Writing in the front

This time of year is the peak season for job hunting.

We all spend a lot of time polishing our skills, writing and preparing for interviews before we get a job, but we often forget to build a solid resume that is the first step in finding a job. As a programmer, the first step in writing a resume is to pay attention to the rigorous and standardized use of technical vocabulary.

It’s okay to take notes or blog because you read a lot, but it’s best to take care of your resume!

Of course, some students will say that this is not too critical, this thing to the actual employees do have any essential impact?

Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that, but when it comes to sifting through resumes and looking at them, there’s often a feeling of being a little less rigorous, so it’s always good to be disciplined!

Therefore, this article from several aspects to sort out the programmers to write resume often used vocabulary spelling matters, for reference when necessary, at the end of the article also made PDF offline manual document + and the Markdown file has been synchronized to GitHub open source repository, if necessary, you can obtain by yourself.

Of course, the vocabulary listed here may be limited, you can put your ideas together, welcome to add!

This article is on GitHub open source repository “Programming Path” github.com/rd2coding/R… There are 6 major programming direction (post) self-study route + knowledge points, interview test points, my resume, several core PDF notes, and my programmer life and feelings, welcome star.

Backend development

writing Examples of inappropriate spelling note
RESTful Restful, Restful REST=Representational State Transfer
Spring spring
Spring MVC For SpringMVC, for SpringMVC Spring MVC has Spaces in the middle!
Spring Boot Springboot, Springboot Spring Boot has Spaces in the middle!
Spring Cloud Springcloud, Springcloud Spring Cloud has Spaces in the middle!
OOP oop Object Oriented Programming
PO po Persistant Object
POJO pojo Plain Ordinary Java Object
Web The web, web
JVM The JVM, the JVM Java Virtual Machine
GC gc Garbage Collection
Java EE java ee Enterprise Edition
Java SE java se Standard Edition
Golang golang
Python python
Linux linux
Runtime runtime
DNS dns Domain Name System Domain Name System
DI di Dependency Injection Dependency Injection
DB db DataBase
ACID acid Atomicity+Consistency+Isolation+Durability
DDL ddl Data Definition Language Data Definition Language
DML dml Data Manipulation Language Data Manipulation Language
MySQL mysql
SQLite sqlite
SQLServer Essentially, essentially
NoSQL No, no, NoSQL=Not Only SQL
JDBC Jdbc, Jdbc Java Database Connectivity
ORM orm Object/Relational Mapping
JPA Jpa Java Persistence API
MyBatis Mybatis, mybatis
MyBatis-Plus MyBatisPlus myBatis-plus
Maven Maven, maven
Redis redis
MongoDB mongoDB
MQ mq Message Queue
RabbitMQ rabbitMQ
RocketMQ rocketMQ
ActiveMQ activeMQ
Netty netty
gRPC grpc
Dubbo dubbo
JSON Json JavaScript Object Notation
JWT jwt JSON Web Token
XML Xml Extensible Markup Language
API Api Application Programming Interface
Jenkins Jk, Jenkins
Docker docker
UML Uml Unified Modeling Language
SOA Soa Service Oriented Architecture
MVC Mvc The Model – View – Controller
MVVM Mvvm Model-View-ViewModel
MVP Mvp Model-View-Presenter
Continuously updated…

Front-end development related

writing Examples of inappropriate spelling note
HTTP Http, Http Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPS HTTPS, HTTPS Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over SecureSocket Layer
DOM dom Document Object Model
JavaScript Javascript, javascript, js, JS
CSS Css, Css, Cascading Style Sheets
HTML Html, Html Hyper Text Markup Language
jQuery Jquery, jquery
Bootstrap bootstrap
Node.js Node, NodeJS, NodeJS
Vue.js Vue, vue, vue.js
React react
Angular angular
SPA spa Single Page Application
MPA mpa Mutiple Page Application
Continuously updated…

Client development related

writing Examples of inappropriate spelling note
App The APP, the APP
Objective-C OC, OC
Xcode Xcode, xcode, xcode
iPhone iphone
iOS Ios, ios,
Android android
RxJava RXJava, RXJava
Android Studio The as, android studio
Continuously updated…

Big data/cloud computing

writing Examples of inappropriate spelling note
Hadoop hadoop
HDFS HDFS, HDFS Hadoop Distributed File System
MapReduce Graphs, Mr.
HBase Hbase, hbase
Hive hive
Yarn yarn
Kafka kafka
ZooKeeper Zookeeper, zk
Storm storm
Flink flink
Elasticsearch Elasticsearch, elasticSearch, es
Logstash logstash
Kibana kibana
Kubernetes k8s The official abbreviation is K8s
Continuously updated…

Tool or software related

writing Examples of inappropriate spelling note
SVN svn Subversion
GitHub Lot, lot
Intellij IDEA Intellij idea, idea
Eclipse eclipse
MyEclipse myeclipse
Postman postman
Continuously updated…


The list of technical words compiled here is limited because of limited time and energy.

We have also opened the list of Words in this article to GitHub repository in the form of Markdown source file +PDF offline document. The name of GitHub repository is “Awesome- tech-words”.

The GitHub repository is github.com/rd2coding/A…

You are welcome to join the open source repository, submit and add to it.

This article has been contributed to the GitHub open source repository “Programming Path” github.com/rd2coding/R… There are 6 major programming direction (post) I organized the self-study route + knowledge points, interview test points, my resume, several core PDF notes, and my programmer life and feelings, welcome star.