The prototype (prototype)
Each function has an attribute — Prototype. Prototype is a pointer to an object called a display prototype. This object is called a prototype object. The prototype object has a default property constructor, which is also a pointer to the constructor itself.
Prototype chain
Each constructor instance has a __proto__ attribute, also called an implicit stereotype, which points to the constructor’s stereotype. At the same time, when accessing an attribute of an object, it will first look up the attribute of the object itself. If it is not found, it will look up its __proto__ implicit prototype, that is, its constructor’s prototype. If it is not found, it will look up its __proto__ implicit prototype. And so you go up layer by layer and you create a chain, which we call a prototype chain.
Undefined if the attribute is not found after a long search. Below is an implicit prototype of an object, Object.proto
As can be seen:
- Object. Prototype: the prototype of the Object constructor
- All objects inherit properties and methods from Object.prototype
- Rules for reading properties and methods: Js engine will first look for ways to the attributes of the Object itself and, if you cannot find, to find its prototype Object, if still can’t find, go to prototype prototype, if until the top of the Object. The prototype still can’t find, if the Object and its prototype, all custom attributes of the same name, then first read Object itself property, This is also called coverage.
The relationship between prototype and prototype chain: