Tea classification: right scrolling data, linkage left style this idea for the novice I feel a little difficult, not familiar with this kind of routine, such as experience just feel not so difficult to take notes, convenient to look back in the future


  1. Dynamically bind classes, as objects, in conjunction with computed properties

  2. The calculation property is combined with findIndex and data comparison

The 3 steps are as follows: 1 // Dynamic binding :class style :class="{active:index==currentIndex}" Better Scroll on(type, fn, context) {// There is a pit in the better scroll on(type, fn, context) {// There is a pit in the better scroll on(type, fn, context); ProbeType: 2 | 3. Default is 0 reference: https://better-scroll.github.io/docs-v1/doc/zh-hans/options.html#probetype this.wrapper_menu.on("scroll", (pos) => { // console.log(pos); This. ScrollY = math.abs (pos.y); }); Do a careful analysis on your own. I seldom encounter this kind of situation when I learn knowledge. { currentIndex() { return this.scrollHeight.findIndex((item, index) => { // console.log(item, index); return ( this.scrollY >= item && this.scrollY < this.scrollHeight[index + 1] ); }); },}, overall code:  <template> <div class="section"> <div class="l-menu"> <div class="wrapper"> <ul> <li v-for="(item,index) in menuList" :key="index" @click="clickLeftMenu(index)" :class="{active:index==currentIndex}" >{{item.title}}</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="r-menu"> <div class="wrapper-menu"> <div ref="scrolls"> <ul class="recommend" ref="ulrecommend" v-for="(item,index) in recommendInfo" :key="index" > <li v-for="(k,i) in item" :key="i"> <div>{{k.title}}</div> <ul class="Tea"> <li v-for="(s,idxs) in k.list" :key="idxs"> <img :src="s.imgUrl" alt /> <div>{{s.title}}</div> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import http from "@/common/api/request.js"; Import BScroll from "better-scroll"; export default { data() { return { menuList: [], recommendInfo: [], wrapper_menu: "", scrollHeight: [], // Array of right scrolling distances (ul for each height, use this distance when clicking the menu on the left) scrollY: "", // Right scrolling distances}; }, created() { this.getList(); }, methods: { async getList() { let res = await http.$axios({ url: "/api/goods/list", }); let menuList = []; let recommendInfo = []; // console.log(res); res.forEach((i) => { menuList.push({ id: i.id, title: i.title, }); recommendInfo.push(i.data); }); this.menuList = menuList; this.recommendInfo = recommendInfo; $nextTick() => {new BScroll(".wrapper", {click: true, pullUpLoad: true, scrollbar: true, pullDownRefresh: true, }); }); $nextTick(() => {this.wrapper_menu = new BScroll(".wrapper-menu", {pullUpLoad: true, scrollbar: true, pullDownRefresh: true, }); // let height = 0; this.scrollHeight.push(height); Let uls = this.$refs.ulrecommend; Array.from(uls).foreach ((I) => {// console.log(i.clientheight); // Get the height of each ul and add the sum to an empty array height += i.clientheight; this.scrollHeight.push(height); }); // console.log(height); // console.log(uls); // console.log(this.scrollHeight); According to the implementation of the Better - Scroll on(type, fn, context) // 1.1 I heard that there was a pit long ago (but now there is no pit), so that the distance can not be obtained by scrolling. / / solution: an attribute is added in the scroll event: probeType: 2 | 3, the default is 0 reference: https://better-scroll.github.io/docs-v1/doc/zh-hans/options.html#probetype // this.wrapper_menu.on("scroll", (pos) => { // console.log(pos); This. ScrollY = math.abs (pos.y); }); }); }, // Click clickLeftMenu(index) {console.log(index); Console. log(this.$refs.scrolls); this.wrapper_menu.scrollTo(0, -this.scrollHeight[index], 300); },}, // Calculate attributes computed: { currentIndex() { return this.scrollHeight.findIndex((item, index) => { // console.log(item, index); return ( this.scrollY >= item && this.scrollY < this.scrollHeight[index + 1] ); }); ,}}}; </script> <style lang="less" scoped> .section { display: flex; position: fixed; justify-content: space-between; height: 100vh; width: 100vw; .l-menu { border-right: 1px solid #cccccc; ul { display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; Li {the font - size: 0.48 rem; Margin: 0.266667 rem; } } // ul li::before { // content: ""; // position: absolute; // display: inline-block; // width: 1px; // height: 20px; // background-color: red; // } ul .active { // position: fixed; padding-left: 0; border-left: 1px solid red; // box-sizing: border-box; } } .r-menu { .wrapper-menu { height: 35vh; } flex: 1; .recommend { display: flex; flex-direction: column; .Tea { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; Margin: 0 0.533333 rem 0.533333 rem; flex: 1; li { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: column; width: 2rem; height: 2rem; Margin: 0.133333 rem; Div {the font - size: 0.373333 rem; } img {width: 1.413333rem; Height: 1.413333 rem; }}}}. Recommend li > div {margin: 0.266667rem; The font - size: 0.48 rem; text-align: center; } } } </style>Copy the code

Scroll the data on the right and the menu navigation on the left automatically jump to the corresponding menu option according to the height of scrolling