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My moment – server making the address

My moment making address

My moment – the manage making address


Talk about graduation project series — project introduction

Talk about graduation design series-system implementation


After in-depth analysis and research on people’s reading needs, existing problems and development trends in the context of mobile Internet, the main purpose of this paper is to design a set of simple and elegant style UI, namely UserInterface (UserInterface), using Express for node.js web development framework. The Mongoose module is used to manage the non-relational database MongoDB. In the front-end engineering, the progressive JavaScript framework vue. js is mainly used, vuE-Router is used to jump the front-end page routing, Axios is used as the HTTP request library, and Vuex is used to manage the front-end global state. ElementUI is used as the basic component library of the interface, Webpack is used for modularized packaging, and combined with HTML5 related technologies, a literature and art reading system is finally realized, which contains five sections of text and text, reading, film and television, music and radio. The system is named Moment, which means “Moment”, aiming to provide a platform for people. Let people read effectively in fragmented time. Two major parts of the system will be implemented: a background management system for administrators and co-authors and a mobile WebApp for users. – from my thesis

Good good, above is pure outfit X, third-rate school third-rate graduation design, see an officer at will good. In the introduction, the graduation project is introduced to realize a literary and art reading system, named Moment, which contains five sections: text and text, reading, film and television, music and radio. The main technology stacks used are:

  • Node.js — Express
  • MongoDB — Mongoose
  • Vue
  • Vue-router
  • Axios
  • Vuex
  • ElementUI
  • .

Before the project started, I was very excited. When I was a student, I bought a cloud server on Tencent Cloud and registered a second domain name, When I deployed it later, I found that the interface request was too slow, so I still gave up. But it will continue to be deployed online.

System service Analysis

As a literature and art reading system, the main purpose is to provide users with high quality reading experience and rich reading content. Thus, taking this as the goal, the system classifies reading articles into five sections: text and text, reading, film and television, music and radio, so as to diversify the forms of articles in the eyes and ears. The business of the whole literary and art reading system is divided into two parts, namely the background management system for administrators and co-authors and the mobile WebApp for users. The demand analysis of the system will be carried out around these two parts.

User-oriented mobile WebApp

The most important business of user-oriented mobile WebApp is to provide article reading, which is oriented to all users who can use the system. Of course, considering that users are not only satisfied with reading, but also need to use articles as the media for social activities among users, the system adds the module of Graphic square, which is similar to a circle. All users can post pictures and texts and view them, as well as follow and comment on each other. After social operations, it is often necessary to give users some reminders, otherwise it will be meaningless. Moreover, real-time reminders must be ensured, so real-time message push is required for users. Of course, users will inevitably operate the article itself, such as comments, likes, favorites and other operations. All users can read the article, but when it comes to social interaction, the user must be logged in.

Background management system for administrators and co-authors

The management of this system is mainly divided into two roles. System administrator role can see mobile WebApp overall situation of the data, the user can be management including all co-authors and ordinary users, and can be video, music, radio, reading, manage all articles, and other modules of system management, such as advertising, shuffling module, the announcement module, etc. However, the author role has relatively few rights, including only the management of the article.

Note: Due to the time of WebApp’s overall data situation, its database field is there, but I was in a hurry and didn’t have time to write the interface, so now it is static display. The system administration part is also not finished.

The system design

System Architecture Design

System Architecture?? In fact, it is also the traditional B/S architecture, the front and back end separation. The front-end initiates the Ajax interface request, and the Web server processes the request and operates the database server, and returns the DATA in JSON format to the front-end. After the front-end gets the data, it processes the data and renders it.

Functional module design

This is a rough functional module design before the beginning of the project, among which a small part of the modules have not been completed due to time constraints, but most of the functional modules have been realized.

Database design

The storage of the system database mainly includes: article data storage, user data storage, administrator and co-author data storage, article comment storage, user relationship storage. The article data storage is divided into graphic article data storage, reading article data storage, film and television article data storage, music article data storage, radio article data storage. The article comment data storage is divided into reading comment data storage, film comment data storage, music comment data storage, radio comment data storage.

The following

Now we have also made an introduction to the project, and made a general introduction to the system analysis and system design. Then the following article will introduce the implementation of the system, introduce some of the main functional modules in the project, or the modules that can be shared with everyone, as well as a little bit of my own thinking after introducing the project. Touch me

My level is general, the introduction may also be some foundation, forgive me ~~