Ali technology team has an article about the support system behind Taobao Double 11: How can Ali engineers create 1 billion Taobao home pages a day? . I am quite interested in the framework of deep recall mentioned in it and try to analyze it.
Start with Graph Embedding
Ali’s deep recall system is based on DeepWalk: Online Learning of Social Representations. Let’s start today by looking at what the passage says.
DeepWalk itself is a graph algorithm that learns the representation of vertices in the network. It uses the method of language model to learn the hidden expression of vertices in social network, and obtains good results. In summary, the DeepWalk input is a network, and the output is a latent expression of individual vertices.
Problem Formulation
First, define some symbols:Is a directed weighted graph, where V and E represent the set of vertices and edges, respectively.
Is a partial tagged social network graph in which
Is the dimension of the feature space.
Is the label set. In general classification algorithms, we try to find a map that will
Is mapped to
. In this paper, we use an unsupervised approach to learning network structure.
Our goal is to learn oneD is an implicit vector dimension and it’s small. This D – dimensional vector represents the network structure feature. This expression should have the following properties:
- Adaptability: New items do not require full retraining when added
- Community Aware: The distance between two embedding should be used to measure the similarity between the original item
- Low dimension
- Continuous: Specifies the value in the Continuous space
Random walk
Random walk is a common sampling method, which is used for sequence sampling in this paper. The random walk process in this paper is as follows: from the vertexThe beginning of a random walk is marked as
, then the next vertex to select
From the top
Randomly selected neighbors. This method is used to complete the sampling and the sampled sequences are used as corpus in the language model.
Language Model
In general, the predictive target of a language model is the probability of a word appearing in a predicted sequence, i.e. given a sequence of words:We need to do it by maximizing
To predict the
. By analogy with our problem, it’s maximization
. But our goal is to learn an implicit representation, and let the map we need be
So we need to maximize
. The new language model allows us to turn the question, regardless of the order between words, into:
Among themIt’s the window size. In this setting, nodes with similar neighbors will have similar embedding expression.
According to the above theory, the algorithm of DeepWalk is as follows:
First, random initialization. Build a binary tree from V, mainly for Hierarchical Softmax. after
A random walk of the wheel on V requires that the vertices of V be accessed in a different order each time. Each random walk on V consists of a random walk of length T starting at each vertex. After each random walk sequence is formed, the skip-Gram algorithm should be used once.
Skip-gram is a language model used to maximize the co-occurrence probability of words within a window, which we use here for updates. Specifically, the authors use hierarchical Softmax method to optimize the SkIP-Gram process and stochastic gradient descent method to complete the update. Interested readers can check out this blog for skip-GramWord2Vec Tutorial – The Skip-Gram Model.
Taobao’s transformation of DeepWalk
So, or according to a day to create a billion Taobao home page, Ali engineers how to achieve? How can we apply the DeepWalk model to taobao recommendation system?
Generate network
DeepWalk is a model for generating embedding on a network. We first generate a network. Ali uses SWING algorithms to generate a directed weighted graph between goods as a network. SWING is actually a method of generating i-I similarity on U-I bipartite graphs using a triangular structure called SWING. If SWING is not used, other similarity models can also replace this algorithm. The I-I similarity generated by SWINGF algorithm is not symmetric, so the final form is directed band weighted graph.
Of course, directed weighted graph also means that we need to adjust random walk according to the weight when random walk.
Random Walk sampling is performed on the commodity network
The article stated that they borrowed the sampling method of Node2vec: Scalable Feature Learning for Networks. So, what is the sampling method of this article? Node2vec itself is a semi-supervised learning method for learning feature representation of nodes in networks. The process is actually very similar to DeepWalk. Ali mainly borrowed its random walk process here.
First, we define DFS and BFS neighbors respectively, as shown in the figure below:
The BFS neighbor refers to the neighbor node directly connected to the node. The DFS neighbor refers to the neighbor of the sequence. BFS is easy to understand. Why is there a definition of DFS neighbor?
Nodes in the network have two kinds of similarity: one is convergence, such as U and S1, and the other is structural similarity, such as U and S6. BFS neighbors help explore convergence, while DFS neighbors help explore structural similarity. In product recommendations, beer and wine can be considered structurally similar, while beer and fried chicken can be considered homogenous (in my own opinion, possibly misunderstood). In practice, both similarities are common. Node2vec defines a random walk mechanism that can apply both attributes simultaneously:
- A general random walk defines the probability of selecting the next node as the regularized transition probability. namely
- In this random walk, a bias parameter is designed. Suppose random walk is just from the node
Go to a node
And marks the next node to be accessed as
- That is set
Is the return visit parameter, and the random walk takes
Returns the node
; set
Is the remote access parameter,
The smaller you are, the more likely you are to visit a second-degree node
In addition to random Walk, Node2VEC also uses negative sampling method to replace hierarchical Softmax method in DeepWalk. Taobao has also adopted this approach. At the same time, they also used dynamic sampler optimization. For Negative Sampling, interested readers can check out this blog Word2Vec Tutorial Part 2 – Negative Sampling.
Further optimization
Based on the above, Taobao proposed the version of Sequence+ side-information.
As far as I am concerned, the so-called sequence refers to replacing random walk data with real user session data as training samples. Be here nevertheless, the particularity of taobao this website is very important. As a real-time updated shopping website, there is a very strong correlation between users’ browsing records, but general websites may not have such strong correlation, and it is still doubtful whether this can be done in practice.
Side Information is easier to understand. It is equivalent to adding some data that is related to item but not structure, and adding the embedding to do training together. After all, our goal is to do item recall, not to measure relevance on social networks like Deep Walk.
“After the whole network map of in-session behavior is constructed, the transition probability connection edge similar to TF-IDF is introduced to overcome the Hot issue of Harry Potter. On this basis, probability sampling is carried out to build the” virtual sample “of user behavior to expand the baby coverage and accuracy input into the depth model later. Make the multi-stage extension information more complete. I did not understand the paragraph, if you understand the readers welcome to exchange.
In fact, the optimization of the last stage is aimed at the large-scale data set of Taobao, which may not need to be considered in general recommendation scenarios. Of course, compared with the size of Double Eleven, this is a very important part.
All in all, the general process of Taobao’s in-depth recall framework is as follows:
- Generate an isomorphic network graph based on SWING or any of the I-I Relevance Table algorithms
- Random walk is conducted according to Node2VEC on this network diagram to collect training samples
- Steps 1 and 2 can also be replaced with session data of real users
- Add Side Information to the Projection Layer
- The skip-gram algorithm is executed
About skip-Gram I think there are a few other blogs that are also well written, but some of them are foreign blogs.
- Understand the Skip-Gram model of Word2Vec
- word2vec