The second phase of Byte Youth Camp – winter vacation front field registration countdown! For college students winter vacation free opportunity to learn the front-end come, quickly go to the academy community onlookers: forum. Juejin. Cn/youthcamp

The editors recommend

The Desert: CSS in 2022

Although CSS has changed a lot in recent years, I think 2021 is the first year of CSS. In the coming year of 2021, CSS will change very much, with many new features, such as CSS container query, CSS parent selector, CSS cascading control rules, CSS sub-grid and so on.

Shallow in and shallow out WebGPU

This paper introduces WebGPU features: directly and Vulkan, Metal, Direct3D 12 and other high-performance local graphics standard library standards; Support GPU Compute Shader, support GPU general computing; Custom shader language WGSL; Better architectural design. Finally, I will teach you how to use WebGPU to draw a simple graph.

What is Web3.0 and why is MetaVerse so popular?

Web3.0 is not only a technical innovation, but also a technical integration that provides users with more personalized Internet information customization in a more concise way through a unified communication protocol. It will be a key step in the development of the Internet from technological innovation to user concept innovation.

Advanced exploration

Look down on code from implementation principles

Research over the years had almost all of related technologies and products on the market, found that although each product details are not quite same, but on the underlying technology is only a few, so we think the biggest difference between different products is to realize the principle of understanding these principle can know the advantages and disadvantages of various low code platform, Therefore, this article will introduce a variety of known low code implementation schemes, from the point of view of the implementation principle of low code.

The next generation of front-end building, Esbuild used to play like this!

Esbuild is a golang-based packaging tool developed by Figma’s CTO “Evan Wallace” that offers performance advantages over traditional packaging tools and can be built 10 to 100 times faster.

Front end design mode series – strategic mode

The code has been written for several years, and the design pattern is in a state of forgetting and forgetting. Recently, I have some feelings about the design pattern, so I will learn and summarize it again.

TypeScript type programming: From basics to compiler practice

Typescript type programming can be understood as a limited functional programming language. Since it is called type programming, it is naturally used for type variable definition statements, type expressions, type functions, etc. This summary will detail some basic knowledge of type programming.

Foreign language selection

The Full-Stack Developer Vocabulary(The Full List!)

Each of the words and phrases will be summarized to give you an idea of what these words and phrases mean, so that you can understand what people are referencing with them when talking about certain areas of full-stack development.

How JavaScript Works behind the scenes?

This article is meant to be aimed at digging deeper into JavaScript and how it really works.

Tasks, microtasks, queues and schedules

In summary: Tasks execute in order, and the browser may render between them; after every callback, as long as no other JavaScript is mid-execution.

My Path to Financial Independence as a Software Engineer

Ever since then, financial independence is something I have prioritized and pursued. And as of this year, after 12 years in the corporate world, I am ecstatic that I have finally attained my goal. This article is about the nuts and bolts of my journey in case anyone else finds it useful in charting their own course.

Practice & Application

Talk about dependency injection in NestJS

In the process of using NestJS, you will find that nest framework has many similarities with Springboot, which is used by the backend students, and Angular, one of the three front-end frameworks. Yes, all three frameworks have a similar design and all implement dependency injection. This article focuses on dependency injection and discusses what it is. And detailed implementation process in NestJS.

Nest. Js combat series 2 – to achieve registration, scan code login, JWT certification, etc

Based on NestJS, this paper realizes the functions of registration, JWT local authentication login and wechat scanning code login, etc.

A new member of Vue ecology -Pinia

Pinia is a state management solution for Vue applications, developed by members of the Vuex core team. It feels more like a regular old javascript import module that implements a lot of vex5 proposals.

[Front-end exploration] Best practices for image loading optimization

Image loading optimization is not difficult and workload, but it can bring great improvement to page performance, cost-effective, this paper will introduce how to optimize image loading performance through volume optimization, lazy loading, CDN, WebP and other ways.

Immutable data implementation – immer.js

Immer.js is an Immutable library written by mobx authors that won the JavaScript Open Source Award in 2019. The core implementation is the use of ES6 proxy, almost at the minimum cost to achieve JavaScript immutable data structure, simple to use, small volume, clever design, to meet our needs for JS immutable data structure.