Small make up recommend

Front-end componentized systems in business

“The methodology of component development may be relatively neutral and generic, but the overall approach to building a component library is quite industry-specific. If you’re in the industry software space, having control over the interaction set is very important.”

How to build an open source graphics engine document website

Great article.

Abnormal monitoring

SourceMap and front-end exception monitoring

A very detailed article.

Front white screen monitoring

“Under the current SPA framework, the white screen monitoring needs to be refined for the scene. Here, take React as an example. By listening for exceptions in the rendering process, the information about the white screen can be well obtained and the developer can pay more attention to exception handling.”

JavaScript & Node.js

Implement browser-side sandbox environment from 0 to 1

Browser-side Sandbox runtime environment.

Implementation of the Readable class in node.js Stream

The internal execution mechanism of Readable Stream is summarized through the source code details.

React18: What problems does the new SSR architecture solve

Act18’s new SSR architecture.


Teach you to implement code specification inspection tools

This article describes how to implement plug-ins for ESlint and StyleLint to detect non-conforming code in a project, as well as the functions of various fields and methods in the detection process from the perspective of the underlying principles.

Basic analysis of SVG and its animation application

Review SVG.

Develop reading

IETF interview: AS HTTP/3’s global share continues to grow, QUIC’s future looks bright

This article is a recent IETF interview with Lucas Pardue about QUIC standardization efforts.

Bytedance security Compliance Testing technology for Android

“The business security compliance test passes the CI/CD stage, analyzes and checks the newly added codes, controls and controls the combination of codes, and traces the source of problems, and controls and controls the release of the built products, so as to avoid security compliance risks caused by privacy and compliance issues being brought online.”