Talk about the programmer’s 35-year-old crisis

Hello, this is Xiao Chen, today we are going to talk about a platial topic of programmers’ 35-year-old crisis, divided into the following parts, and combined with my own experience, to provide some solutions, very positive energy, not chicken soup, not creating anxiety, not forcing, I hope you can gain something.

What is the 35-year-old crisis, and does it exist at all

The mid-30s crisis refers to the phenomenon in which those who have been in the workforce for 5-10 years are not promoted and are easily replaced by a younger generation. Does it really exist? Or does it really exist in the programmer community? Yes, no.

For those who are always learning and improving themselves, even if they can’t get promoted in their original positions, they will try their best to learn in their spare time and improve their inner abilities. No matter where they go or where they work, their career will continue to rise, because their core competencies are constantly improved through learning. These core competencies cannot be easily replaced, such as the principles of the framework used, data structures and algorithms, and other inherent and core competencies of programmers. There’s no such thing as 35.

For those who don’t work, or stays at the framework level, the use of this framework, the library tomorrow, if so, that his career ceiling will be very low very low, and the use of these frameworks is very easy to master, so there will be fresh graduates pay upside down the phenomenon of older employees, or by the company layoffs.

Investigate its essence, is in the corresponding age to need the corresponding ability, if 30 years old, and fresh graduates in the same in a variety of frameworks back and forth, then you do not crisis who crisis, not only programmers, all walks of life is so, always stay hungry, always learning progress is the only way for us.

Why the 35-year-old crisis

35 fundamental reason for the crisis is not the company deliberately to layoffs, this is only a tiny fraction of the proportion, the essential reason or your ability is not necessary, can find a fresh born to replace at any time, the same capacity, and generally low, you are the boss, why don’t you choose cheaper labor force?

So the appearance is cut, saves the manpower cost, market environment, etc., the core reason is their own ability, with the development of the Internet industry, the evolution will be more and more obvious, also more and more fierce competition, itself is really cruel, but you don’t need to do very well, you just need a little bit better than others, the commitment to most people in this world is not so high, While everyone else is playing king and everyone else is wondering where to go for the weekend, maybe you can take some time out to study.

Some people would say this is very introspective, depending on how you define introspective, if normal learning or learning the necessary principles and algorithms is also introspective, forget it, because those are the skills that are actually asked in an interview. Rocket, may be some people would say interview work screw, admittedly, many companies working process is (and may not need to build a rocket, but this does not affect your in-depth study, also does not affect the heart, you are trying to build rockets if this is the learning attitude, I feel 35 crisis will appear in the body.

Also some people say these not in work. Indeed, if you really don’t need to stay in the use of various framework level, but we are aspiring young people, learning theory, algorithms, performance of daily component development, program design, coding, has a far-reaching influence, such as the habit and ability as the basis of qualified programmers.

How do you turn 35

Depending on what your future career plan is, if you love programming or are used to programming, then keep learning, learning system knowledge, learning source code, algorithms, become an architect.

If you cannot write code, you can try to transfer to product or project manager. It is not recommended to span too much. If you are still in the Internet, these positions are a very good position to accumulate contacts and resources.

I don’t recommend starting a business. I’ve been in a lot of trouble. Starting a business is not beautiful, but you are really prepared and determined, so you can give it a try. After all, you still have to have a dream. In case it comes true, human beings still need ideals.

How to learn

For programmers of more than 1 year, you can begin to learn the knowledge of system words in depth, including the source code of the framework used and some algorithms, design patterns and so on. You can read a book or find a course to learn, do not recommend online to find some fragmentary articles, these articles are often not systematic, easy to make you confused. It is certainly difficult to learn these things in depth, or the salary of senior engineers is not free. Specific steps:

  • Find systematic courses and books, combine with demo, and debug yourself.

  • Breaking knowledge points, one by one break, source code and algorithm learning is not a matter of a day, need to adhere to the long-term, continuous practice, each knowledge point one by one to master.

  • Try telling a colleague about it, or blog about it. Output is how you measure your learning

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