You must have experienced the beginning of learning to use UI framework, directly paste component code to use. This way we hardly need to write style code, so we can quickly develop a simple back-end management project. Compared to the development in our daily work, some designs are almost one page at a time, and may require a lot of style code, which is completely impossible to maintain in the end. We don't want to let the design to unify the style, like the UI framework document to sort out a set of project design specifications, the front end through this specification to develop a set of components, from the development page only need to directly use our previously developed components can (can say once and for all). This way, we can focus more on the business logic, rather than writing the business logic as we go along. Even at a later stage, if the design adjusts, the design adjusts the design specification first, and the front end adjusts the component library according to the specificationCopy the code