** Note: ** This is a few years old post that was scrubbed from one of my little-noticed github repositories. And left a message saying it still is. So I republished the article, with some of the words and phrases appropriately modified.

When it comes to management, there will be a variety of masters to carry out a variety of theories, especially for the company’s senior management of a wide variety of training, but also filled with the universe’s most fashionable management ideas; And some of the new companies are not willing to lag behind, not a few people, in all can show themselves (of course, the show is generally the founder, CxO, etc.) to brag about their team how good. As a result, investors, the media and other organizations are always trying to portray the hired person as a solid steel team that can’t be broken and broken. These are just crazy dreams.

In reality, programmers in software companies are helpless.

Telling programmers what to do

Surrounding a programmer usually includes, but is not limited to, the following categories of people:

  • Direct manager
  • The direct manager’s superior and up to the highest level
  • Sales and marketing (including rank and file employees and managers at all levels)
  • Product designers (whether managers, employees, or even bosses)
  • Customer rep (any gasp on the customer side is considered a god)
  • Other programmer colleagues
  • artist
  • test
  • Other departments within the company (administration, logistics, etc.)

All of these people are likely to be picky about what programmers do. As a programmer, I love to hear rationalizations, but, aside from some rationalizations from knowledgeable colleagues, more often than not I hear the following types of comments that need to be modified:

  • This page is not pretty. (This is not the programmer’s responsibility, but is usually said to the programmer. If you ask what it is that doesn’t look good, no one can tell, because it’s just a feeling — the beauty of “feeling,” and the right to tell you “it doesn’t feel good.” In fact, in many cases, just for the sake of existence, without putting forward any contrary opinion, how can you show your existence?
  • The image should be moved 2 pixels to the left. (This kind of advice comes mostly from product managers. They design products as if they know them. There are also many heads of small and medium-sized companies, who will regard themselves as product understanding, some really understand, some pretend to understand, and some think they understand but do not understand)
  • Add/modify this functionality. (Needless to say, it must come from the product manager, not a stick to kill, sometimes not the product manager to add, more often the boss or customers, especially the customer side more)
  • The text in this web page is too small. Do you use size 12? 12 is too small. Make it bigger. 13. You read it right, you heard it right, it’s just an example. Those who hear people laugh and cry, mostly from the customer. The client side, often to the boss, the boss and always think he is a know-it-all, but also unreasonable. They tend to drag down the national IQ.)

Above, just list a few typical programmers at work, also will encounter many, many, Boyle are generally very dedicated, sweeps the floor, as it were, they would seriously do health well, won’t work for programmers, the other, as long as you can have access to a programmer work, always in a certain way, express your own ideas, pay attention to, is not recommended, is the opinion, Advice is constructive, how to do it better, advice is critical, telling you what I think is bad, as for what is bad, no one knows. General psychology is, must criticize once, do not criticize, oneself have no level, have no level in the company have no face and status.

Don’t rest assured

Few bosses or executives of companies are at ease with their subordinates. Managers shout tired and busy every day. This is the reason. There is at least one reason for this:

  • The company is founded by the owner, who always feels that he is not getting a good deal by paying people to do the work. He is reluctant to let the employees do more work.
  • Managers, is to manage, management is to watch, watch is to urge the progress of work every once in a while, otherwise, just talk managers, what is the value of existence?
  • If you build a wall, you can see how high it is without asking. But is programming, where you always see programmers knocking on code, working hard? Or do not work out? Neither bosses nor managers know.

If a programmer has more than one of the above, and if there are more than one, it shows that in that environment, bosses and managers have extreme anxiety: trust programmers.

Management methods

In a company, the more programmers are told what to do, the more critical they are, and the more disorganized the programmers are, the worse the results will be. The more insecure a company’s bosses and managers are about programmers, the less programmers care about the company and their work, and the worse the results.

Axiom: Programmers have raised the IQ and cultural level of the entire Chinese nation.

The so-called axiom is self-evident.

According to the axiom above, there is only one rule to govern programmers: trust those who use them, trust those who doubt them, and hire them.

This is easier said than done, as managers and bosses struggle to overcome themselves.

In order to make the question more clear, I will make up a story. Note that this story is pure fiction. If there is any similarity, it is pure coincidence.

Location: a company

Characters: Boss Li, programmer Xiao Wang

The plot

  • Mr. Li: Xiao Wang, you are the backbone of the company now, though you haven’t been here for a long time. There is a project that the company has decided to assign to you and put together a team with you as the lead. You’ll be in charge of this project, and you’ll mobilize the resources. I’ll leave it at that. I believe you.
  • Mr. Li, don’t worry. I will live up to the expectations of our company.
  • (aside) : so xiao Wang and a few brothers in full swing to dry up. Mr. Li smiled with relief. The next day, Mr. Li came to the office of Xiao Wang and his brothers.
  • Mr. Li: you guys worked overtime very late last night, please pay attention to rest. How about it, Xiao Wang? How’s it going? Can you show me how to do it?
  • (aside) : brothers psychological warm, so late, the boss is still concerned about us.
  • Mr. Li, we finished the architecture last night, but we haven’t developed the front end yet, so we can’t show it at the moment.
  • Li zong (a trace of dissatisfaction in the face of a flash, no one felt) : Oh. To and for. You must lay the foundation first. The revolutionary cause needs your energy and wisdom.
  • (VOICE-over) : Mr. Li returned to his office and immediately called another friend he knew to ask technical questions about the project. Then, sit back in your boss’s chair and look up at the ceiling. Thoughtful.
  • (VOiceover) : Three days later, wang and a few of his buddies were still boiling with blood, code flowing from their fingertips, and heated discussions.
  • (aside) : One day, Mr. Li quietly entered Xiao Wang’s office. Li was afraid to disturb everyone’s work, so he just walked around and swept everyone’s screen. Without saying anything, he left. In the afternoon, the company held a programmer’s conference.
  • Mr. Li: Mr. Zhang also summarized the progress of the company in front, and Mr. Wang also said that all kinds of attention. Time is tight now, it is already past the end of work time, so I will only say one thing without holding you up. Some of our departments are already tense, but some employees are doing other irrelevant things in their working hours,……
  • (VOiceover) : Mr. Li had been speaking for about 49 minutes with commas in between. When the meeting was over, Xiao Wang was left behind.
  • Mr. Li: Xiao Wang, would you please report the progress of your work these days?
  • Xiao Wang (psychological a little unhappy, because every day in the submission of work progress, don’t the boss see?) : Now that we have the infrastructure and some classes and modules in place, we are on the fast track……
  • Mr. Li (not waiting for Xiao Wang to finish, but interrupting him with a wave of his hand) : the company trusts you very much. I hope you can live up to the trust of the company. A lot of things, I’m not convenient to say, but it’s important to know yourself. I have business to attend to. You must hurry.
  • Xiao Wang is a little confused. He seems to understand something. I feel very uncomfortable. Back in the office, the brothers were still there, all in high spirits, ready to continue to light candles. Xiao Wang is listless.
  • Let’s have a rest today.
  • (Aside) : People came to the office almost every half day to ask about the progress of the project, and Xiao Wang and his brothers stopped working overtime at night. At the end of the project, Xiao Wang left.
  • Manager Li (sitting in the boss’s chair, leaning back, muttering) : I can’t believe it.

  • Learning Python with the Old: Easy To Get Started: Introduces the basics of Python3 in simple terms for beginners
  • Learning Python: Django In Action is a Python web development book that introduces the Django framework as a project
  • Python: Data Analysis (Python) is a basic book for data analysis and machine learning in Python. It focuses on how to manipulate data and manipulate it.

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