Author: Gu Gu, senior technical expert of Alibaba


On the first day of the night, night, amorous feelings of the island in Malaysia, listening to the sound of the waves, a rare can quietly put their own journey systematically comb again, share with everyone, hope everybody gains, topic is feelings, it is a phrase has been lingering in my mind, and many students discuss the definition of this phrase, is a face of vacant, What exactly is techno? How to quantify technical feelings? How to landing technology feelings? I feel that many people speak, but few people are clear. Anything that rises to the level of definition is a very high level of abstraction and a high level of abstraction of information. Just like last time, I freely discussed with my classmates a definition: what is life. Is life a breathing individual? Oh, no. Plants don’t breathe. Is life an individual with moving cells? But our software often says it has a life cycle. Is life a journey without delay? There are a lot of women who don’t go out for a long time. Today we try to give an informal definition of techno-sense. let’s have a chat around the stove.

What is techno-sensibilities?

Feelings is the hot word in recent years, but who also clearly explained what is feelings? Small students dare to put fallacy in this, you see, useful and accept, useless guan and a smile. Personally think that feelings are a kind of inseparable feelings, even if the trials and hardships, still the same, believe that the rainbow will be more beautiful after the rain; To say the least, even if there is no rainbow appeared, enjoy with sweet earth, the fresh air after the rain to enjoy the pursuit of inner dream of course good, with ali’s martial arts culture, feelings is to rescue in jianghu, pleasure of natural and unrestrained in the beginning, the great river north and south, head of man, for the people, the man of outsiders, for beauty, as a confidant.

Technical sentiment is a kind of ingenuity, but in the final analysis, technical sentiment is a relatively hollow word at present. Engineers tend to be data-driven, and they hope to use data to quantify and define what characteristics they conform to and what degree they have reached. Only those with technical sentiment can be identified. I put aside my personal opinions and try to interpret the feelings of technology from three dimensions, and summarize them into three key words: love, thinking and perfection. Love is a source of power, and thinking is a process, and the ultimate is a result. If we add an attribute to these three words, it may make the technical feelings more three-dimensional and clear interpretation, that is, dedication love, active thinking, extreme excellence. The group Development Protocol is almost a well-known development norm among the group’s development students. The influence and penetration of the code protocol on the group is greater than that of Medusa and Marco Polo, which I was once responsible for. So, take this as a reference, let’s talk about the technical feelings.

Devotion of love

It has been more than a year since the official publication of alibaba Java Development Manual. English version of the handbook into Silicon Valley; Manual plug-in officially launched in cloud effect public cloud; The open source plugin topped Github as the most popular one this week, with more than 240,000 installs. In fact, code protocol has entered the third year, three years of wind and rain, I firmly believe one: code efficiency, code quality, improve the group development students research and development efficiency, promote the progress of the world code culture. Love, is a kind of interest, a hobby. Dedication, this interest and hobby, can benefit others, benefit society. Sometimes technology is always lonely, I wrote thousands of pages of summary, these summary is late at night, weekends, holidays, a person accompanied by their own, therefore, someone said that my flower name is lonely end, referred to as Guju, guju real definition is “only gu nine swords, break all the world martial arts”. People usually have two common problems: worry about gain and worry about loss. And love one thing, in addition to love, will not worry too much on the gain and loss. Many people think that the group development protocol is the product of KPI, which is a goal-driven mechanism of the company. What does the inner love have to do with these temporary gains and losses? Ma always said that in addition to IQ and EQ, there is also love quotient — love of family, love of lovers, love of friends. Expand on the love you have for what you do, a love that will not be abandoned by short-term doubt or denial.

I am often asked what is the belief that makes me so persistent when I have spent so much time writing and promoting the Group development Statute? From the two films, “the Vatican rinpoche together” I watched the movie three times, I have been to rinpoche qi, revolving around mountains is a road car roared out of the dust float in the sky, but the revolving around mountains tibetans, or that religious worship, is a full face of dust, but their faith is plain but the power of faith in heart. Mr. Lu’s film kekexili is also very impressive, a lot of things because of faith and stick to, in the real world for hoh xil properties for made great contribution, wang xin will be all his life to the protection of Tibetan antelope, perennial stationed in plateau snow area, he paid a lot of selflessly, also gave up a lot, because faith and stick to reflect the greatness of the human. Fool is I don’t believe the things said to everyone, but faith is pass I believe in action, I believe the manual vision is code efficient, code quality, yards out in the future, help to more people, recommended specifications cultural progress of the world, hope we are the generation and development of students, can feel that development is a happy thing, development is a creative thing, Development is something that can change the world, rather than expending huge amounts of energy on specifications and trivial rules that affect algorithmic efficiency and architectural elegance.

In addition, what benefited me was that I became very strong in heart, because of those brainless people of Zhihu. Some people advised me to be open and do not have to respond, society is such, do not care too much, I clearly say, I care. “Group development statute” is my girlfriend, in the street encounter rogue molesting, indecent, disrespect, EVEN if I know will be injured, I will brush out, rise to fight back. This is not narrow-minded, I can give up any “group development statute” to bring me personal benefits, but do not allow all kinds of inexplicable slander, because of the heart of love. Devotional love, this kind of love is great love, is selfless, extensive, altruistic.

Active thinking

Many people think, “the group development statute just gathering information document after, 70% content of code code completely from the usual personal summary and refining technology, Rome was not built in a day, show you small wooden bench, has been more than 380 small wooden bench, and also in constant improvement, constantly thinking, To improve their knowledge of the cognitive level and abstraction level.

I am very used to taking notes. Since the first day I entered Ali, I have accumulated nearly 2,000 pages of notes, which are divided into two documents for collection and sorting. Knowledge quickly enters the collection area, including what is heard, seen and confused. After continuous thinking, continuous cleaning, review and summary, it is deposited in the collection area. There are some knowledge points that have not been made clear, which have been precipitated in the collection area for many years, and will still be reviewed constantly. So, MY memory for knowledge is very clear, because it is the result of continuous active thinking. After a period of sorting, the formation of a certain knowledge system, such as high concurrency processing, Docker skills, functional programming, etc., will form a new document — systematic summary. The last thought is to abstract the knowledge system into philosophical thinking. I gave a speech titled “Technological Growth & Philosophical Thoughts” at the 2017 Hangzhou Cloud Conference, which aroused a certain resonance. Therefore, my memory of knowledge is very clear, because it is the result of continuous active thinking and precipitation.

Now “code out of efficient – Alibaba development manual details” is being prepared, I give the author group’s guiding ideology is: meaningful, simple. If the Internet is full of superficial or pedantic explanations, then why do we need to write them? Meaning, meaning is defined, derived, case, summary. And the depth of the simple depth refers to the ability to be in the industry leading depth, the content of the deep tell through. Shallow means something that even a Java idiot can understand. Very life, light, even jokes. When it comes to generics, if we just say that the former can only get and can’t add, and the latter can only add and can’t get, then what’s the point? Search engines type commands, and there’s a whole bunch of explanations. For example, the difference between generics and, how to express this vague idea, we need to constantly think about how to let readers at this point, at a glance, remember. The former, here’s my example. A lot of people have seen the actor cool theater “white night chase fierce”, Guan Hongfeng tracing his brother’s unsolved case, to check the sealed evidence box, was clearly told, you can only see, can not move, of course, more can not add a new evidence into, that is falsifying evidence, this is the former, can only read, can not increase. So what kind of case can only be added, but not read? It seems even harder to imagine in three dimensions, if you vote for a delegate and you have to vote in, what if you want to get out of the ballot box and vote again, even if you get the wrong delegate? It’s even less likely to give you a chance to read ticket box elements. Some people say that this is just a life scenario, in system design, it is difficult to have such a situation. Well, for example, I when we fill in for the supervisor’s annual evaluation, completed presentation, even fill out the mistake, when you visit before the link again, will also tell you: “you have done to the supervisor’s annual feedback, thank you for your participation, and, of course, more can’t let you read the content to other members for the supervisor’s feedback.

Extreme excellence

Acme and excellence seem to mean the same thing, which is to excel, to exceed expectations. The ultimate type of excellence, excellence further enhance. If one is at a height that no one can match, one should learn to be self-driven and make continuous progress, not only for excellence, but also for the pursuit of the ultimate in one’s heart. Group development code on the height of now, a lot of thought has a reputation, but not enough, hope to you can feel the existence of the statute, from scratch, in order to achieve this goal, still need to go and even worldwide, with ali unified code specification, refine the point: 1) Adhere to the team’s basic programming style, which is basic programming conscience. 2) Write code that will enable subsequent business expansion. 3) Reasonable comments, no more, no less. 4) Let your teammates read your code like love letters. 5) Contribute “Alibaba Java Development Manual” to Apache Foundation to unify the open source style worldwide. When writing Code, I always REVIEW my own Code constantly, and conduct Code REVIEW with my colleagues, in pursuit of clarity and readability of the Code. Even at the risk of refactoring the system, the pursuit of the ultimate, that is, nine lines of code can be done, never write 10 lines; Can write 50ms interface, never write 100ms.

It has taken three years to compile the Group development Statute, and The Times are progressing, which requires continuous improvement. This process of improvement is very long. For example, eight items have been improved in the last six months. At the present stage, to add one item, we need to carry out full discussions within the project team and demonstrate with facts. For example, take the problem of anti-logic; High concurrency issues, as well as New Year’s eve issues recently exposed with the date uppercase YYYY.

Some time ago, after the publication of the book version of the Group development Protocol, there was a great deal of uproar on the Internet. However, even though the manual was transferred from the electronic version to the book version, it went through many rounds of proofreading and improvement, and added the design protocol. In punctuation, sample code, font color, etc have done serious proofreading and auditing, has been out of stock, a third printing immediately, before the third printing, ran a 20 precise modification, hope this is a brochure excellence, is with everyone’s book of the head of a bed, the subway look refreshed in the reference books. Because of excellence, so classic, only in this way, in order to further. Someone once left a message about this manual and Sing Ye’s movie, I was really moved, I believe the classics can stand the washing of time. The pursuit of excellence, the pursuit of extreme excellence, is the core of technical feelings.

Currently I am in charge of alibaba’s voice code center and users, storage of huge amounts of code and user feedback is an undeveloped jinshan, I hope that the future can be done, the code TEAM into technology first, happy first, front leading TEAM, firmly to code value secondary mining and intelligent building, Enable each student to improve the efficiency of research and development.

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