Happy New Year! I wish all the readers a happy New Year, a happy New Year, and leave work early.

PS: It’s closed next week

The editors recommend

Why is WebAssembly the future of the Web?

This article is intended to provide a quick start and in-depth sharing for those of you who are interested in learning about WebAssembly, but haven’t had the time to explore its boundaries. Hopefully, this article will provide you with an interesting guide on your way to learning About WebAssembly.

Deno 2021 Review: Deno kernel optimization, Node.js compatibility, Deno 2 roadmap is coming

Recently, Deno’s official blog provides a review of the major events and new changes that have taken place in the past year of 2021. As the year of Deno’s first investment, 2021 saw strong and sustained growth in 10 areas: 44 releases (11 minor, 33 patches), landing key features, numerous bug fixes, and significant optimizations in terms of performance.

Advanced exploration

Popular science article: Common garbage collection algorithm and JS GC principle

During the running of the program, new memory is allocated for the process almost all the time, but the memory space of the computer is always limited, and there is always a time when the memory space is full, so we need to carry out garbage collection to release the memory space.

Best practices for front-end development debugging

As a front-end engineer, no matter in the development or online environment, browser or Node, mobile terminal or PC terminal, I often encounter some bugs, so how to quickly locate and solve the problems, the author prepared a front-end debugging guide for your reference.

Foreign language selection

Becoming a Better Writer in Tech

In this article, we cover:

  • The importance of writing for software engineers, engineering managers, and executives.
  • The process of writing well. Editing approaches to make your writing crisper and getting feedback on your writing.
  • Improving how you write. Observing and copying great writing. Habits to build your writing muscle. Continuous learning: courses, books, and tools to boost your writing.

How open source is supporting NASA’s new eyes in space

Just last month, We saw the long-liftoff of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). We wanted to take a moment to celebrate NASA’s achievement and all the agencies involved, but also to take a step back and reflect on how open source has gradually become a key partner to scientists and astronomers alike.

Stop paying tech debts, start maintaining code

I want to provide a frame shift on tech debt. I use frame shift as a way to say stop using the term Tech Debt! I also want to break down some meaningful, practical, day-to-day ways to discuss and practice software maintenance.

Practice & Application

Modern CSS color guide

Colors are everywhere in CSS. They can be used as text, backgrounds, shadows, tables, borders, links, and more. Most of the colors we use in CSS are HEX and RGB, but there are many more encoding options that can be extended: HSL, HWB, LAB, LCH, etc.

Analyses the FormData

FormData provides a key/value construct to represent FormData. FormData is a data type specifically tailored for forms. It is much more powerful than application/json, for example, it can be used in file upload scenarios. Also mount the window object directly for easy use.

JavaScript advanced Syntax you can’t miss (Iterator, Generator)

This article summarizes the key knowledge points of iterators and generators, including protocols, asynchronous processing schemes, etc., suitable for beginners to learn.