Small make up recommend

Bytedance applies Flutter in this way

“Especially with the disruptive innovation of Flutter, we in the software industry always need someone who can challenge us. At Bytedance, both our Flutter team and many of the business teams we serve are actively experimenting and investing in new technologies — and this has really made our development more efficient.”

Compile Vue SFC to X

The freelancer Huo Chunyang, a member of the Vue. Js core team, gave us the keynote speech “Compiling Vue SFC into X”.

Sparkplug: A non-optimizing JavaScript compiler

“V8 has a new super-fast non-Optimising compiler, It’s already available in V8 V9.1 behind the, which improves V8 performance on real-world benchmarks by 5-15% Sparkplug Flag, and we’ll be rolling it out in Chrome with the release of M91.”

Technology practice

The Ultimate guide to React Performance Optimization

React source code, combined with the specific business, the use of three principles for surgical optimization of the system. React Profiler can help you identify performance bottlenecks.

How do I use JS to detect whether the user has scaled the page?

Several methods are introduced to detect whether the user has scaled the page.

Offline package design practices

Summary of offline package solutions.


Use CSS -* specifications to improve website accessibility and robustness

“Page we need progressive enhancement, using a variety of new and fancy features, add the various cool effect. At the same time, also want to consider the user experience of some low-end models, considering the part of the use of people with disabilities, or respect for the user’s personalized configuration. Based on this, the CSS specification put forward a series of beneficial properties, Personalized configurations for users to improve accessibility and robustness.”

After doing this activity, I feel that I have become a master of vertical typesetting

Summary of practice on vertical typesetting.

25 Years of CSS

“And it all kicked off 25 years ago this month in a conference room in Paris, May 7th, What a journey it’s been. I wonder now, in the latter half of my life, What CSS  — what the Web itself  — will look like in another 25 years.”

Develop reading

The underlying principles of Node.js

“The topic to be shared is the underlying principle of Node.js. Under the trend of big front-end, Node.js not only expands the scope of front-end technology, but also plays an increasingly important role. Only by deeply understanding and understanding the underlying principle of technology can we better empower the business.”

According to the TypeScript?

This article is translated from TypeScript Team member Orta’s personal blog, Understanding TypeScript’s Popularity.

Core Web Vitals and business implications

“Website performance is an ongoing pursuit, not an end point.”

Thinking about robustness

“Building system robustness is not something that can be done overnight. It’s about maintaining ingenuity, accumulating experience and learning.”