Share my understanding and subjective feelings about two big Internet companies

Hello everyone, I am Fishskin. Recently, it should be the busiest time for junior students. Many students are preparing for the fall campus recruitment.

At that time, I joined Tencent through a summer internship. In addition, I also had an internship in Bytedance before, so today I would like to share my understanding and working feelings about these two Internet companies, hoping to help you choose and give some motivation to those who are still on campus.

Work feeling

I’m going to share it in a number of ways.

Because the company is very large and there are differences between different departments, work experience is subjective and does not represent the situation of the whole company.


The salaries at Internet companies are high.

For example, when I was an intern in Bytedance, the development position was 400 daily fixed salary + 1.5K housing subsidy, while the internship salary in Tencent was slightly lower. According to the small program of college recruitment salary, the intern of this year is about 5K-7K plus 2k housing subsidy, which is also very good.

The salary of the formal employee in the big factory is about the same (except some lot), which can be divided into several stalls generally. According to the interview situation and ability, the salary is fixed. The general range of the development post is 30W-60W, and there is no top, which can be checked from the Internet.

Bytedance’s base salary might be slightly higher for the same level, and it used to have overtime pay (though that’s no longer the case). But Tencent side of the year-end bonus potential is relatively large, so the total package will not make any difference, and the end of this year Tencent to many employees issued 100 shares, is also quite a card benefits.

The work environment

When I interned at Bytedance, I was in the education department, not the headquarters. At first, I worked in a small hornet’s nest of offices, often in the wrong place, but relatively quiet. However, when I leave office, there is also a new office area, and the headquarters of the basic same, Internet bar type of work, or more elegant and comfortable.

Many of Tencent’s work stations are designed with four people in a circle, each with a corner. I prefer this kind of work station, I feel the space is bigger and the work experience is better, so many “art halls” have been born.

Welfare treatment

The daily benefits of Bytedance are free three meals a day + afternoon tea + unlimited snacks + all kinds of creative little benefits during holidays have already been all over the Internet. I couldn’t resist Posting a few moments of friends when I was an intern.

Tencent is free breakfast, dinner can brush midnight snack coupons to deduct (generally not used up). Although small gifts are not as many as bytedance, there are often various small activities in the company, and there are rewards for participation, such as the explosion of t-shirts. I remember there was an activity at that time to send 1 T-shirt a day, and I directly took 5 t-shirts as pajamas…

In addition, tencent’s employee benefits and care really don’t have to say, tea room, gym, birthday, love, lecture hall, anniversary gift, such as more than 50 special benefits, there are some time ago spread online interest-free loans of up to 90 w, from the department, daily travel to for life, all is the escort you, really can reduce a lot of pressure.

New culture

Both Bytedance and Tencent have excellent new talent training systems. First, you will be assigned a mentor to help you adapt and grow quickly. There is also a multi-level training system for new employees, with you to learn corporate culture, technology and business, to know more excellent partners.

In terms of my experience during the internship, Bytedance has more new people and offers more opportunities to new people. I dare to use new people, and in addition, it is a new project. I have developed a function in less than a week, and then I participated in various requirements reviews to understand the whole process from the generation to the launch of requirements.

Tencent is also very caring and tolerant to new people, I also started to participate in the project, but after all, it is a mature project, so it is easy for new people to step into some pitfalls, still need to spend more time, ask more questions, to be really familiar with the project. Because of the relatively complex business logic, I did not participate in the requirements review for a long time after I entered the company. Instead, I waited for my mentor to write a technical solution before assigning requirements to me.

But in addition to the culture of the company, what kind of new talent you receive depends more on your mentor than anything else. For example, I took the initiative to ask my mentor to take me to participate in the requirements review, and then GRADUALLY took on more work and responsibilities.


From the programming language point of view, bytedance background mainly Go language; Tencent is mainly C++, other programming languages like Java are also used a lot, technology stack is relatively richer.

From the perspective of knowledge precipitation, both companies have their own knowledge base, but Tencent has more knowledge precipitation due to its longer development time. We can learn from the architecture design and upgrade process of wechat, Payment and Circle of Friends.

Both companies have their own infrastructure, such as a variety of company-level and organization-level common platforms and wheels to improve productivity and r&d. Tencent has a specialized technical engineering business group, plus 19 years of top-down internal open source cooperation, I can clearly feel that the company is working in a united front, and the infrastructure is getting better and better and more convenient.

In addition, there are large and small technology sharing, a variety of face-to-face communication opportunities with the big guys, is very helpful to improve the technology, broaden the horizon.

Working atmosphere

Byte is a relatively young company, with a large number of new recruits every year and many young post-90s leaders, so it is easy to get along with colleagues and know more partners at work. But again, everyone is new and looking for promotion, so the competition is fierce.

As a company with more than 20 years of development, the leadership of Tencent is mostly experienced veterans, and the average length of service will be a little longer, so the new recruits are relatively less roll, and they can be promoted steadily in the first few years.

However, in recent years, the company also attaches great importance to the injection of new forces, and is becoming younger. For example, in my department, many new people have joined in the past two years, and many friends have been made.

Working rhythm

When I was an intern at Bytedance, every morning on time I would see the leader organize a site meeting where the whole team discussed work progress and plans (although I was not there). Since it was my internship and the school was far away, I basically left at 7 PM on time. But listen to a colleague say, they generally won’t get off work at this point, after all is a new department, the pace of work or very fast, but now byte has cancelled the size of the week.

In contrast, I am still more accustomed to the work pace in Tencent. Although there are still departments and project teams that work overtime, we usually leave work after 8 o ‘clock here, and we don’t work overtime on weekends, so we still have a lot of time to do our own things and balance work and life. But whether to work overtime and oneself also have very big relation is.


I started my internship at Bytedance at the end of the 18th. At that time, Bytedance was dominated by Tiktok and Tiaotiao. After all, it was a young company with a large number of new projects and many businesses were on the rise, but there were also many unstable projects seeking breakthroughs, such as “Multi-Flash” at that time.

I was working on a new educational project that I had never heard of before, and I don’t know what happened to it now. For new employees, new business does have more challenges and more opportunities, but also, the risk is also very high, perhaps a one-year project suddenly stopped. Therefore, it is recommended that you choose a mature and stable business department, and the treatment of the department of the first-line business and other business may be very different.

Tencent’s business is relatively mature, such as social networking, games, advertising and so on. After more than ten years of precipitation, the development is relatively stable and predictable, so I feel more comfortable working here. And there are a lot of product methodology and business documents in the company, I sometimes have a look at them, really very fruitful.

However, the Internet itself is unpredictable, so organizational restructuring is not uncommon. In short, improve your capabilities and be ready to embrace change.

The enterprise culture

“Bytedance” is the cultural core of Bytedance, consisting of six pieces, as shown here:

Among them, the pursuit of perfection has the greatest influence on me. Before my internship at Bytedance, I set many things as my goal to achieve it. But at work, many colleagues are thinking about how to do one thing best. Don’t be proud of what you have. There are always people who do better than you. Learn from them. Higher goals, higher pursuit inspires me to work harder.

Tencent’s new mission vision is “user-oriented, technology for good”, and its new values are “integrity, enterprise, collaboration and creation”. Before I entered the company, I did not feel these, and I was angry with Tencent when I was a child because I could not pull out my card but recharge the game.

But after joining the company, the concept of “everything is based on user value” really influenced me a lot. When discussing and realizing requirements, we would start from the user, pay more attention to the user, and think more comprehensively about the meaning of what we do. There is “ruixue” culture, all the time to remind me of the standard words and deeds, resist dishonest behavior.

Finally, Tencent campus recruitment was officially launched on August 5th, everyone!

Directions: t. 1 yb. Co/w66s

Welcome to find me to push, can help to look at the resume (has been pushed 400 people) ~ also welcome to read my from 0 self-study into Tencent programming learning, internship, job search, research, book writing experience, no longer confused!