Public account [Programmer’s Lake]

Author Lu Xiaofeng, 985 software master, Ali Java research and development engineer, has rich experience and unique insight in campus recruitment, self-taught programming, computer entrance examination and other aspects, is currently committed to sharing the programmer and learning experience, at the same time keen to share some of the growth experience and life as a programmer. Resume preparation takes a long time and is not a quick fix. Resumes need to be polished and revised over and over again, and over the course of several years of interviewing, I’ve compiled some resume writing standards for your reference.

One of my earliest resumes was from college when I was looking for a job. There were very few things you could put on a resume, and none of them were worth mentioning.

When it comes to graduate school, perfecting your resume becomes the most difficult task in this period due to the pressure of finding an internship. During my two years as a graduate student, I changed my resume more than 20 times, big or small, and I’m not talking about a typo or two.

At that time, all the internships I looked for were technical positions. In addition, I also prepared a resume for the game planning position. Later, after I entered the RESEARCH and development work, I basically gave up the direction of game planning, because without internship experience and daily accumulation, nothing good can be written on the resume.

A good technical resume should have the following parts:

Because I am 211 cross took an examination of 985, so record of formal schooling this still has advantage quite. Some classmate may undergraduate course is not very good, graduate student school is better, nevertheless record of formal schooling still gets honest account commonly.

What about? Actually, school, department, major. Also write down when you read it. Of course, if you are good at the courses, you can write them. The courses I have learned are not very relevant to the position, so I did not write them.

In order to find a good job in autumn recruitment, internship experience is basically essential. Of course, some students have rich project experience and do things in order, so they can cover the lack of internship experience. ,

But internship experience is really a plus, after all, working in a big company, you can learn not only the things you do in the project, but also the process, collaboration, internal technical communication and so on. Many interviewers will love to talk to you about your internship experience, some for 10 or 20 minutes at a time, allowing you to filter out technical questions. Assuming, of course, that you are familiar with your experience and have something to say and say clearly.

Therefore, it is recommended that you first look for an internship. A good internship experience is an important prerequisite for getting an offer in the future. Some masters may be more strict with the supervisor, so the internship experience can be changed to the project experience in the laboratory. In addition, I can do some projects according to the direction of my own. Many interviewers will recognize your lab projects as well.

This is what I summarized in the process of revising my resume for two years. Compared with those projects that are written in a random way and in no order, it is not clear whether they are done by myself or others, this description is undoubtedly very better.

The project experience is described in a similar way to the internship experience, except that the company name is replaced by the project name. As for what project to do and how to do it, my suggestion is to find some courses to follow. Such projects generally have clear structure, clear functions, development guidance and some core codes, which can escort your project to the landing. In addition, you can upload your project to Git and release it according to the version, which will add extra points to your GitHub.

Personal skills are arguably the most painstaking module to complete.

Because these skills, first of all, should not be too many, and second of all, you should be very familiar with them, preferably read books, or even source code, and then have hands-on experience. Think about how much time you need to devote to each of these three skills.

Then, skills should be written separately. For example, computer networks and operating systems can be written together.

Skill points in the Java technology stack can be written together. Web-related technologies can be written together, and so on, such as databases, distribution, and so on, with each point clearly described and self-explanatory when asked.

Obviously, if you can write a list of 7-10 skills, you’ve already established yourself in this direction. Of course, these skills should be relevant to the job you’re looking for and cover your projects and internships.

Finally, in addition to skill points, your blog, your GitHub and other resources can also be included in this section. Of course, you can also put these two links in the most prominent place of your resume, of course, if you are confident about your blog and GitHub, otherwise you don’t need to include them.

A lot of ACM executives will ask why you put your awards and honors last, because I really don’t have any awards to win. Of course, the owner of acm and various competition papers can put the awards and honors first. People like me are stuck with projects, internships, and blogs.

You may have a lot of rewards, but you only need to write some rewards that can reflect your advantages in the intended position. For example, the author wrote that one is the score of postgraduate entrance examination, ranking third among 150 people, as well as awards such as commissariat of study, scholarship and outstanding cadre, and then some awards for undergraduate study. I’ve got five of them, which is enough, to be honest.

To sum up the above points, a good resume is not accomplished overnight, it must be carefully crafted and constantly improved, and finally can pass the resume screening with the highest resume job matching degree.

Secondly, it is important to include technologies that you are familiar with and understand the underlying principles, such as Java collections, concurrency, MySQL, etc. So hone your skills and a great resume is the icing on the cake. Both complement each other and are indispensable.

I mentioned project experience, internship experience and blog in my resume writing scheme above, which also require a lot of preparation and practice. I’ll cover this in a future post, so stay tuned.

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Individual public number: programmer Huang Xiaoxi

Huang Xiaoxi, master of 985, is a Java engineer of Alibaba. She has rich experience and unique insights in self-learning programming, technical job hunting, Java learning and other aspects, hoping to help more programmers who want to engage in the Internet industry. The author focuses on the JAVA backend technology stack, and is keen to share the practical knowledge of programmers, learning experiences, job hunting tips, and self-taught programming and JAVA technology stack. Huang Xiaoxi is a slash youth, insist on learning and writing, believe in the power of lifelong learning, hope to make friends with more programmers, progress and growth together!

Original e-book: Follow the wechat public number [programmer Huang Xiaoxi] and reply [Original e-book] to receive my original e-book “Novice Programmer Training Manual: From a technical novice to an Alibaba Java Engineer, this e-book summarizes my 2-year learning path of Java, including learning methods, technical summary, job hunting experience and interview skills, and has helped many programmers get the offer they want!

Technical public number: programmer river lake

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