Teleport2.0 implements a new Golang TCP Socket framework, which is versatile, efficient and flexible! It can be used in peer-to-peer communication, RPC, long connection gateway, micro service, push service, game service and other fields.

Characteristics of 1.

  • Peer communication between the server and the client, and the API methods are basically the same

  • The underlying communication packet consists of Header and Body

  • Support for separate custom Header and Body encoding types, such as JSON Protobuf

  • Body supports GZIP compression

  • The Header contains the status code and its description text

  • Supports push, pull, reply and other communication modes

  • Support plug-in mechanism, you can customize authentication, heartbeat, microservice registry, statistics plug-in, etc

  • Both servers and clients can be gracefully restarted or shut down

  • Supports the reverse proxy function

  • The detailed log information supports the printing of detailed information about the input and output messages (status code, message header, and message body).

  • You can set alarm thresholds for slow operations

  • The underlying connection uses I/O buffers

  • Communication between endpoints uses I/O multiplexing


AB Testing 1: [Mac 4CPU 8GB] [single-process single-conn] teleport: QPS 37550

AB Testing 2: [Mac 4CPU 8GB] [single-process single-conn] teleport/socket: QPS 55419

2. The architecture

2.1 Name Description

  • Peer: indicates the communication endpoint, which can be a client or client

  • Session: Connects the Session, including push, pull, reply, and close operations

  • Context: Processes received or sent packets

  • Pull-launch: pulls data from the Peer

  • Pull-handle: processes and replies Pull requests of the Peer

  • Push-launch: pushes data to the Peer

  • Push-handle: Handles peer Push

  • Router: Indicates that the Handler registers routes

2.2 Execution Layers

Peer -> Connection -> Socket -> Session -> ContextCopy the code

2.3 the packet

HeaderLength | HeaderCodecId | Header | BodyLength | BodyCodecId | BodyCopy the code


  • HeaderLength: uint32, 4 bytes, big endian

  • BodyLength: uint32, 4 bytes, big endian

  • HeaderCodecId: uint8, 1 byte

  • BodyCodecId: uint8, 1 byte

type Packet struct {
    // HeaderCodec header codec name
    HeaderCodec string `json:"header_codec"`
    // BodyCodec body codec name
    BodyCodec string `json:"body_codec"`
    // header content
    Header *Header `json:"header"`
    // body content
    Body interface{} `json:"body"`
    // header length
    HeaderLength int64 `json:"header_length"`
    // body length
    BodyLength int64 `json:"body_length"`
    // HeaderLength + BodyLength
    Length int64 `json:"length"`
}Copy the code

2.4 header information

type Header struct {
    // Packet id
    Id string
    // Service type
    Type int32
    // Service URI
    Uri string
    // Body encoding type
    Gzip int32
    // As reply, it indicates the service status code
    StatusCode int32
    // As reply, it indicates the service status text
    Status string
}Copy the code

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