With the continuous upgrading of new consumption concepts and technological innovation, the retail industry has gradually been pushed to the forefront. In this regard, JINGdong once said that it is the ultimate goal to promote the coming of the era of “borderless retail” and advocate the upgrading of cost, efficiency and experience.

Once this concept came out, the focus of the retail industry began to tilt from the sales end to the technology end. Taking advantage of the coming of the annual 618, JINGdong Cloud specially held a technology salon in Shanghai with the theme of “From high concurrency architecture to enterprise blockchain, exploring the digital innovation of boundless retail”.

This activity to jingdong clouds in retail, and social electricity core technologies and successful solution as a starting point, for example to explore big promote high concurrent flow experience in database security, social detail such as the creative thinking of the electricity as well as the technical architecture, and combined with jingdong cloud many fall to the ground in the field of retail practice, all aspects of the unbounded retail digital innovation, Talk to the developers in the room.

The site was packed with developers

## From high concurrency architecture to enterprise blockchain — Exploring digital innovation in borderless retail —


Guo Lijing

How does JD Database Service respond to “Promotion Activities”

As we all know, jingdong mall traffic business. Many businesses do not want to choose too many kinds of databases at the initial stage of r&d and design, because they do not know the scale of the business to start, so when they start to use MySQL, sometimes logs and big data fields will be written into the database. With the increase of data accumulation and the expansion of user scale, data switching will be involved in the future.

– Guo Lijing

Senior director of JINGdong Cloud Product R&d Department

Has been every time to promote, and cut hands together with the party busy to “heaven and earth old” is the major e-commerce website. In order to release the “pig price” of all kinds of goods in time, actively encourage users to participate in the full range of panic buying and seconds to kill links, e-commerce people are really proficient in all 18 kinds of martial arts.

Can you think of how to achieve the “high and calm” scenario in the face of the sudden explosion of access pressure and massive transaction data? Obviously, the database in the underlying architecture is a big contributor. To this jingdong cloud product RESEARCH and development department senior director Guo Lijing scene brought “how jingdong database service to deal with the” promotion activities “technology sharing.

As a technical expert with rich experience in the field of database, Guo Lijing respectively from jingdong Mall how to operate 618 promote the practice and jingdong cloud how to support mall and mall ISV together to deal with high traffic promote and other angles to elaborate.

Guo Lijing, senior director of JINGdong Cloud Product Development Department

For some complex offline queries, you can migrate to Elasticsearch or Hadoop. You can define some forward policies to synchronize database data to Elasticsearch or Hadoop periodically or in real time.

Jingdong mall’s orders and inventory are well known to the public. If you choose to read and write billions of data sets on a form, a single machine will certainly not be able to bear such workload. If you choose to split it into 64 tables or 128 forms, coupled with the support of tools, you can effectively solve the above problems. The internal distributed database service Jproxy of JD can come in handy.

About intelligence analysis, jingdong cloud in the process of power e-commerce, pay great attention to SQL slow log analysis and capacity analysis, but also to the running status of detailed monitoring, such as connection number is not always growing, IO pressure, CPU pressure, etc.; Also try to do some self-healing and automatic disk cleaning.

In terms of “service practice of JINGdong Cloud”, it provides database services in the cloud, such as MySQL, Percona, MariaDB, MongoDB, SQl Server and so on. In addition, JINGdong Cloud also provides rich management functions in database security, audit, log and many other aspects. It also supports automatic backup and download of Binlog.

In terms of monitoring, jingdong cloud attempt is also more detailed, including monitoring services, alarm services, etc.. It is worth mentioning that rules can be set for all monitoring items, such as SMS alarm when CPU and memory usage exceeds 70%. And all the indicators are connected to the cloud monitoring system. “In case of heavy user traffic that requires read/write separation, we also support the creation of read-only instances. A maximum of eight read-only instances can be created. Each read-only instance can be assigned an independent domain name and can be accessed using the domain name.” “He added.

After sharing, the developers also discussed in detail issues such as the modification of the Binlog format and the high availability of distributed sub-tables.


Zheng Yongkuan

Design and practice of enterprise monitoring system

Combined with the operation and maintenance knowledge base, we can really link the fault and alarm. For the related alarm, the monitoring system can automatically schedule the corresponding plan, so as to achieve the self-healing of the system fault.

– Zheng Yongkuan

Director of JINGdong Cloud Product R&d Department

Some people say that, if the operation and maintenance, from traditional deployment to large-scale automation, the Coding capability is bound to become higher and higher; Some people also say that many IT enterprises are on the old road of “focusing on RESEARCH and development and neglecting operation and maintenance”, and now cloud computing is bound to change greatly. Some people say that nowadays all talk about scenarioization, operation and maintenance monitoring under high concurrency should be “in place” everywhere, and the original thinking mode must be broken…

What is monitoring? Monitoring is the lifeline of O&M.

What problem does monitoring solve? Far more than the discovery of the problem, but also to solve the problem after the discovery of positioning, and positioning the stop loss. This reduces the overall MTTR, or duration of failure. After all, for the size of jingdong e-commerce, it is not allowed to be down for a long time. Zheng Yongkuan concluded: No matter finding, locating or solving problems, it is very important to understand the system status, which requires timely feedback from the monitoring system. Then Zheng Yongkuan talked about how jingdong cloud monitoring and how to do a good job of the corresponding monitoring system.

Zheng Yongkuan, director of JINGdong Cloud Product Development Department

It is understood that jingdong cloud will do special monitoring and sorting for each system, and prepare corresponding plans for various anomalies to ensure the efficient operation of the system; First of all, we defined a unified monitoring standard: monitoring should cover the four levels of basic, survivability, performance and business, so as to ensure the comprehensive collection of data and avoid monitoring omission. Specifically, basic monitoring covers the basic indicators of the machine, such as CPU, memory, hard disk, etc. Survival monitoring focuses on the viability of machines and service processes. Performance monitoring focuses on external performance indicators of services, such as PV, flat noise, and error codes. Service monitoring monitors whether the system provides normal services from the perspective of users. Further, according to different alarms, we can locate the corresponding problems, supplemented by corresponding plans, so as to ensure the first time to locate and recover the fault.

For the design of the monitoring system, Zheng Yongkuan first emphasized that the system design should be based on the monitoring business needs, while combining the actual situation of JINGdong Cloud. Zheng Yongkuan then introduced the architecture of jingdong Cloud monitoring system, further analyzed key issues in the design of monitoring system, such as data abstraction, monitoring data collection, data convergence and computing, data storage and query, abnormal check, alarm path, etc. In addition, he also shared relevant experience in log data processing and mining.

It is reported that the future jingdong cloud will also start configuration management, while doing automatic fault recovery. Combined with the operation and maintenance knowledge base, we can really link the fault and alarm. For the related alarm, the monitoring system can automatically schedule the corresponding plan, so as to achieve the self-healing of the system fault.


Zhao Jinyong

Social e-commerce SaaS product technology architecture

Whether it’s a baby tree or a little red book, the trend is there for all to see; Nowadays, consumer groups pay more attention to the sense of design and the inherent value of brands. In the face of the four modernizations of e-commerce development, traditional e-commerce groups have encountered unprecedented bottlenecks.

– Zhao Jinyong

Responsible person of social e-commerce in JINGdong Cloud Application R&D Department

Do you know anything about social e-commerce?

Do you know that wechat mini programs are SAAS?

What are the technical advantages of jingdong e-commerce cloud in the field of social e-commerce?

Zhao Jinyong, head of social e-commerce of JD Cloud Application R&D Department

Regarding the answer to these questions, Zhao Jinyong, head of social e-commerce in the R&D department of Jingdong Cloud Application, said that the development of e-commerce can be summarized as “four modernizations”, namely decentralization, scenization, fragmentation and individuation. One by one, we find that the cost of traffic is getting higher and higher, the cost of “leading” customers and the operating cost of brands are also high all the way, which is probably the reason why brands choose other ways of operation instead of doing so. This is the so-called “decentralization of brand image publicity”.

“Similarly, we can see the rise of contextualized socializing, whether it’s baby trees or little Red books; Today’s consumer groups pay more attention to the sense of design and the inherent value of the brand. In the face of the four modernizations of e-commerce development, traditional e-commerce groups have encountered unprecedented bottlenecks.” “He added.

The so-called social e-commerce is bound to be closely related to “social”, so social tools are naturally indispensable. In addition to a variety of push tools, JINGdong cloud social e-commerce has also made repeated achievements by virtue of jingdong’s inherent massive commodities and superior supply chain. Based on jingdong’s ability of big data marketing, accurate portraits of massive users, product promotion, intelligent selection and other stable and reliable basic services to build the system.

It is understood that JD social e-commerce is divided into three ends, namely buyer end, supplier end and PC end. In the future, the system of social e-commerce will be connected to the huge commodity pool of JINGdong, and people can choose their own products from the overall commodity pool, thus building a common benign ecology.


Zuo-yi zhang

Technical practice based on enterprise blockchain framework system JD Chain

JD Blockchain brand name JD Zhizhen Chain, JD Blockchain architecture system is divided into JD Chain and JD BaaS (Blockchain as a Service) two parts. In the 2019 Jingdong Blockchain Technology Practice White Paper released this year, information of 5 categories and 14 application cases are listed.

– zuo-yi zhang

Responsible person for blockchain product innovation of JD Data Department

For a long time, anti-counterfeiting traceability of goods has been considered as one of the most promising blockchain landing fields, and has also been dubbed as the “supreme magic weapon” for innovation and development of the retail industry.

Compared with traditional traceability, what are the technical and industrial advantages of blockchain traceability? What pain points can it help solve in the retail business? What other technological innovations are being used in traditional retail today?

In this regard, ZHANG Zuoyi, head of blockchain product innovation of JD several sections and head of innovation ecology of blockchain joint laboratory, especially chatted about the practical experience of JD blockchain anti-counterfeiting traceability at the scene. From jingdong block chain technology and application, detailed analysis of jingdong block chain technology’s overall technical architecture, evolution process, as well as in the retail industry landing application cases and valuable experience.

Responsible person for blockchain product innovation of JD Data Department,

Zhang Zuoyi, head of innovation Ecology of blockchain Joint Laboratory

Starting from the overall structure of JD Blockchain, Zhang Zuoyi introduced that JD Blockchain brand name JD Zhizhen Chain, JD Blockchain architecture system is divided into JD Chain and JD BaaS (Blockchain as a Service) two parts. As the core engine, JD Chain introduces new research results and engineering architecture in data ledger, consensus protocol, cryptography algorithm, storage and other aspects, solves basic and key technical problems such as processing performance, scalability, expansibility, security, and establishes innovative technical architecture and application scheme. JD BaaS is a service platform that provides flexible, easy-to-use and scalable blockchain system management capabilities, seamlessly integrates the deployment and management of various blockchain systems including JD Chain and Fabric, and provides enterprise users with rapid deployment capabilities of public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud environment, reducing the cost of enterprise use and speeding up application implementation. “In the 2019 JD.com Blockchain Technology Practice White Paper released this year, information about 14 application cases in five major categories is listed.” He said.

Learned, jingdong independent intellectual property rights of the underlying framework JD Chain block Chain officially open source in March 2019, in “level transaction processing, second level transaction confirmation, mass account and transaction, dynamic scaling, storage, multi-core parallel, password algorithm”, etc in accordance with the classic block Chain technology of storage, such as definition and requirements, At the same time, the Key Value structure is also used in the existing data storage, which greatly improves the processing efficiency, which is also the reason why JD Chain can support higher speed.

Jd is known to be good at retail, logistics and digital technology, which is also the direction of jd’s main blockchain services. For example, I participated in the construction of “Netcom legal chain” of Guangzhou Internet Court, the pilot project of block chain VAT special invoice, and the pilot project of connecting with suqian’s electronic license, etc., as well as many practical applications of digital certificate storage, electronic invoice and electronic license.

Take, for example, the digital storage of blockchain. We have participated in the blockchain projects of Beijing Internet Court and Guangzhou Internet Court. We need to equip the content using judicial services with a judicial alliance chain. What can be achieved? Such as signing a contract, go to the notary office is one of the necessary process, if there is a chain around the league, all operations can be “friends” in the enterprise, can be understood as the digital signature technology, in order to judge the legitimacy of the contract is signed, and sign the contract can be timely backup to the alliance in the chain, so the court and the notarization and judicial appraisal department, It also includes that the signatories on both sides of the contract are kept informed in a timely manner.

In addition, JD blockchain has done the most in anti-counterfeiting traceability, sharing several data to prove it. For example, it has been tested by four or five times of promotion, and the user repurchase rate and user conversion rate have significantly improved, indicating that the target customer group of JINGdong now highly recognizes the quality of consumption upgrade.

Although jingdong cloud for the retail scene of innovative technology sharing has temporarily come to an end, but the promotion of database, intelligent operation and maintenance, social e-commerce and blockchain quality traceability and other technologies are still in hot discussion, please pay attention to the follow-up activities of Jingdong cloud technology salon.

Pay attention to the JD cloud developer community

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