“This article has participated in the good article call order activity, click to see: back end, big front end double track submission, 20,000 yuan prize pool for you to challenge!”
Let me go through the process of registering, logging in, and playing a demo. (Originally, I wanted to record a GIF, but it was too big, hundreds of megabytes, so I wanted to record a video, but the Nuggets haven’t developed the ability to do that yet, so I uploaded it to Bilibili.) The code is available at the end of this article
This is also a little big, more than 40 megabits, can be loaded out
1. User registration class
The class name is register.java
So here we’re using the JFrame window. A JFrame is a component that can be displayed on its own. A window usually contains a title, an icon, action buttons (close, minimize, maximize), and the ability to add a menu bar, toolbar, and so on to the window. Multiple Windows can be created in a process and can be displayed, hidden, or destroyed when appropriate.
The main code for the class that controls user registration
Just put the main code here, otherwise it’s too long to read
public class Register extends JFrame{
/* * User registration */
final JLabel welcomeRegisterLabel = new JLabel("Welcome to register happy Gobang!");
final JLabel userLabel = new JLabel("Username:");
final JTextField userjt = new JTextField(14);
final JLabel passwordLabel = new JLabel(Password:);
final JPasswordField passwordjp = new JPasswordField(14);
final JLabel confirmPasswordLabel = new JLabel(Confirm password:);
final JPasswordField confirmPasswordjp = new JPasswordField(14);
final JLabel yanzhengmajl = new JLabel("Verification code:");
final JTextField yanzhengmajt = new JTextField("Please enter the verification code.".7);
final JLabel yanzhengmaUpdate = new JLabel("Can't see? In a");
final JButton register = new JButton("-");
final JLabel back = new JLabel("Return");
final JLabel tipUserAlreadyRegistered = new JLabel("The account has been registered!");
final JLabel tipUserNameEmpty = new JLabel("User name empty!");
final JLabel tipUserNameLessThan5Char = new JLabel("Account number less than 5 characters!");
final JLabel tipPasswordEmpty = new JLabel("The password cannot be empty!");
final JLabel tipPasswordLessThan6Char = new JLabel("Password less than 6 characters!");
final JLabel tipPasswordInconfirmity = new JLabel("Two passwords inconsistent!");
final JLabel tipConfirmPasswordqualified = new JLabel("Repeat the password correctly!");
final JLabel tipyanzhengmaerror = new JLabel("Incorrect verification code input!");
final DrawYZM drawyzm = new DrawYZM();
final Random r = new Random();
static String userName = new String();
static String password = new String();
final FileOperation read = new FileOperation();
String repeatPassword = new String();
String yanzhengma = new String();
String yzm = new String();
int flagUserName = 0;
int flagPassword = 0;
int flagConfirmedPassword = 0;
int flagyanzhengma = 0;
char[] YZM = new char[62]; {for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
YZM[i] = (char) ('A' + i);
for(int i = 26; i< 52; i++) {
YZM[i] = (char) ('a' + i - 26);
for(char i = 52; i < 62; i++) {
YZM[i] = (char) (i - 4);
SpringLayout springLayout = new SpringLayout();// Use the spring layout manager
Copy the code
Verification code class required for registration
class DrawYZM extends JPanel{
/* * Verify code class */
public void paint(Graphics g) {
int R = r.nextInt(255);
int G = r.nextInt(255);
int B = r.nextInt(255);
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
int n = 0;
yzm = "";
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
n = r.nextInt(62);
yzm += YZM[n];
int flag = r.nextInt(2);
Color color = new Color(r.nextInt(200) + 20, r.nextInt(200) + 20, r.nextInt(200) + 20);
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
AffineTransform trans = new AffineTransform();// Rotate the text by the specified Angle
if(flag == 0) {
trans.rotate(- r.nextInt(45) * 3.14 / 180.275 + i * 25.307);
}else {
trans.rotate(r.nextInt(45) * 3.14 / 180.275 + i * 25.307);
g2.setFont(new Font(Microsoft Yahei.1.24));
g2.drawString(YZM[n] + "".277 + i * 22.307); }}}Copy the code
II. File operations
The class name is fileOperation.java
First we need to create the Excel file
This includes number, username, password, score, level, number of wins, total, password remembered, automatic login, and registration time
public void creatExcel(String path) {
String data[] = { "Num"."userName"."password"."points"."class"."winNum"."totalNum"."RememberPassword"."AutoLogin"."date"};
try {
File file = new File(path);
WritableWorkbook book = Workbook.createWorkbook(file);
WritableSheet sheet = book.createSheet("User Information".0);
for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {// Write the information to the XLS file
Label label = new Label(i, 0, data[i]);
} catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); }}Copy the code
The following method is used to determine whether an account exists
public boolean readData(String path, String userName) {
File file = new File(path);
if(! file.exists()) {// If the file does not exist
creatExcel("user.xls");// Create the file
Workbook workbook = null;
Sheet sheet = null;
Cell cell = null;
boolean flag = false;
try {
workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(file);
sheet = workbook.getSheet(0);
for(int i = 0; i < sheet.getRows(); i ++) {
cell = sheet.getCell(1, i);
String content = cell.getContents();// Get the content
if(content.equals(userName)) {
flag = true;
}catch(Exception e) {
return flag;
Copy the code
The user writes information to a file
public void writeData(String path, String userName, String keyword, String data) {
File file = new File(path);// Create file object
if(! file.exists()) {// If the file does not exist
creatExcel("user.xls");// Create the file
Workbook workbook = null;
WritableWorkbook wtbook = null;
WritableSheet wtsheet = null;
WritableCell wtcell = null;
int flagx = 0;
int flagy = 0;
try {
workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(file);
wtbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(file, workbook);
wtsheet = wtbook.getSheet(0);// Get the first form
for(int i = 0; i < wtsheet.getColumns(); i++) {/ / lookup columns
wtcell = wtsheet.getWritableCell(i, 0);
if(wtcell.getType() == CellType.LABEL) {
String cell = ((Label)wtcell).getContents();
if(cell.equals(keyword)) {// Locate the line of the keyword
flagx = i;
break; }}}if(keyword.equals("userName")) {// If the user name is written
flagy = wtsheet.getRows();
}else {// Write something else
for(int i = 0; i < wtsheet.getRows(); i++) {/ / line
wtcell = wtsheet.getWritableCell(1, i);
String cell = ((Label)wtcell).getContents();
if(cell.equals(userName)) {
flagy = i;
Label label = new Label(flagx, flagy, data);
wtsheet.addCell(new Label(0, flagy, String.valueOf((wtsheet.getRows() - 1))));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
} catch(WriteException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } workbook.close(); }}Copy the code
The information about the corresponding user is returned
public String backData(String path, String userName, String keyword) {
File file = new File(path);
if(! file.exists()) {// If the file does not exist
creatExcel("user.xls");// Create the file
Workbook workbook = null;
Sheet sheet = null;
Cell cell = null;
int flagx = 0;
int flagy = 0;
try {
workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(file);
sheet = workbook.getSheet(0);
for(int i = 0; i < sheet.getColumns(); i++) {// Find the row where the user name is
cell = sheet.getCell(i, 0);
String s = cell.getContents();
if(s.equals(keyword)) {
flagx = i;
break; }}for(int i = 0; i < sheet.getRows(); i++) {
cell = sheet.getCell(1, i);
String s = cell.getContents();
if(s.equals(userName)) {
flagy = i;
}catch(Exception e) {
try {
cell = Workbook.getWorkbook(file).getSheet(0).getCell(flagx, flagy);
}catch(Exception e) {
String s = cell.getContents();
return s;
Copy the code
3. Board page class
Board page class name: chessboard.java
Adds an event listener for the color selection
whiteChessLabel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
if(chessboardEmpty == 0) {// You can select the color only when the board is empty
whiteChessjr.setSelected(true); }}}); blackChessLabel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
if(chessboardEmpty == 0) {// You can select the color only when the board is empty
blackChessjr.setSelected(true); }}});Copy the code
Add an event listener for the New office button
newRound.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
for(int i = 0; i < map.length; i++) {// Set the map array to 0
for(int j = 0; j < map[i].length; j++) {
map[i][j] = 0;
mapflag[i][j] = 0; }}for(int j = 0; j < 225; j++) {// Set the array of tokens to 0
imapflag[j] = 0;
jmapflag[j] = 0;
flag = 0;// Set the following table to 0
winFLAG = 0;// Set the win/lose flag to 0
playerColor = -1;// Set the player color mark to -1
computerColor = -1;// The color of the computer is -1
chessboardEmpty = 0;// The board mark is empty
player = 1;// Players play chess first
computer = 0;// After the computer down
newchessX = 0;// Set the new chess mark to 0
newchessY = 0;
depth = 0; repaint(); }});Copy the code
Add an event listener for the contrite
back.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if(flag - 1> =0) {// When there are pieces on the board, click once to lose two pieces on the board, one is your own, the other is the computer
for(int i = flag - 1; i > flag - 3; i--) {
map[imapflag[i]][jmapflag[i]] = 0;
mapflag[imapflag[i]][jmapflag[i]] = 0;
imapflag[i] = 0;// Store the coordinates in the array of tokens
jmapflag[i] = 0;
flag = flag - 2;// Indicates that each pair on the board loses one piece
winFLAG = 0;
if(flag - 1> =0) {
newchessX = imapflag[flag - 1];
newchessY = jmapflag[flag - 1];
if(flag == 0) {// The board is empty
chessboardEmpty = 0;// The board is empty
playerColor = -1;// Set the color of player and computer chess pieces to 0
computerColor = -1;
depth = 0;
}else{; }}});Copy the code
The return button adds an event listener
returnback.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
newMain(); }});Copy the code
Exit the button event listener
exit.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {// Click the Exit button to exit the program
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
System.exit(0); }});Copy the code
Mouse into the checkerboard area, used to display the prompt box, indicating that click can be played in which area
addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionListener() {
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
// TODO automatically generates method stubs
x = e.getX();
y = e.getY();
if(x >= 247 && x <= 951 && y >=77 && y <= 781) {// If the mouse click on the point in the board or the edge of a point
double m = (x - 270.0) /47.0;// Determine which intersection point is closest to the click location
double n = (y - 100.0) /47.0;
int p = (x - 270) /47;
int q = (y - 100) /47;
int i, j;
if(m - p >= 0.5 || m - p <= -0.5) {
i = p + 1;
}else {
i = p;
if(n - q >= 0.5 || n - q <= -0.5) {
j = q + 1;
}else {
j = q;
if(i >=0 && i <= 15 && j >= 0 && j <= 15) {// The identified area is within the board
if(mapflag[i][j] == 0 && winFLAG == 0 && player == 1) {// There are no chess pieces in this place, and there is no win yet
promptBoxFlag[i][j] = 1; repaint(); }}}}public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {}});Copy the code
Computer chess function
private void tuntoComputer(a) {// The computer plays chess
// TODO automatically generates method stubs
if(depth >= 7) {
depth = 6;
position = Algorithm.evalute(map, depth, computerColor);// Call the valuation function
map[position[0]][position[1]] = computerColor;
imapflag[flag] = position[0];// Store the coordinates in the array of tokens
jmapflag[flag] = position[1];
newchessX = position[0];// The new chess mark records coordinates
newchessY = position[1];
int a = Math.max(Math.abs(position[0] - 7), Math.abs(position[1] - 7));// Calculate the maximum distance from the point to the center
depth = Math.max(depth, a);// Update the depth value continuously
flag ++;
chessboardEmpty = 1;// The board is marked with pieces
player = 1;// Set the player chess mark to 0
computer = 0;// The computer chess mark is 1
judgeFlag = 1;
Copy the code
Drawing board
for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {/ / horizontal
g2.drawLine(261, i * 47 + 63.919, i * 47 + 63);
for(int j = 0; j < 15; j++) {/ / vertical lines
g2.drawLine(j * 47 + 261.64, j * 47 + 261.721);
Copy the code
Draw the pieces
for(int i = 0; i < map.length; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < map[i].length; j++) {
/ / white
if(map[i][j] == 1) {
g2.drawImage(white, i * 47 + 241, j * 47 + 43.40.40.this);
mapflag[i][j] = 1;// Mark the position to indicate that there is already a chess piece in the place
/ / black
if(map[i][j] == 2) {
g2.drawImage(black, i * 47 + 241, j * 47 + 43.40.40.this);
mapflag[i][j] = 1; }}}Copy the code
Determine if the pieces are connected in five
if(judgeFlag == 1) {
judgeFlag = 0;
Copy the code
Draws red dot marker for new chess pieces
if(chessboardEmpty ! =0) {
g2.fillOval(newchessX * 47 + 254, newchessY * 47 + 55.15.15);
Copy the code
Draws the mouse movement box
for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < 15; j++) {
if(promptBoxFlag[i][j] == 1) {
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2.5 f));// Set the line size
g2.drawLine(238 + i * 47.40 + j * 47.248 + i * 47.40 + j * 47);// Upper left horizontal line
g2.drawLine(275 + i * 47.40 + j * 47.285 + i * 47.40 + j * 47);// Upper right horizontal line
g2.drawLine(238 + i * 47.40 + j * 47.238 + i * 47.50 + j * 47);// Upper left vertical line
g2.drawLine(285 + i * 47.40 + j * 47.285 + i * 47.50 + j * 47);// Upper right vertical line
g2.drawLine(238 + i * 47.77 + j * 47.238 + i * 47.87 + j * 47);// Bottom left vertical line
g2.drawLine(285 + i * 47.77 + j * 47.285 + i * 47.87 + j * 47);// Bottom right vertical line
g2.drawLine(238 + i * 47.87 + j * 47.248 + i * 47.87 + j * 47);// Lower left horizontal line
g2.drawLine(275 + i * 47.87 + j * 47.285 + i * 47.87 + j * 47);// Bottom right horizontal line
promptBoxFlag[i][j] = 0; }}}for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {// Top right star
g2.drawImage(happy, 711 + i *;
Copy the code
Fixed an issue where the win/lose sign was not displayed the first time
if(winFLAG == 0 && player == 0) {// Call the computer to play chess
Copy the code
Sets whether dropdown boxes and radio buttons on the board that are not empty cannot be selected
Sets the available status of the chess color checkbox
if(chessboardEmpty == 1) {// The board is not empty
difficulityClass.setEnabled(false);// Set the drop-down box to be unavailable
if(whiteChessjr.isSelected()) {// The white piece checkbox is selected
}else {// The black piece checkbox is selected
whiteChessjr.setEnabled(false); }}else {// The board is empty
blackChessjr.setEnabled(true);// Release two radio boxes
difficulityClass.setEnabled(true);// Release the drop-down box
Copy the code
Redraw integrals, levels, win rates
classNum = (int) ((int)(pointsNum /100 * 0.4 + gamewinNum * 0.4 + gameNum * 0.2) * 0.8);
sunNum = (int) (classNum / 100);
moonNum = (int)(classNum - sunNum * 100) / 50;
starNum = (int)(classNum - sunNum * 100 - moonNum * 50) / 10;
for(t = 0; t < sunNum; t++) {// Paint the sun
g2.drawImage(sun, 75 + t * 30.538.30.30.null);
for(t = sunNum ; t < moonNum + sunNum; t++) {// Paint the moon
g2.drawImage(moon, 75 + t * 30.540.25.25.null);
if(moonNum > 0 || sunNum > 0) {// Paint stars
for(t = moonNum + sunNum ; t < starNum + moonNum + sunNum; t ++) {
g2.drawImage(star, 75 + t * 30.540.25.25.null); }}else {
for(t = moonNum ; t < starNum + 1; t ++) {
g2.drawImage(star, 75 + t * 30.538.30.30.null); }}Copy the code
Determine if the pieces are connected in five
public void judge(a) {
for(t = newchessX,s = newchessY,count = 0; t >=0 && s >= 0 && count <= 4; t--,s--,count++) {
comeX = t;
comeY = s;
for(t = newchessX, s = newchessY, count = 0; t <=14 && s >= 0 && count <= 4; t++, s--, count++) {
toX = t;
toY = s;
if(winFLAG == 0) {
for(int ch = 1; ch <=2; ch++) {
// Judge the horizontal pieces
for(s = (newchessX - 4) > =0 ? (newchessX - 4) : 0 ; s <= newchessX; s++) {// Indicates that the player wins
t = newchessY;
if(map[s][t] == CHESSCOLOR && s < 11) {// Count the number of rows
if(map[s + 1][t] == CHESSCOLOR) {
if(map[s + 2][t] == CHESSCOLOR) {
if(map[s + 3][t] == CHESSCOLOR) {
if(map[s + 4][t] == CHESSCOLOR) {
winX = s;
winY = t;
winWay = 1;
if(CHESSCOLOR == 1) {/ / white
winFLAG = 1;
}else {/ / black
winFLAG = 2;
if(winFLAG ! =0) {// If one side wins, it will quit
// Determine the listed pieces
for(t = (newchessY - 4) > =0 ? (newchessY - 4) : 0 ; t <= newchessY; t ++) {
s = newchessX;
if(map[s][t] == CHESSCOLOR && t < 11) {// Count the number of pieces in the column
if(map[s][t + 1] == CHESSCOLOR) {
if(map[s][t + 2] == CHESSCOLOR) {
if(map[s][t + 3] == CHESSCOLOR) {
if(map[s][t + 4] == CHESSCOLOR) {
winX = s;
winY = t;
winWay = 2;
if(CHESSCOLOR == 1) {/ / white
winFLAG = 1;
}else {/ / black
winFLAG = 2;
if(winFLAG ! =0) {// If one side wins, it will quit
// Determine the top left to bottom right pieces
for(s = comeX, t = comeY; s <= newchessX && t <= newchessY; s ++, t++) {
if(map[s][t] == CHESSCOLOR && s < 11 && t < 11) {// Count the number of slant pieces
if(map[s + 1][t + 1] == CHESSCOLOR) {
if(map[s + 2][t + 2] == CHESSCOLOR) {
if(map[s + 3][t + 3] == CHESSCOLOR) {
if(map[s + 4][t + 4] == CHESSCOLOR) {
winX = s;
winY = t;
winWay = 3;
if(CHESSCOLOR == 1) {/ / white
winFLAG = 1;
}else {/ / black
winFLAG = 2;
if(winFLAG ! =0) {// If one side wins, it will quit
// Determine the upper right to lower left pieces
for(s = toX, t = toY; s >= newchessX && t <= newchessY; s --, t++) {
if(map[s][t] == CHESSCOLOR && s >= 4 && t < 11) {// Count the number of diagonal pieces
if(map[s - 1][t + 1] == CHESSCOLOR) {
if(map[s - 2][t + 2] == CHESSCOLOR) {
if(map[s - 3][t + 3] == CHESSCOLOR) {
if(map[s - 4][t + 4] == CHESSCOLOR) {
winX = s;
winY = t;
winWay = 4;
if(CHESSCOLOR == 1) {/ / white
winFLAG = 1;
}else {/ / black
winFLAG = 2;
if(winFLAG ! =0) {// If one side wins, it will quit
break; }}}}Copy the code
4. Main function main.java
Basic layout Settings
setTitle("Happy Gobang");
SpringLayout springLayout = new SpringLayout();// Use the spring layout manager
Container c = getContentPane();// Create a container
c.setBackground(new Color(255.218.185));
userjt.setFont(new Font(Microsoft Yahei.0.18 ));
passwordjt.setFont(new Font(Microsoft Yahei.0.18));
logoLabel.setFont(new Font(Microsoft Yahei.1.48));
ImageIcon logoimage = new ImageIcon(Main.class.getResource("/image/logo5.jpg"));
logoimage.setImage(logoimage.getImage().getScaledInstance(260.130, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT));
userLabel.setFont(new Font(Microsoft Yahei.1.20));
passwordLabel.setFont(new Font(Microsoft Yahei.1.20));
rememberPasswordjl.setFont(new Font(Microsoft Yahei.0.14));
automaticLoginjl.setFont(new Font(Microsoft Yahei.0.14));
loginButton.setFont(new Font(Microsoft Yahei.1.16));
registerLabel.setFont(new Font(Microsoft Yahei.1.13));
promptPasswordFalse.setFont(new Font(Microsoft Yahei.0.13));
promptUserNameEmpty.setFont(new Font(Microsoft Yahei.0.13));
prompPasswordEmpty.setFont(new Font(Microsoft Yahei.0.13));
promptRegister.setFont(new Font(Microsoft Yahei.0.13));
rememberPasswordjcb.setBackground(new Color(255.218.185));
automaticLoginjcb.setBackground(new Color(255.218.185));
Copy the code
Home page icon
c.add(logo);// Home icon
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, logo, 40, springLayout.NORTH, c);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, logo, 115, springLayout.WEST, c);
c.add(logoLabel);// Title "Happy Gobang"
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, logoLabel, 100, springLayout.NORTH, c);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, logoLabel, 120, springLayout.WEST, c);
Copy the code
The user name
c.add(userLabel);/ / user name
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, userLabel, 35, springLayout.SOUTH, logoLabel);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, userLabel, 110, springLayout.WEST, c);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, userjt, 35, springLayout.SOUTH, logoLabel);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, userjt, 10, springLayout.EAST, userLabel);
Copy the code
c.add(passwordLabel);/ / password
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, passwordLabel, 10, springLayout.SOUTH, userLabel);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, passwordLabel, 110, springLayout.WEST, c);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, passwordjt, 10, springLayout.SOUTH, userjt);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, passwordjt, 10, springLayout.EAST, passwordLabel);
Copy the code
Check box
c.add(rememberPasswordjcb);/ / check box
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, rememberPasswordjcb, 10, springLayout.SOUTH, passwordLabel);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, rememberPasswordjcb, 175, springLayout.WEST, c);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, rememberPasswordjl, 10, springLayout.SOUTH, passwordjt);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, rememberPasswordjl, 5, springLayout.EAST, rememberPasswordjcb);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, automaticLoginjcb, 10, springLayout.SOUTH, passwordjt);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, automaticLoginjcb, 30, springLayout.EAST, rememberPasswordjl);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, automaticLoginjl, 10, springLayout.SOUTH, passwordjt);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, automaticLoginjl, 5, springLayout.EAST, automaticLoginjcb);
Copy the code
Login and registration buttons
c.add(loginButton);// The login button
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, loginButton, 20, springLayout.SOUTH, rememberPasswordjl);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, loginButton, 110, springLayout.WEST, c);
c.add(registerLabel);// Register button
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, registerLabel, 5, springLayout.SOUTH, loginButton);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, registerLabel, 320, springLayout.WEST, c);
Copy the code
The account is not registered
c.add(promptRegister);// The account is not registered
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, promptRegister, 41, springLayout.SOUTH, logoLabel);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, promptRegister, 5, springLayout.EAST, userjt);
c.add(promptUserNameEmpty);// Please enter the account number
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, promptUserNameEmpty, 41, springLayout.SOUTH, logoLabel);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, promptUserNameEmpty, 5, springLayout.EAST, userjt);
Copy the code
Password error message
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, promptPasswordFalse, 20, springLayout.SOUTH, promptRegister);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, promptPasswordFalse, 5, springLayout.EAST, passwordjt);
Copy the code
The password is empty
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, prompPasswordEmpty, 20, springLayout.SOUTH, promptRegister);
springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, prompPasswordEmpty, 5, springLayout.EAST, passwordjt);
Copy the code
Set the text box mouse click event
userjt.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {/ / text boxes
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
userjt.setText(""); }}); passwordjt.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {/ / the password box
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
passwordjt.setText(""); }});Copy the code
Set the login button click event
loginButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String userName = userjt.getText().trim();// Obtain the account and password entered by the user
String Password = new String(passwordjt.getPassword()).trim();
// Determine the account and password
if(userName.length() ! =0) {// The user name is not empty
promptUserNameEmpty.setVisible(false);// Close the account and the display is empty
if(Password.length() ! =0) {// The password is not empty
if(f.readData("user.xls", userName) && Password.equals(f.backData("user.xls", userName, "password"))) {// The user entered the correct account and password
promptRegister.setVisible(false);// Hide the prompt
loginButton.setText("Landing... ");
new Chessboard();// Go to the gobang board page
dispose();// Destroy the current page
else if( f.readData("user.xls", userName) && ! Password.equals(f.backData("user.xls", userName, "password"))) {// The user entered an incorrect password
promptPasswordFalse.setVisible(true);// A password error message is displayed
passwordjt.setText("");// The password box is cleared
passwordjt.requestFocus();// Move the cursor to the password box
}else {// The account has not been registered
prompPasswordEmpty.setVisible(false); }}else {// The password is empty
if(userName.equals("admin")) {// The user name has been registered, prompting for a password
}else {// User name is not registered
promptPasswordFalse.setVisible(false); }}}else {// The user name is empty
promptUserNameEmpty.setVisible(true);// You are prompted to enter the account
passwordjt.setText("");// Leave the password box blank
if(Password.length() == 0) {// The password is empty
promptPasswordFalse.setVisible(false); }}}});Copy the code
Register tag listeners
registerLabel.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
new Register();
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {}
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {}});Copy the code
5. Algorithm. Java
Count the left pieces
for(int i = X - 1; i >=0; i--) {
if(map[i][Y] == color) {
upcount[0] + +; }else if(map[i][Y] ! =0&& map[i][Y] ! = color) {// Indicates that there are pieces of the opposing party
upflag[0] = -1;
}else {// Is null
upflag[0] = 1;
if(i - 1> =0 && map[i][Y] == 0) {
upflag[0] = 2;// Indicates two Spaces
}else {
if(i - 2> =0 && map[i][Y] == 0) {
upflag[0] = 3;// Indicates three Spaces
}else {
break; }}Copy the code
Count the number of pieces on the right
for(int j = X + 1; j <= 14; j++) {
if(map[j][Y] == color) {
downcount[0] + +; }else if(map[j][Y] ! =0&& map[j][Y] ! = color) { downflag[0] = -1;
}else {// Is null
downflag[0] = 1;
if(j + 1< =14 && map[j][Y] == 0) {
downflag[0] = 2;
}else {
if(j + 2< =14 && map[j][Y] == 0) {
downflag[0] = 3;
}else {
break; }}Copy the code
The calculation direction is upward
for(int i = Y - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(map[X][i] == color) {
upcount[1] + +; }else if(map[X][i] ! =0&& map[X][i] ! = color) {// Indicates that the dot is the opponent's piece
upflag[1] = -1;
}else {// Is null
upflag[1] = 1;
if(i - 1> =0 && map[X][i] == 0) {
upflag[1] = 2;
}else {
if(i - 2> =0 && map[X][i] == 0) {
upflag[1] = 3;
}else {
break; }}Copy the code
The direction of calculation is downward
for(int j = Y + 1; j <= 14; j++) {
if(map[X][j] == color) {
downcount[1] + +; }else if(map[X][j] ! =0&& map[X][j] ! = color) {// Indicates that the dot is the opponent's piece
downflag[1] = -1;
}else {// Is null
downflag[1] = 1;
if(j + 1> =0 && map[X][j] == 0) {
downflag[1] = 2;
}else {
if(j + 2> =0 && map[X][j] == 0) {
downflag[1] = 3;
}else {
break; }}Copy the code
Calculated incline
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
for(i = X - 1, j = Y - 1; i >= 0 && j >= 0; i--, j--) {
if(map[i][j] == color) {
upcount[2] + +; }else if(map[i][j] ! =0&& map[i][j] ! = color) { upflag[2] = -1;
}else {/ / is empty
upflag[2] = 1;
if(i - 1> =0 && j - 1> =0 && map[i][j] == 0) {
upflag[2] = 2;
}else {
if(i - 2> =0 && j - 2> =0 && map[i][j] == 0) {
upflag[2] = 3;
}else {
break; }}Copy the code
Calculate slope down
for(i = X + 1, j = Y + 1; i <= 14 && j <= 14; i++, j++) {
if(map[i][j] == color) {
downcount[2] + +; }else if(map[i][j] ! =0&& map[i][j] ! = color) { downflag[2] = -1;
}else {/ / is empty
downflag[2] = 1;
if(i + 1< =14 && j + 1< =14 && map[i][j] == 0) {
downflag[2] = 2;
}else {
if(i + 2< =14 && j + 2< =14 && map[i][j] == 0) {
downflag[2] = 3;
}else {
break; }}Copy the code
Valuation algorithm that returns an array for recording coordinates
public static int[] evalute(int map[][], int depth, int computerColor) {
int maxscore = 0;
Random r = new Random();
int pos[][] = new int[10] [2]; {for(int i = 0; i < pos.length; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < pos[i].length; j++) {
pos[i][j] = 0; }}}int FLAG = 0;
int score[][] = new int[15] [15]; {// Initialize the score array
for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < 15; j++) {
score[i][j] = 0; }}}int position[] = new int[] {0.0};// Initialize the array of position coordinates
for(int i = 6 - depth; i <= 8 + depth && i <= 14; i++) {// Search the abscissa
for(int j = 6 - depth; j <= 8 + depth && j <= 14; j++) {// Search the ordinate
if(map[i][j] == 0) {// Indicates that the point is empty on the board
score[i][j] = countScore(map, i, j, computerColor);
if(maxscore < score[i][j]) {
maxscore = score[i][j];// Record the current maximum score on the board}}}}for(int i = 6 - depth; i <= 8 + depth && i <= 14; i++) {
for(int j = 6 - depth; j <= 8 + depth && j <= 14; j++) {
if(score[i][j] == maxscore) {
pos[FLAG][0] = i;
pos[FLAG++][1] = j; }}}int m = r.nextInt(FLAG);
position[0] = pos[m][0];
position[1] = pos[m][1];
return position;
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The jar package: JXL. Jar
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【 Java Gobang games 】
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