Learn Python by yourself: Anaconda Installation Original: Ken Ken Coding July 1

The wechat official account is Ken Coding

Learning A little bit about Python on Saturday is a great opportunity.

Other time to be busy with other, try to let yourself learn a little more basic knowledge, later work in the slowly in-depth to explore

Anaconda is an excellent Python scientific computing environment that includes not only Python but also more than 100 Python scientific computing modules

Attach a website address www.continuum.io/downloads

Once the download is complete, go straight to the foolproof installation

You can type it directly on the command line

conda update conda

conda update anaconda

Anaconda comes with the Python editor Spyder, which is a visual graphics editor written in Python and used directly from the command line

Spyder open

The first line of Python code

Type Python on the command line

Where ‘>>>’ is the prompt, so it tells you to enter the code here and say print(‘ Hello Python ‘)