Small make up recommend

My love affair with refactoring

“As the initiator of a refactoring project, he or she is not just a front-end developer. He or she is a product, a designer, a tester, and a user.”

Interview with Ryan Dahl: Founder of Node.js/Deno

Get Ryan’s take on current JavaScript ecology and technology trends.

Intensive Reading of Design Patterns – Memoto Memo Patterns

The idea of the memo pattern is very simple. The core of the memo pattern is to define a Memoto (Memo) encapsulated object, which handles the state capture and restoration of the original object, and other places do not need to perceive its internal data structure and implementation principle.


JavaScript event loop: From origin to browser to Node.js

Trace the Event Loop to the source.

Front-end exception capture and processing

The system introduces the front-end will encounter a variety of exceptions ~


Skillfully use -webkit-box-reflect to achieve various dynamic effects

This article looks at some interesting uses of Webkit-box-reflect, which may not be practical in business, but is very interesting.

A few lines of CSS let the whole station support dark mode exploration and expansion

That was really fun…

Develop reading

Best practices for front-end Code Review

Do you “make Code Review mandatory rather than optional” in your development process? Has Code Review become a culture of development and not just an institution?”

The nature of high availability

“High availability is a risk-oriented design that enables systems to control risk and provide higher availability.”

How can automatic color counting improve your productivity

“With the progress of science and technology, artificial intelligence design has frequently become a hot topic. How to restore design color matching ideas through technology is the theme we discussed together today.”

Streams – The definitive guide

Learn about the Stream API in your browser.

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