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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

User script Header


The name of the script


Script namespace


Sets the page in which the script can be run, allowing multiple tags to be set. @include does not support URL hash arguments.

// @include*
// @include*
// @include https://*
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Like the @include tag, you can set more than one.

// @match http*://
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Excludes urls that do not run scripts on these pages, even if the address is included in the @include or @match tag. Multiple Settings are allowed.


Represents the JavaScript file that needs to be loaded and run before the script can be run. Multiple Settings are allowed. Note: If the loaded script uses strict mode, user scripts may also be affected by strict mode

/ / / / @ the require @ the require / @ the require ,sha256=6789..
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Define resource files that need to be preloaded. These resources can be accessed in the script via GM_getResourceURL, GM_getResourceText. Multiple Settings are allowed.

// @resource icon2 /images/icon.png
// @resource html
// @resource xml
// @resource SRIsecured1
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Sets the domain name (including subdomain name) that is allowed to be accessed over the GM_xmlhttpRequest connection.

// @connect *
// @connect *://*
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The @connect tag allows setting values:

  • The domain name, such, all subdomain names under the domain name are allowed to access
  • Subdomain, such
  • selfDomain name that the script is currently running
  • localhost
  • 2.IP address allowed for connection
  • *All domain names


Set the time to inject the script. @run-at defines the first possible moment a script wants to run.

  • @run-at document-start The script will be injected as fast as possible.
  • @run-at document-body The script will be injected if the body element exists.
  • @run-at document-end The script will be injected when or after the DOMContentLoaded event was dispatched.
  • @run-at document-idleThe script will be injected after the DOMContentLoaded event was dispatched. This is the default value if no @run-at tag is given.
  • @run-at content-menu The script will be injected if it is clicked at the browser context menu (desktop Chrome-based browsers only).


The @grant tag is used to whitelist GM_* methods, unsafeWindow objects, and window object methods. If no @grant tag is given TM guesses the scripts needs.

// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setClipboard
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant window.close
// @grant window.focus
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Access the page’s JS methods and variables through the unsafeWindow object

Subresource Integrity

The @require @resource tag sets the hash part of the URL

/ / @ the require / @ the require ,sha256=6e789.
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Adds the given style to the document and returns the injected style element.


Deletes ‘name’ from storage.


List all names of the storage.

GM_addValueChangeListener(name, function(name, old_value, new_value, remote) {})

Add listener to variable stored in storage, return listener ID. The name argument is the name of the variable to listen on


Removing listeners

GM_setValue(name, value)

Set the value of ‘name’ to the storage.

GM_getValue(name, defaultValue)

Fetch ‘name’ from storage


Console Output Logs


Gets the content predefined in the header of the script with the @Resource tag


Gets the Base64-encoded URI predefined with the @Resource tag in the script header

GM_registerMenuCommand(name, fn, accessKey)

Register the new menu in the Tampermonkey menu of the script run page and return to the menu Command ID


Unregister the menu registered with GM_registerMenuCommand

GM_openInTab(url, options), GM_openInTab(url, loadInBackground)

Open the URL in a new TAB. Options Optional values:

  • activeDefines whether the focus is on the new TAB
  • insert
  • setParent


Make an xmlHttpRequest.

GM_download(details), GM_download(url, name)

Download the URL specified resource to the local disk

Details can have the following attributes:

  • url– Download address (required)
  • name– File name – Need to whitelist the file extension on the Tampermonkey configuration page for security reasons (for security reasons the file extension needs to be whitelisted at Tampermonkey’s options page) (Required)
  • headers– seeGM_xmlhttpRequest
  • saveAsbooleanThe Save as dialog box is displayed
  • onerror– Download failed callback
  • onload– Download complete callback
  • onprogressCallbacks when downloading progress changes
  • ontimeoutCallback when download fails due to timeout

The onerror callback takes the following arguments:

  • error– Cause of failure
    • not_enabled– Users cannot use the download function
    • not_whitelisted– Download file suffixes are not whitelisted
    • not_permitted – the user enabled the download feature, but did not give the downloads permission
    • not_supported – the download feature isn’t supported by the browser/version
    • not_succeeded – the download wasn’t started or failed, the details attribute may provide more information
  • detailsDetails about the error

Download extended whitelist Settings as follows:

Chrome can use Tampermonkey’s GM_download function to bypass the CSP(Content Security Policy) restrictions


Get a object that is persistent as long as this tab is open.


Save the tab object to reopen it after a page unload.


Get all tab objects as a hash to communicate with other script instances.

GM_notification(details, ondone) GM_notification(text, title, image, onlick)

Displays an H5 desktop notification and/or highlights the current Tab

Details has the following features:

  • text– The text of the notification (requiredhighlightSet tofalse)
  • title– The title of the notice
  • imagePictures –
  • highlightbooleanWhether to highlight the TAB for sending notifications (not settextWhen)
  • silentbooleanWhether to play the prompt tone
  • timeouttimeoutNotifications will be hidden after the set time (0 = disabled)
  • ondone– No matter if this was triggered by a timeout or a click or the TAB was highlighted
  • onclick– Called when the user clicks on the notification

GM_setClipborad(data, info)

The parameter ‘info’ can be an object like “{type: ‘text’, mimeType: ‘text/plain’}” or just a string expressing the type (“text” or “html”)


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