the above code, first go through the logical process.
Firstly, maintain a person’s basic information. Click the Submit button to Submit the form, which means jump to the page for viewing personnel information. Then click the Exit button to return to the page for maintaining personnel. If you submit the form again, you can jump to the personnel information viewing page.
During the test, it can be found that when the required items are not filled in, the Submit button is always gray, that is, it cannot be clicked to Submit. This is an effective verification of the whole form, which is also necessary in practical application.
One thing to note about gender checkboxes: Normally we set the default value of the checkbox to checked, but since two-way data binding is used in the current case, this property does not work, so we must set the default value of to make the checkbox default.
From the point of view of bidirectional data binding, it is impossible to add data to user.hobbies. The checkbox only changes the state value, so a setHobbies method will be added to user-form.component.ts file.
This article optimizes the use of Angular forms, leveraging framework features to support data modification, validation, and more:
- Angular HTML form template.
- with
Decorator form component class. - By binding to
Event property to handle form submission. - The template references variables, for example
. [(ngModel)]
The syntax is used to implement two-way data
Attributes are used for validation and tracking changes to form elements.- On a reference variable to the input control
Property that can be used to check whether the control is valid and to show/hide error messages. - By binding to
The effectiveness of state controlSubmitThe disabled state of the button. - Customize CSS classes to give users visual feedback on invalid controls.
The official documentation