“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


2021 is a year of great collapse for China’s education industry, with countless education companies and institutions closing, closing and laying off employees. As someone who has worked for more than a decade, I have experienced many changes, both large and small, and this year’s collapse of the education industry was unexpected. At the end of 2021, let’s talk about the past and the future from the perspective of those of us who work in the education industry.

“I’ve seen her rise, I’ve seen him feast, I’ve seen her fall.” peach Blossom Fan

From this title, is also should this year’s education industry. The sudden outbreak of the epidemic in 2020 originally put a brake on the rapidly developing education industry, but it brought infinite vitality to online education. Online education products emerged one after another. As mentioned in a Report of Tianyan:

The epidemic has spawned new business models in all walks of life. The change is particularly pronounced in education. In the first half of 2020, 235,000 education-related enterprises were added nationwide, according to Tianyan. As of October, 476,000 education-related enterprises were newly added and 136,000 were written off in 2020, with a net increase of 34,000 and a 22.5 percent increase in the number of enterprises compared with 2019.

The capital smelled a business opportunity and invaded the education industry on a large scale. This rapid trend created one industry after another. An industry that was supposed to teach and educate people became a battlefield for capitalists. Go to school every day, come back but also online class, not only learn language number, but also learn thinking, programming, eloquence. This has led to anxiety among parents, heavy burden on students, false publicity and a large number of unqualified teachers.

At last the winter began:

  • Notice on Strengthening Management of School Homework in Compulsory Education (April 2021)
  • Opinions on Further Reducing homework Burden and Off-campus Training Burden of Students in Compulsory Education May 2021
  • Notice on Further Clarifying the Scope of Disciplines and Non-Disciplines of Off-campus Training in Compulsory Education (July 2021)
  • Notice on Resolutely Investigating and Dealing with The Issue of Conducting Disciplinary Off-campus Training in Disguise and In Violation of Regulations in September 2021
  • November 2021 Guidelines on The Classification and Identification of Off-campus Training Programs in Compulsory Education

This series of actions, make itself in full swing education industry building suddenly dump, the process is very simple: “big layoffs”, until now according to incomplete statistics:

  • Bytedance: Laying off nearly 10,000 people, switching to smart hardware
  • Ape coaching: Laid off nearly 40,000 people and switched to making down jackets
  • New Oriental: cut nearly 40,000 jobs and switched to live streaming
  • VIPKID: Cut nearly 2,000 jobs, cut pay 20%
  • The good Future: Nearly 10,000 job cuts
  • High road: Cutting nearly 10,000 jobs
  • Homework gang: Cut nearly 10,000 jobs

Many more educational companies and institutions, large and small, disappeared within a few months.

“Splash blood to make peach blossom fan, especially fresh than the branches” peach Blossom Fan

2021 is fast approaching, so where do we developers in the education industry go from here? We can look back at several domestic Internet changes in recent years:

  • 2014 :MTK knockoff goes out, Android monopolizes the market (creates an open development environment)
  • 2017: Mobile SMS payment withdrew from the stage, the country tightened the payment process (to create a good ecological environment)
  • 2018: Games must have license numbers, making game companies shut down 80% (healthy entertainment environment)

Fortunately, I’ve been there a few times, and I can see that the goals of these changes are good, so we need to embrace these changes and adapt to them.

So as a developer, I have a few tips for you:

Keep up with cutting edge technology and keep iterating

Technology iteration is changing with each passing day, so for myself, I should not be limited to the existing environment to learn, but should pay attention to the technology trends of my own industry and other industries, and have an understanding of the application scenarios of new technologies, so as to be able to quickly transform in the industry transformation.

Take the author for example, a complete development link:

Cocos2dx creator creator Creator Prek Education React front end - Big front end

The current technology is just a tool for you. When you flexibly use one of these tools, you will learn other tools very smoothly. Don’t worry about this change.

Here are some of the new technology directions currently on the market for your reference:

  • Tensorflow: Machine learning can be played on the front end, which was a big update at Google’s Developer conference this year
  • OpenXR: The metasverse is so hot that it can be studied
  • Unreal 5: A new upgrade that simulates the real world in more efficient detail
  • LowCode/NoCode: It can develop efficiently in actual production, reduce communication cost, and the overall ecology is becoming more and more perfect
  • WASM: a new format that is portable, small, fast to load, and web-compatible
  • WebRTC: API that supports real-time voice and video conversations in web browsers

Keep an eye on what’s going on in the market, and watch the developer conferences of the big companies. These are the sources of information that will trigger the next technological revolution.

Stand out and stand out

Now stop and ask yourself this question: When faced with a sudden layoff, are you confident that you won't be laid off, or that you'll find a new job soon, and how will you find a new job?Copy the code

This is a question that should be on every developer’s mind, and should be reminded and examined regularly. In fact, most layoffs are survival of the fittest, so being a person who stands out from the rest, or who can do things on his own, is the key to ensuring that you don’t get laid off. Even if you do get laid off, you can quickly find a new job because of your previous experience.

Here are the skills you need in several stages:

  • Graduating students ~3 years: The goal isStand out from the crowdIn the team, I need to be able to build an image of being active and studious, communicating smoothly and able to solve problems independently. I also need to equip myself with technical books and articles on a daily basis. In addition, focus on sharing, whether within the team or outside the team, good sharing can make your team image more specific, more professional.
  • More than 3 years to 8 years: the goal isAcquire theTo have an in-depth understanding of some technical principles, take charge of a project independently, gradually acquire PM thinking, learn PMP knowledge if necessary, not limited to requirements, but from the top down, put forward optimization suggestions, organize the framework, and build DevOps. If there is energy, it is best to take a few new people, but also to comb their knowledge.
  • More than 8 years: The goal isAll-round developmentFor example, can do architecture, performance analysis, project management, team management, sensitive to new technology, and will promote the technical change of the team, to solve those old difficult problems.

I’m sure that with these skills, most layoffs won’t come your way, and if they do, you’ll find someone else quickly.

“Only the fear of winning or losing is uncertain, until the personnel chaos by the sky”

The year 2022 will soon be here. There will be both new opportunities and new challenges in the New Year. I hope you can make rapid progress in the New Year and keep up with the trend of The Times.

I take pleasure in this article, and welcome to point out any improper.

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