This paper hopes to give you some solid help in college recruitment interview from four aspects: college recruitment process, interview preparation, interview suggestions and ability cultivation. After the article was written, I found that it was not only helpful for the students of school recruitment, but also can be partially referred to for the students of social recruitment. We can refer to the black font and quickly browse, in order to determine whether it was helpful for ourselves. I hope it helps.

1. Why are you writing this article

It is another autumn recruitment season. I once entered Tencent through college recruitment interview. Now I am an ali front-end technology expert, and I have participated in college recruitment interview of CBU front-end in the past two years.

In the whole college recruitment interview, I found that many students with potential actuallyDon’t know some of the tricks of school recruitmentAs a result,The direction of the effort is off. The forum/Github articles, the summary of the basics, are a handful, butLack of an article from the overall level to analyze the school recruitment. In order to better help everyone to better prepare for the school admission, to uncover the mystery of the school admission, so that efforts are more worthwhile, unique to this article.

2. College recruitment process

Different companies have different campus recruitment processes, but they are all similar. Taking Ali as an example, the process is roughly divided into three parts: resume delivery, technical side, HR side.

2.1 Resume Delivery

There are basically four ways to send out the resume of the school recruit. Choose a suitable way to let you win at the starting line:

  • Community forum: public account, etc
  • College recruitment wechat group established by each department/internal promoter
  • Delivery on company website
  • push

Resume delivery priority: push >> campus recruitment wechat group > community forum > company official website

Why is extrapolation so important? Because push-in has the unique advantage of knowing where you’re going. In some companies, the entire interview process takes a long time — yes, that’s Ali 🤦♂️. It can be as long as a week or two, but it’s important to know if you’re still waiting for an interview or if you’re dead.

Therefore, no matter which company you go to interview, it is best to find a reliable recruiter in advance, far more than you in the other three channels to drop the resume and die.

And it is not difficult to find a reliable internal push officer. During the college recruitment season, as long as you check out the best college recruitment articles in the community forum, you can find the contact information of the internal promotion officer at the top or bottom of the article. Join some college recruitment groups, where you can find active and helpful staff.

Each company to find a reliable enough, because the resume has a lock mechanism, someone to help you lock and then give other internal push officer is useless. So find yourself feel reliable within the push officer, and then give the resume.

❗️ a small advertisement: alibaba CBU technology Department autumn recruitment front there are a number of places, interested students can add wechat Angeltune or scan the QR code (I myself, please specify the purpose, the QR code at the bottom of the article). Well, we also have P6/P7 HC, my team, CBU Technology – Experience technology – Search & Advertising. If you are interested in CAM’s live team in the reference documentation, please contact him.

2.2 technical

Ali college technology generally speaking, there will be 4 faces, respectively: P7 face, TL face, small BOSS face, big BOSS face. At present, the major companies are very important to the school recruitment, a round of interviews are sent to the core backbone to attend, so, do not try to cheat in various ways; Once discovered, it’s logged in the hiring system, leaving a permanent stain.

The first two are basic surfaces, which will mainly investigate the technical basis; The last two aspects are the expansion aspects, which will mainly examine the project experience and thinking mode. Of course, no matter which technical aspect, technical basis and project experience will be examined, but the emphasis is different.

Tips: Sometimes there will be one or more rounds of the BOSS cross surface, it may be that you are strong, ali star potential; Maybe it’s just that the BOSS feels confused, so let’s move on.

2.3 HR side

This side mainly examines character, expression, thinking logic and intelligence. Generally after the previous technical students are not too big problems, also is not the focus of this article, not detailed.

3. Interview preparation

Finally to the core part of this article, there is no doubt that the interview preparation is the most important school recruitment. Unlike most articles, this one won’t go too far into the basics. Instead, it will focus on other parts of the interview that you need to prepare for.

3.1 Basic Knowledge

Basic knowledge is fundamental! Everything is empty without basic knowledge, but it is not enough to prepare the basic knowledge. If you want to, you can search the forum/Github for college recruitment, you can see a lot of articles, I won’t list them here. If you really don’t know which one to choose, I’ve posted one for you: “Must-reads to review for the 2020 Front End Interview.”

3.2 Expand knowledge

3.2.1 What is knowledge expansion

In my opinion, basic knowledge represents front-end technology stack and principle, while expanded knowledge includes deeper technology stack, comparison of technology stack, new technology, practice and self-thinking.

Here’s an example 🌰 :

  • Basic knowledge:

    • Javascript code compression uses UGlify
    • What are the core compression rules of Uglify (which we use everyday)
    • Uglify principle: code->AST-> optimized AST->code
  • Expand knowledge:

    • AST is also used in compilers, ides, formatting code. How does it work
    • Babel, V8, ESLint, and Uglify all work in the same way, with minor differences
    • Pits in JS code compression (practice: When not writing commas is a problem)

Here’s another example 🌰 :

  • Basic knowledge:

    • The principle of Vdom
    • The difference between Vue and React
    • How React hook/Vue3.0 works
  • Expand knowledge:

    • Why don’t React do bidirectional binding? Why don’t Vue have Fiber optimization /React hook
    • Talk about React/Vue’s next development direction
    • Other front-end new frameworks

I believe that through the above two examples, you have a basic understanding of the basic knowledge and expanded knowledge. At this time, some students may ask, as a university enrollment, DO I need to master so deep?

In fact, it is needed. Looking at the college recruitment of Ali in the last two years, thanks to the increase of Internet students, it is no exaggeration to say that it is now one in a hundred. Therefore, the better prepared you are and the more ideas you have, the more likely you will be to enter the big factory. On the contrary, if you only prepare the basic knowledge, it is easy to be fooled.

Now, I’m not suggesting that you know everything. As long as we have a target according to their own experience to dig a few points, I believe that the temperament of the whole person will be different.

3.2.2 How to prepare to expand knowledge

The core is to ask yourself a few whys in your daily project/internship.

Everyone has used JS compression, do not know how many students have dug deep compression principle; Or you know Babel, but a few of you understand why sometimes async/await will still report errors when you use Babel. After encountering problems, ask yourself a few why? You can find a vast world.

The front end of the thing said complex, cover a very wide range; No, it’s not. There are only a few people on the college admissions routine. By broadening your knowledge ahead of time, you’ll be in a good position to breeze through college admissions interviews.

3.3 Resume Preparation

In addition to a short hour, to show the interviewer their excellent, but also to do as much as possible in the interview, to increase their success rate. A good resume is a stepping stone and can help you better conduct the interview.

3.3.2 What makes a good resume

  1. This will allow the interviewer to get into the rhythm of your interview by focusing on the main points you are trying to make and asking prepared questions
  2. It shows off your attention to detail, which can save your life when the interviewer is stuck

3.3.1 What is a good RESUME

  • Resume format: PDF

    • Don’t use Word documents: Word documents are prone to errors and font issues
    • Don’t use pictures: Links in pictures can’t be clicked, there’s no way to prove or expand
  • Resume name: Name – Orientation – Position – University – Grade Professional Degree – position.pdf

    • Example: Zhang SAN – Front end – Internship – Shandong University -2020CS undergraduate – Hangzhou
    • Position is the position of the job you want to find
    • Many students only have one name on their resume, and only the details can be seen
  • Resume style: clear, neat, personal is better

    • The simplest can use the super resume, at least will not deduct points
    • Complex styles are also available, similar to the following, but the project experience must be clear (only applicable to college admissions)

    Some people think that HR read many copies a day and style is not important at all. But in IT front end this industry, self feeling front end this field sex cold wind still can recessive add points, especially in Ali, your inner push officer and the interviewer are always technical classmates.

  • Content of resume:

    • Fully show their ability, the important part of the thick accentuation
      • Internship/Open source project contribution/blog/National Scholarship/Github Warehouse/management experience

    Well-known company internship experience > Open source project contribution ≈ high-quality blog >> National scholarship >> Github warehouse > school community/class management experience

    • Show professionalism and speak with numbers/technology points
      • XX project, using XX technology, has achieved XX results. The core/advantage is XX.
    • Choose your resume materials carefully
      • As mentioned above, the campus recruitment interview is the core development, do not choose some of the material asked back to not come out
      • Don’t pick material that isn’t relevant to the job you’re interviewing for. What marketing internship was added

3.4 Prepare interview questions

In fact, there are some parts of the interview can be scripted, the interview questions can be guessed, the important thing is that you are prepared. Learn to put yourself in the interviewer’s shoes and think about what he or she might ask you.

3.4.1 Inevitable Problems

  • Tell me about yourself
  • What are you most proud/difficult about in your college life
  • Why the front end
  • How do you usually learn about the front end

All of these questions can be prepared in advance according to the STAR methodology and the overall structure of the score. Feel really won’t say, can write in advance, back down, when speaking according to the content of back improvisation.

3.4.2 Questions for the interviewer

Whatever the interviewer asks, it’s going to come back to the resume, so there’s a lot of room for manoeuvre.

Here’s an example:

Zhang SAN wrote two projects in his resume, which were written by React and Vue respectively, and he also wrote that he had relevant experience in Node

React/Vue /Vue /Vue /Vue /Vue /Vue /Vue /Vue /Vue /Vue

If you’ve prepared this information in advance, you’ll be able to draw on the interviewer’s questions.

3.5 Know the company in advance

Different companies have different interview styles. For example, when I was recruited by Tencent, I must have done well in the written test, and the interview mainly examined students’ critical thinking ability. Ali now mainly examines the depth/breadth/enthusiasm of students’ technology and whether any projects are implemented. Headlines focus on the details, the algorithms.

So, if you know the interview style of each company, you can prepare for it in a specific way, rather than in a big kettle of fish. Of course, not to say that other things are not important, the main point of the interview is different.

3.6 Look at the surface

In particular, look at the company/department and analyze their style. Everyone uses the same technique. Maybe the interviewer is your interviewer, which gives you a huge first mover advantage.

See how other people are behaving and put yourself in their shoes to see how you would handle the situation yourself. See much is equivalent to their experience of many mock interviews, real interview when also have a certain experience, will not panic.

3.7 Exercise expression skills

Always give your interviewer a clear message to protect your rights

Every year, there will be students with good skills stuck in the expression ability. There are 100 points of ability can only express 80 points, too poor. In daily life, students should consciously express themselves and explain their ideas to others.

Here are some principles to follow when expressing your opinion:

  • Skilled use of metaphors, quotes and other expressions to unravel a complex issue
  • Use the STAR methodology when describing your project
  • When introducing yourself and your daily routine, use the overall structure of your score

Interview with multiple companies at the same time

I don’t want to talk about it, but I mean it. The world is a confusing, changeable situation, give yourself a little buff, absolutely no harm. Interview is a two-way choice of many to many, the expected result should be N offers to find the most satisfactory one, rather than hanging on a tree, and finally draw water with nothing.

Of course, you can meet with the companies you least want to work for first, to gain some experience and catch up on missing positions. Meet with the company you want to work for to avoid the embarrassing situation where one has already taken the offer and the other is only in the process of two interviews. If you don’t try, you won’t be reconciled, and if you try, you are afraid of falling between two stooles.

Interview advice

4.1 Preparing in Advance

The interview may seem like something that can be done in less than an hour, but it really takes time to do it everyday. It takes time to research principles, it takes time to write a blog, it takes time to have a certain amount of project experience, and it takes time to find a reliable internal promoter. You see, core metrics take time, and a lot of it. Prepare ahead of time, build your personal brand through your resume and projects, and it’s easy to get into a big factory. After all, a good beginning is half done.

So preparation is crucial. If you try to cram at the last minute, even if you answer A question, you will stumble on the extension of A question and the extension of A question, which will eventually affect your interview performance.

4.2 common heart

Only the best people come out on top — and in the story, they end up in the hands of the villains

You’re just human, and an interview is a two-way process. So if you don’t pass, either because you didn’t do your best or because the interviewer asked you something very wrong, just accept it. Reflect on yourself and don’t give yourself excuses.

If it’s really the interviewer’s problem, you can be glad you didn’t go, because it would be a pain to have to work with someone who doesn’t see eye to eye with you.

Additional present school recruit goes advance batch, like Ali can face many departments at the same time, so of a company or department however need not put in mind too completely, want to continue to sum up to improve only, always someone appreciates you.

4.3 Adjust mood/tone

Set your mood and tone to enthusiastic and optimistic before the interview, and approach the interview with a positive attitude

Do mood and tone matter? Very important! Recruiters often interview many students at a time, and the process can last several hours. Face to the end of the people are wooden. If a candidate speaks in an upbeat tone, the interviewer will be in a beautiful mood. Nobody doesn’t like positive emotions, right?

Going into an interview with a warm and optimistic attitude is a very easy way to win the subconscious favor of the interviewer.

This is especially useful for bosses and HRCopy the code

5 Ability Shaping

We have described some specific do’s and don ‘ts for college admissions and interviews, as well as some examples. Finally, we from the overall perspective of the school to analyze how to recruit students to shape their own ability, to give you a little direction.

  • Solid technical foundation
    • Basic knowledge of
    • Process knowledge
  • Strong technical enthusiasm
    • Curious and self – solving
    • Continue to summarize
  • Technical achievements on the ground
    • High quality blogs
    • A repository for code cleanliness
    • Gadgets around
  • Solid and enthusiastic personality
    • Smart, realistic, optimistic, introspective
    • Not impetuous, not stubborn
  • Fluent expression

In fact, you can find that we have mentioned the above five points in the third and fourth parts of this paper respectively. As long as we do in these directions, we will continuously improve our competitiveness and ability, and entering a large factory is only the result of competitiveness and ability improvement.

As if we want to slay the dragon, the skill is the core, as to kill the dragon, this is just the result of learning to slay the dragon. By continuously strengthening themselves, the dragon can continue to slaughter; But only pay attention to the dragon itself, or blindly worship the dragon, can also slaughter limited.

6 summarizes

Finally, it’s time to finish. To be honest, I started this article as a job post. As a result, it has become the general outline of college admissions, such as expanding knowledge, preparing interview questions, exercising expression skills and adjusting emotions. In fact, many students are easy to ignore the points, I hope it will be helpful for you in the upcoming college admissions season. Of course, since they are all interviews, the only difference between college recruitment and social recruitment is the ability matrix, and many points can be exchanged. Students of social recruitment can also check whether they can fill in the gaps.

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Reference documentation

  1. How to Get the Secret P8 Offer from Alibaba

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