The front-end quick explode
- The WebKit blog has posted a list of WWDC21 presentations introducing more new Safari features.
- A beta version was also released in WWDC21Swift, 5.5The most anticipated thing is the support
- The Chrome CanaryPreliminary experiments were carried outCSS relational pseudo-class selector
Can be used toSelect the parent elementCurrently, tests need to be started from the command line:
/Applications/Google\ Chrome\\ Chrome\ Canary --enable-blink-test-features=CSSPseudoHas
Copy the code
Mocha 9.0 was released, and Mocha has been a popular testing framework in Node.js and browsers. The major changes in the new version are:
- Node.js 10.x is no longer supported.
- Use ECMAScript modules by default
Rather than CommonJSrequire(test_file)
To load the test file, thus achieving “ES module first”.
Firefox Nightly had been achieved 91 prefix CSS TAB – size attributes (, So far all major browsers except IE have fully supported this property.
A good Demo
Adjust the Web Font height by CSS size-adjust
Pure CSS direction-aware buttons
Edit: A trace; Review: ink dust; Pictured above sources:…