Today is the last day of the Mid-Autumn festival holiday, to talk about all the front-end programmers and English, I also don’t have a job in school, my cognition of English still stays in the exam, only if there is no test, may also can’t go to learn English, also does not have too big interest in English, now, it seems, to go to school when still very young, very ignorant. But I believe this is also the case for most people. After all, there are many professions that may never use English, but as I work as a programmer, I find that programmer and English are bound to be inseparable as the years go by.

When you start learning the front end, it doesn’t matter that they all speak English, they only have a few dozen words that they can use to write code. Margin, padding, width, height, background, border, etc. are all you need to develop your page. They also said that the language API documentation and framework API documentation are available in Chinese and there is no need to read the original English version. You’ve probably heard a lot of these. If you’ve heard anything else, please type it out in the comments.

Why should programmers learn English well?

Receive the latest information

If you can’t speak English, you can only read Chinese documents translated by others. If it’s a popular language or framework, it will be translated soon. For example, Vue3.0 only had English documents at the beginning, but it took more than half a year to have an official Chinese document. And the latest technical information, almost all in English.

What’s wrong with reading translations? First of all, you will always get information slower than others. Second, there will be translation errors and lost information. Since the level of translators is also uneven, everyone relies on their own understanding, which is easy to cause mistakes.

There is also the problem solving. When we encounter a problem that we cannot solve, we search on the Internet. If we search in Chinese, we will find that the Internet is full of repetitive and useless information. When you Google English, the first answer is stackOverflow.

So to be a good programmer, we have to accept the latest information, try not to accept second hand information, even third hand, N hand information. The longer the link, the greater the likelihood of information distortion.

It’s easier to name variables

Variable name naming is believed to be every programmer’s pain, the following variable name

const xinwen = []; // Save news data
const duibiArr = (arr1,arr2) = > console.log(arr1, arr2); // Compare arrays
Copy the code

Not to say that pinyin naming is not good, but too limited, some special business we can use Chinese to name. If we were to write a public library for everyone to use, the naming would be too lame and force foreigners to learn Chinese. English naming has its advantages of simplicity, which is also the advantage of English.

Escape from 996

Now the Internet industry, programmers are very inside, many companies will require programmers to work overtime, even 996, the news often reported the sudden death of a certain programmer, programmers are also a high-risk group, although the high salary, but the pressure is also huge, we take life for money, but also always worry that no one after 35 years old.

Here’s a GIthub with most of the 996 companies….

There’s also a list of 955 companies…

So what does this have to do with English?

Good English, you can go to foreign companies, such as Microsoft China, Amazon and other foreign companies, most of the foreign companies are not overtime.

There is to work abroad, such as New Canada, the United States, Japan and so on, foreign programmers are almost not overtime. Of course this can be difficult, such as work visas, but many programmers do it.

How do I learn English?

In the first two years of my work, I didn’t realize how important English was. Later, with my study and work, I became more and more aware of the importance of English.

Therefore, I began to read English documents and articles every day. Even if I could not understand them, I would check the meaning of each word and write down the words that I could not understand in a memo. Slowly look more and more fast. Encounter a problem to Google to search, use Baidu less.

Up to now, technical documents, technical articles can probably understand. Reading and writing are still weak. So my learning method is only for reference, we have a good learning method welcome to share in the comment area.


If you want to be a great programmer, English is an inevitable mountain on your way to success.

Finally, I hope you can learn English well. I’m Oufuchus. I’ll see you tomorrow.

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