Hello, everyone, I’m a tech fat. In 2017, I recorded about 200 video tutorials during my off-duty hours, and now I am contributing 155 free videos to help those on the front end learn (click the link below to watch for free). It should be noted that I am still a front-line fighting front-end programmer, not a professional lecturer, so the tutorial is inevitable mistakes and mistakes, please understand and correct. These videos are my original, I hope front-end fans like. (If you want to make friends with tech Fat, there is a WECHAT QR code at the bottom of this article), it is not easy to record the course open source, if the article has helped you, please like and reward.

Vue2.x Basic Videos (27 episodes)

  1. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 01__HelloWord instance

  2. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 02_v-if and v-show

  3. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 03_v-for loop instruction

  4. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 04v-text and v-html instructions

  5. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 05v-on command

  6. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 06v-model data source binding instruction

  7. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 07v-bind tag attribute binding

  8. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 08 other instructions

  9. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 09 custom instructions

  10. Technology fat Vue2.0 base video 10extend extended instance constructor

  11. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 11vue.set global operation

  12. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 12 life cycle

  13. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 13Template template

  14. Technology fat Vue2.0 basics video 14component introduction component

  15. Technology fat Vue2.0 base video 15component property

  16. Technology fat Vue2.0 base video 16component inheritance

  17. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 17component tag

  18. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 18propsData option

  19. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 19computed option

  20. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 20methods option

  21. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 21watch options

  22. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 22mixins option

  23. Technology fat Vue2.0 base video 23extend option

  24. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 24 instances to get started

  25. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 25 instance methods

  26. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 26 instance events

  27. Technology Fat Vue2.0 Basic video 27 Custom component slot usage

Vue- CLI Video Tutorials (3 episodes)

  1. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 28ue -cli installation

  2. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 29vue-cli directory structure interpretation

  3. Technical fat Vue2.0 basic video 30vue-cli template file interpretation

Vue-router Video Tutorial (11 episodes)

  1. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 31vue-router get started

  2. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 32vue-router sub-route

  3. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 33vue-router parameter passing

  4. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 34 Single-page multi-route area operation

  5. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 35 Pass parameters through Url

  6. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 36redirect

  7. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 37alias alias use

  8. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 38 route transition animation

  9. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 39mode role and 404 page processing

  10. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 40 route in the hook function

  11. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 41 programmatic navigation

Vuex Video Tutorial (6 episodes)

  1. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 42 first vuex a small Demo

  2. Technology Fat Vue2.0 basic video 43state access state object

  3. Technical fat Vue2.0 basic video 44Mutations modified state

  4. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 45Getters calculates filter properties

  5. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 46Actions asynchronous state

  6. Technology fat Vue2.0 basic video 47vuex module group

Vue Practical POS System for Fast Food Restaurants (12 sets)

  1. Technology fat Vue combat – POS system demonstration of fast food restaurant

  2. Technology Fat Vue combat – Fast food POS System 01 section

  3. Technology fat Vue real-POS system of fast food restaurant 02 section – Construction of project architecture

  4. Technology fat Vue combat – fast food POS system 03 section – Iconfont

  5. Technology fat Vue combat – fast food POS System 04 – self – built sidebar component

  6. Technology Fat Vue combat – fast food POS system 05 section – open Element

  7. Technology Fat Vue combat – Fast food POS System 06 section – Layout 1

  8. Technology Fat Vue combat – Fast food POS System 07 section – Layout 2

  9. Technology fat Vue combat – FAST food POS System 08 section -Axios to obtain data

  10. Technology fat Vue combat – fast food POS system 09 section – order module -1
  11.  Technology fat Vue combat – fast food POS system 10 – order module -2

  12. Technology fat Vue combat – fast food POS system 11 – packaging online

WEEX Video Tutorial (17 episodes)

  1. WEEXS video tutorial -01WEEX introduction and learning difficulties

  2. WEEX development Environment Installation (1)

  3. WEEX development Environment Installation (2)

  4. WEEX video tutorial – 04WEEX common commands and hot update preview

  5. WEEX video tutorial -05AndroidStudio configuration

  6. WEEX 06vUE and WEEX love and hate

  7. WEEX Video Tutorial -07 Custom components and Text components

  8. WEEX video tutorial -08Input components and introduction to built-in modules

  9. WEEX Video Tutorial -09Image and video components

  10. WEEX Video tutorial -10 make a list together

  11. WEEX Video Tutorial -11 Obtaining Remote Data from a Server

  12. WEEX video Tutorial -12 Make a rotation diagram effect

  13. WEEX 13A Components and Web Components

  14. WEEX video Tutorial -14 general event and animation module

  15. WEEX Video Tutorial -15 Teach yourself WEEX

  16. WEEX video tutorial -16Navigator and webview module

  17. WEEX – 17 vue – pit in the router

ES6 Basics

  1. Technology fat takes you to play with es6-01 development environment build

  2. Technology fat takes you to play with es6-02’s new way of claiming

  3. The technique allows you to play with the es6-03 variable deconstruction assignment

  4. Technical fat lets you play with es6-04 extension operators and REST operators

  5. Technical fat takes you to play with es6-05 string templates

  6. Technology fat takes you to play es6-06 digital manipulation

  7. Technology fat takes you to play es6-07 array operation-1

  8. Technology fat takes you to play es6-08 array manipulation -2

  9. Technology fat takes you to play with es6-09 arrow functions and extensions

  10. Technology fat takes you to play with ES6-10 functions and array fixes

  11. Technology fat takes you to play es6-11 object manipulation

  12. The technique allows you to play with the es6-12Symbol in the application of objects

  13. Technology fat takes you to play es6-13 set and WeakSet

  14. Technology allows you to play with ES6-14MAP data structures

  15. Technology fat allows you to play with es6-15Proxy functions and object enhancements

  16. The technology fat takes you to play with the ES6-16Promise multi-step operation

  17. Technical fat allows you to play with ES6-17class operations

  18. The technology fat takes you to play with the ES6-18 modular operation

React Basics Videos (15 episodes)

  1. React Basic Video 01 introduction

  2. React Base video 02 Environment build and HelloWorld program

  3. React Basic video 03 First introduction to JSX syntax

  4. React Basic video 04 Advanced JSX syntax

  5. React Basic video 05 component State member

  6. React Basic video 06 components props and render

  7. React Basic video 07-1 component life cycle

  8. React Basic video 08 component small instance

  9. A child node of the React basic video 09 component

  10. React Basic video 10 component property validation

  11. React basic video 11ref gets the real DOM node

  12. React Basic video 12 Form bind reuse

  13. React Basic video 13 Form name reuse

  14. React Basic video 14 form controlled components

  15. React Basic video 15 form uncontrollable components

The React Family Barrel (Episode 10)

  1. React Family bucket 03WebPack build development environment 1

  2. React Family Bucket 02 perfect scaffolding

  3. React Family bucket 03WebPack build development environment 1

  4. React Family Bucket 04WebPack build development environment 2 

  5. 05Hello React route

  6. React bucket 06 route option in NavLink

  7. React family bucket 07 route 404 Settings and redirect Settings

  8. React Bucket 08 route parameter value

  9. React Bucket 09 Route attribute and route mode

  10. React family bucket 10 route Prompt TAB explanation

Koa2.x basic Videos (13 episodes)

  1. Koa2 Basics tutorial 01 Building a development environment

  2. Koa2 Basics tutorial 02Async and await use

  3. Koa2 Basics tutorial 03GET Receiving data

  4. Koa2 Basics tutorial 04POST request received 1

  5. Koa2 Basics Tutorial 05POST request received 2

  6. Koa2 Basics tutorial 06KOA-BodyParser middleware

  7. Koa2 Basic tutorial 07Koa2 native routing implementation

  8. Koa2 Basics Tutorial 08KOA – Router Middleware 1

  9. Koa2 Basics Tutorial 09KOA – Router Middleware level 2

  10. Koa2 Basics Tutorial 10KOA-Router middleware 3 parameters

  11. Koa2 Basics tutorial 11 Use cookies

  12. Koa2 Basic tutorial 12EJS template caused

  13. Koa2 Basics tutorial 13KOA – Static Resource middleware

Fabric. Js Video Tutorial (13 episodes)

  1. Fabric. Js 英 文 video tutorial: 01 introduction and the first Demo

  2. 02 Draw simple graphics with Fabric

  3. 03 Insert a picture

  4. Fabric.js中文 video tutorial: 04 path usage

  5. Make your pictures move

  6. Fabric. Js 英 文 video tutorial: 06 image filter effect

  7. 07 Color mode and convert to each other

  8. Filling gradients for shapes

  9. Fabric.js 英 文 video tutorial: 09 Text editing and property setting

  10. Fabric. Js 英 文 video Tutorial: 10 Event listening

  11. The combined display of 11 objects (1)

  12. The combined display of 12 objects (2)

  13. 13 Serialization and deserialization

CocosCreater Hands-on Tutorial (10 episodes)

  1. CocosCreator combat video tutorial “Brave the basement” 01

  2. CocosCreator combat video tutorial “Brave the Basement” 02

  3. CocosCreator combat video tutorial “Brave the Basement” 03

  4. CocosCreator combat video tutorial “Brave the basement” 04

  5. CocosCreator combat video tutorial “Brave the basement” 05 

  6. CocosCreator combat video tutorial “Brave the basement” 06

  7. CocosCreator combat video tutorial “Brave the basement” 07

  8. CocosCreator combat video tutorial “Brave the Basement” 08

  9. CocosCreator combat video tutorial “Brave the basement” 09

  10. CocosCreator combat video tutorial “Brave basement” 10 end

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