Dandelion JELLY Technology Journal Vol.46

You may have heard that the original design of the knowledge graph was the Internet itself, which, like rivers and oceans, makes the vast web what it is today and helps us organize our knowledge systems. For example, how many implementations of Web dynamic effects do you know? What is the nature of asynchronous programming? React Like framework updates quickly

View the sea volunteers

Mountaineering is full of feelings in the mountains, the sea is overflowing in the sea

Learn the basics of asynchronous programming

What it’s about: One of the most striking features of computers is that the access speeds of different hardware vary dramatically, making almost all optimization around this point. Twenty years ago, the use of multi-threading was the most mainstream solution to solve the concurrency, but due to the increasing number of concurrent systems, with limited resources, we have to find a better solution: asynchronous. The goal of asynchrony is not to make individual tasks perform faster, but to allow the computer to complete more tasks in the same amount of time.

Recommendation: from the fundamental understanding of asynchronous programming system, from hardware, operating system, thread, language level step by step analysis, through the example to lead you step by step to understand some of the essence of asynchronous programming, from the outside to the inside, very good popular science articles.

Prefresh, Fast-refresh for Preact

Prefresh’s Babel plugin, Webpack plugin, and runtime work together to implement hot updates to the React component.

Hot updates are an essential part of modern Web development. For the React ecosystem, we used to use the React hot-loader to implement hot updates to the React component. Now we use the React Fast Refresh. Preact uses Prefresh for similar functions, and because Prefresh is based on React Fast Refresh, you can read this article to understand the underlying principles of similar tools.

Detailed explanation of Web dynamic effect examples

Overview: A very complete set of basic tutorials on Web dynamic effects, provided by webflow-like visual site building tool Tilda

This guide provides examples and tips on how to use animation on the Web. If you don’t have a clue about how to use animation in your business, you may want to check it out

Doodle Ipsum

Summary: Lorem Ipsum is available for text typography, but is there a product for illustration? So we have Doodle Ipsum, which in addition to rich random options, supports custom illustrations in the form of URLS, similar to Image PlaceHolder

Ideas are important, but understanding the technical details behind a product is even more important for front-end developers. Since there is Doodle Ipsum in illustration, can there be commodity Ipsum in actual business?

Renovation of works pavilion

Because of the mountains bu geocenter dexterity, looking at water such as poor eyesight

Details of the communication protocol in Theia

Summary: As a common development platform of Cloud IDE, Theia helps each plug-in module directly communicate with each other through its own JSON-RPC protocol. This paper teaches you how to complete Theia JSON-RPC communication process starting from registering a basic service, and describes the advantages and disadvantages of its implementation in detail. And give a solution,

Perhaps not everyone needs to make a Cloud IDE, but the problems and solutions encountered during implementation, as well as the consideration and trade-offs of the pros and cons of the solution, are part of every project. Every problem encountered in Cloud IDE is worthy of reference in many other types of projects. Although this article has a certain threshold to read, it can still help you to have a certain understanding and thinking about JSON-RPC.

“Dandelion” magazine, updated weekly, we focus on mining “basic technology, engineering, cross-end framework technology, graphics programming, server development, desktop development, artificial intelligence, design philosophy, front-end framework” and other general direction of the industry hot issues, and professional interpretation; Not only that, we will also recommend the selection of concave and convex technology articles, to show you the research direction of the team.

Look up, dandelion seeds will take root and germinate, such as summer flowers gorgeous; Ge Ge Zhi zhi, we climb to overlook, the sea gleaned, in order to product silicon step to thousands of miles.

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