1. TCP IP application layer protocol

Install the nc

yum install nc -y
Copy the code
Set up a connection with another server
nc www.baidu.com 80    # This is just setting up the connection, and then the command line is going to get stuck here, continue typing,
GET / HTTP/1.0         # enter
											 # enter
Copy the code

After typing the first command line, it can be used

netstat -natp # check
Copy the code

2. Is TCP connection-oriented?

TCP is connection-oriented. What is a connection?

Is TCP reliable and why?

3. How is the three-way handshake implemented?

4. Related topics?

Build a model

4.1 Are the Client IP address and Port Number Fixed and the Server Variable?

// If one of the dependent models changes, a new connection can be establishedCopy the code

4.2 How can I Increase the Number of Requests locally?

Add a local nic (local IP address) or local port

Breaking up four times