“This year’s Double 11 is a super explosion of the world’s largest content e-mall. Every second there is a fierce resonance between consumers, technology, content and business ecology. The superposition of real-time, complexity and continuous peak makes it a global technology peak. Our mission is to make technology a rock-solid steady-state for Double 11, so that consumers can feel a smoother experience.” Shang Xing said.

Tang Xing (Pingchou), Vice President of Alibaba

This year is the 12th Singles’ Day. As the first year of the new round of Singles’ Day, it is not only the biggest shopping festival every year, but also the biggest explosion of domestic demand in 2020. 498.2 billion, another record for singles’ Day. Behind this is the digital construction of Alibaba’s economy to support the whole society’s Double 11, support such a large volume of nunchucks. Follow the editor to understand the latest and fastest core technologies of this year’s Singles’ Day.

Taobao live, create the global content of the technical peak of the electric shopping mall

“This year’s Tmall Double 11 is the most special year.” Jiang Fan, president of Taobao’s Tmall, said that as the world’s biggest post-covid-19 spending season, many merchants have stronger expectations for Singles’ Day. From October 21, Taobao live launched the pre-sale of this year’s Double 11, Taobao live has become the first choice of merchants in content marketing media. From the technical point of view, how can tao live broadcast technology system support online high concurrency, but also to ensure real-time interaction between anchors and users, the accuracy of transactions?

Tao developed global real-time transmission network – GRTN

GRTN is a new generation of multimedia transmission network, which realizes intelligent scheduling of traffic and computing power. Through big data calculation, it gathers DATA of CDN and client, and adopts automatic control theory to automatically control CDN bandwidth. At the same time, the content production of Taobao live broadcast realizes the intelligent scheduling ability of terminal and cloud. According to the performance of terminal and the capacity of cloud, the production location can be dynamically adjusted to reduce resource costs and ensure the stability of the system.

Compared with the 3~5 seconds delay of other live broadcast platforms, GRTN allows the delay of Taobao live broadcast to be controlled within 1 second. This year’s Double 11 is the first large-scale application of GRTN in Taobao live e-commerce. The extremely low interaction delay brings the qualitative improvement of interactive experience. In order to achieve tens of millions of online concurrency, still can let the anchor confidently shout out “123, open robbery!”

At the same time, based on the dynamic capacity expansion characteristics of GRTN, it ensures that the cost decreases by 30% simultaneously while the consumption of live broadcast bandwidth increases rapidly.

Tao department content in Taiwan service Alibaba Group 10+ business

End-to-end intelligent power livestreaming innovative gameplay

With the rapid development of mobile side computing power, the interactive playability and understanding accuracy of live broadcast content are greatly improved. Relying on MNN end-to-end and side inference engine developed by Tao department and open source, Taobao live broadcast room launched a challenge of “voice guess price”. Audiences can also realize voice interaction in the live broadcast room, and they can respond to the task of guessing product price sent by anchors by moving their mouths.

The audiences of Taobao live broadcast are all over the country, and their accents vary greatly, which puts forward high requirements for recognition algorithms. At the same time, if Siri and other cloud-based voice recognition technologies are used, the recognition delay of strong interaction of live broadcast scenes cannot be met. In the face of millions or tens of millions of viewers, it will be worse, and the end-to-end recognition engine will also face great challenges. In order to realize real-time voice interaction, this live broadcast of Taobao adopted a new mobile terminal voice recognition scheme. Based on the new network structure, the speech recognition error rate in difficult scenes is reduced by nearly 30% due to problems such as fast speech speed and strong accent. At the same time, MNN, the inference engine, has also focused on the optimization of the speech recognition model, achieving the completion of the speech interaction process within 50 milliseconds, which is 20 times faster than traditional speech recognition.

The platform and merchants jointly complete digital intelligence operation

Digital new infrastructure achievements in the history of the largest merchant full link pressure test

In the past, due to the “water level difference” between the platform and the business IT infrastructure, IT was difficult for the platform to help the business to transform and upgrade the system. As ali for businesses and partners launched a new generation of digital infrastructure system, with the help of a cloud native engine technology, sustainable link all pressure test and the cloud platform mature technology such as the IT governance ability, help business reconstruction system of high availability with ecological partners baseline, making more and more businesses have the same level of the Internet and ali very large scale data application system.

During the preparation for Double 11, tao’s technical team helped more than 100 ERP service providers and brand merchants to carry out full link pressure measurement of order flood peak, which enabled the merchant system to process tens of thousands of orders per second, which is completely unimaginable under the traditional mode. Help merchant systems find and fix thousands of data access performance problems by providing new IT governance tools and tools to merchants and ecosystem partners; In the post-purchase performance stage, through the application of big data technology, each order of this year’s Double 11 can be more effectively connected with logistics and warehousing scheduling, improve consumers’ receiving experience and timelessness, and help merchants further reduce delivery costs and improve delivery efficiency by more than 20%. The above series of technological upgrades have enabled millions of merchants, covering more than 90% of singles’ 11 orders, escorting the smooth operation of this year’s singles’ 11 core transaction links.

In the past, we will be the full link pressure measurement called the big contributors to ali for “nuclear weapons”, look to the future, the alibaba further integration of electricity and cloud native technology, will be better to form digital real-time collaborative with millions of businesses, in order to realize the real integration of online retail, intelligent management, lay a good foundation system.

Intelligent new product incubation helps businesses grow rapidly

New products are one of the core driving forces for the growth of every brand/business. In the past, traditional new product research and development mainly suffered from two problems: long research and development cycle and low success rate of new product research and development. At present, there are more than 1600 brands on Tmall. Through the new product platform, they try to carry out the whole process of intellectualization such as trend, model testing, trial marketing, mass production, diagnosis and explosion. The overall new product development process can be shortened by 60%.

Tao department new platform through the integration of industry trend ecological institutions and fashion media, combined with alibaba platform massive data, will be abstract trend language structure and digital. NLP new word discovery, image recognition and other intelligent technologies are used to build a systematic recognition and prediction model for trends, fast accurate tracking and prediction of future trends. On this basis, build a complete market analysis and evaluation system, turn trends into business opportunities. Build brand knowledge base with brand vendors, and help brand vendors quickly adjust new product strategies through online accurate crowd testing and research capabilities and new product trial marketing diagnosis, enabling merchants to develop new products and create extreme popular models. Empower the industry and merchants with productization +ISV to enhance their certainty of new product development and reduce trial and error costs.

Tao department of technology into the construction of new platform for more than two years, is committed to the construction of new products from research and development to hit the new product integration of new technology system, has also contributed to the rhino wisdom, lying flat wisdom and other flexible manufacturing mode faster landing.

3D scene purchase “sharp weapon” boost online home decoration industry explosion

We built a building of 100 storeys

On this double 11, Tmall built a 100-story 3D virtual home decoration city, containing tens of thousands of home decoration model rooms, which can present a 360-degree panoramic home furnishing without dead Angle. Lying at home, consumers can click on the screen of their favorite home decoration products, experience the feeling of real shopping. At the same time, can also be independent collocation, one-button shopping. Of course, you can also enjoy the discount and promotion prices of brand merchants on Double 11 and after-sale services of offline stores.


5G, VR and AR technologies are applied in this 100-story building to upgrade the experience of 3D model room 2.0.

On the eve of Double 11, Tao Technology and liping designers jointly developed and launched the AI intelligent model room. At the technical communication meeting on November 3, Tang Xing, chief director of double 11 technology, said: “Through AI intelligent model room, can help businesses can design a SET of 3D model room in 3 seconds, only during this year’s Double 11, for customers to save nearly 100 million yuan of design fees.”

AI intelligent model room can present the latest and cutting-edge design schemes to consumers by constantly learning a large number of excellent design cases accumulated in the early stage. It is worth mentioning that the intelligent model room and taobao main flow channel through, can bring accurate flow for businesses, through big data technology, to achieve real-time tracking of the design, timely perception of consumer preferences, to achieve thousands of thousands of places.

3D model room virtual live broadcast, collision new sparks

At the same time, “3D model room + live broadcasting” will be upgraded on November 11 this year, and green screen technology will be adopted for the first time to help merchants and anchors broadcast live in virtual model rooms. Behind this is the new breakthrough brought by Tao Technology and Liping designers in the field of 3D shopping technology, that is, the integration of 3D model room technology and green screen live broadcasting technology, so that consumers feel as if they are in the real scene model room when watching the host’s explanation.

Anchor explained in front, you can use the green screen “image cutting” technology into 3D model room background. In this way, the anchor in the green screen, in the live shot, but as if in the real scene model room. With the addition of green screen technology and 3D model room, anchors can switch different scenes at any time and instantly “pan” to other model rooms, which greatly saves costs for businesses.

On November 1 alone, tens of thousands of consumers entered the merchant’s direct broadcast room to experience the new form of virtual live broadcast of online 3D model room. During this period, the average time for users to visit the model room reached 42 seconds, and the value of a single UV increased more than 5 times compared to daily.

Technologist says:

Every year on Double 11, the number of zero-point trading system is constantly increasing, and tao technology breakthrough and innovation is far more than this, we will continue to build the world’s leading online new retail technology platform.