Teach yourself the Front End – DAY 1 of HTML (PART 1)
We are often exposed to the composition of the web page text, images, video, hyperlinks and so on.
Common browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google, Apple, Openg. Web standards: Structure (skeleton) – HTML, style – CSS, behavior – JS, definition – The European World Wide Web Consortium develops web standards (including structure HTML style CSS behavior JS).
HTML Hypertext Markup Language text: one sentence psalm article……. Hypertext: Contains text text audio video hyperlinks elements on a page are hypertext. Summary: HTML is a language but a hypertext language with special tags.
HTML structure: HTML — tag, head– header tag, body– topic tag, title– title tag, and DOCTYPE– declare the document type Lang =” en “– the language type of the page, charset=”UTF-8”– encoding format, play a translation role.
Function of tag: 1. Make it layered 2. Modify the content.
functions: 1. The title part uses the title tag; 3. Different levels of H1 ~ H6 can be selected, h1 is the smallest, H2 is the second, and so on; 4. Only one H1 header is allowed on a page. The label H is attached below
<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>The title tag</title>
<h1>The title tag</h1>
<h1>There are six titles to choose from,</h1>
<h2>Text bold line display.</h2>
<h3>Decreasing from the largest to the smallest,</h3>
<h4>It changes from heavy to light.</h4>
<h5>After the grammatical specification is written,</h5>
<h6>See the specific effect refresh.</h6>
Copy the code
The effect is as follows: