First came to shenzhen

At the beginning of May, 2018, I had an interview with my current company, but I was engaged in front-end development after I came here. I had no Offer before graduation. As soon as I finished my graduation defense, I came to Shenzhen to work.

I still remember it was Wednesday afternoon, May 16, 2018. With a classmate, two people carrying a backpack and dragging a suitcase, we arrived in Shenzhen. First, we arranged the accommodation, and then the contact person told us about the surroundings. Then we went shopping, bought some daily necessities and had dinner. The first day passed like this. On the way here, I also read the Quick Start tutorial on the React website because I knew the React project was being used.

Initial working status

The next morning the induction was arranged, and then the work was arranged. TL first arranged my classmate to a project, and then arranged me to my boss, introduced my boss, and said that he would lead you next. Then the boss threw me 6 or 7 links, including React, Antd, Webpack, Mobx, React-Router, ES6 and other technologies used in these projects. The rest was to learn by myself.

I arrived in Shenzhen on Wednesday afternoon and started working on Thursday. I read materials by myself on The following Friday and spent the weekend. By the next Monday, May 21, I was assigned to work on the project. I was assigned a page, the boss said it was the same as XXX page, then I began to copy and paste the change of the day.

A res = {a, b} will return an object in the code. Obj = res.a; obj = res.a; obj.b = res.b; To manipulate objects in this way. Later, when he went to other projects to talk to other front-end colleagues in the group, he was teased that the assignment code alone was over 400 lines, which he eventually rewrote.

Two years on the front end

At the beginning, I was also a frontend (PS: but she didn’t know anything about React development mode, and was able to use jQuery to achieve various effects in school). Then, I was quite attached to TL, so I was in charge of all kinds of small projects, and I believed my ability more in large projects.

Man-sky management system

After writing 400 lines of disgusting assignment code on my first project, I was fired in less than 3 weeks, and spent the rest of my time working on the client’s man-sky management system and ideas for TL implementation.

I remember at that time, in order to realize a meal supplement function, I thought there was nothing wrong with the development and asked TL to test it. The result was that there was nothing wrong at the beginning. After tuning, I thought there should be nothing wrong. After this bug is changed, various test functions, I think there is no problem, but DARE not call TL retest.

Finally, I still let him test, but there were still bugs, and finally there was no problem at 1:00 am. As a result, there was a problem again when the version was distributed and deployed, but this time it was not my problem, the specific reason was that there was some problem in the configuration. When debugging the deployment problem, the TL asked me to test the code in the local production environment, I tried several times, but I couldn’t pull it down, and I was teased that I couldn’t pull the code in production. There will be a little bit of an interlude, so I won’t say more. =.

SMS platform

After a while, the client needed access to the SMS platform, and I was assigned to be the front end of the SMS platform. Although I did two projects, the funny thing is that I did not build a new front end project =. =, Clone my boss set up a front-end project, and then directly continue to develop SMS platform related functions. There are few episodes on this project, just a few bugs and fixing bugs.

The memorable point on this project is that if one request fails, other requests that have already been sent need to be interrupted. This is implemented with Axios cancelToken, but will cause all subsequent requests to fail to be sent. =. But I can’t remember what happened because I was assigned to the next project.

Capital plan

I was responsible for Java development in this project, which was mainly in the operation and maintenance stage, and I was mainly responsible for bug repair, system optimization and realization of some new functions.

The bright spot is related to Excel import and export, as well as a section of statistical SQL optimization.

The import of Excel is mainly the processing and verification of data format, and the export is mainly to achieve the display effect on the interface and the display effect that the customer wants. There is no special difficulty in the technical difficulty, but when looking for KendoUI data, I really want to ridicule. At that time in order to solve the export file opened when a prompt, is really turned over KendoUI forum Excel related search results of the article.

SQL optimization, because it is statistical SQL, the query takes too long. What I mainly do is to share the specific SQL that causes the execution result to be too long, and then find ways to optimize the query time in other ways. The problem was that in the SELECT section, I ran some queries on other tables, and later I used the joined table format. The optimization result was quite obvious. The resume said that the query time was reduced to 1/10 of the original SQL. As a result, page loading time is significantly shortened.


I don’t remember exactly what I have done. The only thing I remember is that in the OPEN API project, there is a form linkage that I can do well, but I don’t have any other memories.

Recruit mining management

This was one of the projects that I focused on in my first year, really starting a front-end project from scratch. However, this is my later experience, which is still not strong. Other colleagues are responsible for the construction of the whole project, and I mainly realize business functions. All this project remembers is the implementation of a rich text editor, =. = Because when I was writing this function, I had fewer tasks and the back end was too busy, so I went to write the first version of the back end. I realized the front and back ends of the relevant modules by myself, but the maintenance of the back end was handed over to other backend colleagues.

The project was divided into two parts. In the part I was in charge of, TL trusted me a little bit. Anyway, it was more safe to entrust things to me than to others, while those with several years of experience were left to do another part.

Another project was responsible for the upload function, which encapsulated the first version of the components, and then other related upload components were based on my code to extend or use my code as a copy to extend.

However, this project made me realize that even if THE UI framework like Antd is used, it still needs to be reencapsulated, so that it is more convenient to unify some basic attributes. In the following days, WHEN I was the head of the front end, I started to implement this.


From the middle of May 2018 to March 2019, I only implemented business functions as an “early/mid-level” front-end, and continued to improve the code quality by independently implementing relevant functions.

Fed by these projects, a front-end project is known to consist of a basic development framework (React/Vue), a routing management module, and state management. Know how to code a page based on an existing scaffolding and how to make the page appear. But correspondingly, because they are actually hands-on work, so the basic knowledge of the system learning is not much, basically enough to the point. =. = As a result, my interview results showed that my communication and expression skills were fair and my foundation was not solid.

The effect of 👆 is that I was arranged to do a new project in February 2019. The technology stack is the internal framework of the company, which requires the realization of two simple pages. As soon as the task came down, I found a similar page in the system and developed it directly. It was supposed to take days, but it took me two or three hours? Let’s get it over with. See the picture for specific results.

Residential marketing Project

This project is the one I have been working on since March 2019 (June 2020). It is a project that makes me grow up. I was assigned as the head of the front end of this project. At the beginning of the project, there were two front ends with three-year work experience in the same group. Later, the front end of this project came and went. At the most, there were seven or eight people (including two interns), but now there are still two people, which is quite a lot of feeling.

After I was fed by the previous projects, I got to know about the parts of a front-end project. Then I spent three days basically going through all the tutorials of Vue, VUE-Router and Vuex official websites, including Vue style guide, API and VUE-Router API reference. And the Vuex API reference, and then went to work on the project. At that time, the latest version of VUE-CLI was 3. As I was not familiar with the project construction, I compared the project structure of 3 and 2, and finally chose 2, because the project structure of 2 was the same as the original project. A lot of things can be analyzed by comparison.

In this project, based on the experience of the recruitment project, basic extensions were made to ElementUI, including el-table, EL-input, el-form, etc.

Some components were also encapsulated. For example, at the beginning of the project, two colleagues with three-year work experience, tables and table pages were all copied and pasted in one page. Then I encapsulated table and Pagenation components, and extended el-table to be configurable through columns.

The main data source of the whole housing marketing system is the room. I am responsible for the realization and maintenance of the whole room components. The key business requirement is that the room table can be combined with any adjacent cells, and even a ❤️ is merged for customers to see =. =. Because it was mainly developed by me, I dealt with the table rendering and interactive performance in the case of a large number of rooms. In addition, the combined room table should be able to be exported as Excel table, or exported as pictures.

This project has been done for one year and three months. Now, when I look back, I find that there is nothing difficult in it, mainly in page interaction. It is very disgusting to ensure the rationality of various data.

I would like to express my gratitude to those front-end partners in this project. After all, the whole project was completed with our joint efforts, =. = U1S1, my code is just a little better.


🙃 writing here, I feel tired, looking back over the past two years, there is growth, but it seems not ideal, there is nothing to say. For two years, in the words of my TL, “my strength was the strength of a senior consultant”, but I went out to interview and got slapped in the face. I also know my problem, I can do practical things, but in the interview said one, two, three, pulled down, the group of friends also recognized my strength, but the interview is to build a rocket. Take your time back there.

In this series of articles, I also keep summarizing myself and looking for the road to the future. It would be nice to think that the path I’ve taken could help someone.

I’m Wetoria, fueling up the road with you.