This is what we use when we introduce external links into our websites

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
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Everyone likes target=”_blank” because opening a new page does not affect the original page, but there is a security issue. The page opened by target=”_blank” can be accessed by window.opener.

window.opener.location = "http://..."
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Times can simply navigate to other websites, which has a lot of security risks, such as phishing problems are also very simple to solve, add rel=”noreferrer noopener” attribute in the link can be

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>
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I have checked several platforms that can publish articles in CSDN, such as Nuggets, Sifu, Zhihu and CSDN. As a result, CSDN is the only one with this problem. CSDN is always a bit late, but a technical website always looks so unprofessional. Just like when databases stored passwords in plain text

Utilization of CSDN vulnerability


This is the first thing that comes to mind, if someone mocks a login page, posts an article, inserts a link with a bug, and when the reader is done, comes back and sees a login page

Readers may be surprised, but I believe that many people will fall into this trap

After entering the password, the login phishing site only need to return to the original page, because the existence of the Cookie as if you really logged in, the password has been unknowingly leaked

SAO operation automatic attention

Here we have to make fun of CSDN again. The API for following the user is not only simple, but also can do get and post requests, which gives us a lot of room for manipulation

We just use window.opener. Location to navigate to the attention API and then go back, and the readers will pay attention unconsciously

A short code example

window.opener.location = "" setTimeout(()=>{ window.opener.location = "" }, 1000).Copy the code