The From issue:…

After 2 years of building team infrastructure tools, I have been focusing on business development in the last 3 months. During this period, I gradually changed from a tool developer to a tool user, and I have some thoughts on the relationship between technology and business.

What are the concerns of front-end business development?

  • The efficiency of

    For front-end development, most requirements are implemented in similar and overlapping ways. Even if the demand time itself is not a rush, front-end developers want to quickly apply their previous experience to their projects in the fastest way possible, saving time and getting development done quickly.

    The pain points for efficiency are:

    • Code reuse precipitation and lookup

      All kinds of common and business component libraries solve the problem of code reuse in component-based development. This is something that many companies have already addressed.

      The accumulation of snippets. Not many companies have been found to address this.

    • Private personalization template

      One of the most popular “front-end engineering” ideas in recent years is to address the need for rapid initialization of various business templates. This point is relatively mature. Plug-in thinking in the front-end engineering of a landing scene, is the private personalized template.

  • Page quality

    There are two links of “self-test + professional test” in the project development process. The purpose is to ensure quality assurance before the launch.

    However, there is a general lack of awareness of “online operations”, which means that once a page goes live, the phone scans the page, there is no problem, and it is “almost done”.

    It is now the norm for business developers to focus only, or most of their energy, on going live.

    However, if the online monitoring/alarm system is not perfect, it is not safe to go online.

    Some pain points for page quality:

    • Automated performance/error alerts

      Automation of performance/error alarms is necessary.

      Business developers don’t have the energy to do all the monitoring, and the industry is mature for automated operations monitoring, which is necessary for large teams.

      As an additional note, the interface alarms depend on the standardized interface status code/return status value. Otherwise, valuable alarms will be drowned out by disorganized alarm information.

    • Real-time performance/error alarms

      Being able to provide quick feedback to developers on all kinds of issues within half an hour of launch is especially important for the “security” of developers.

    • Threshold for dynamic

      Different web pages and service priorities mean different alarm standards. In alarm system design, different alarm standards may be provided based on service features.

  • Business data

    The longer I work, the more important I feel.

    In the closed loop of the whole product requirements, the data feedback after launch is what the developers need to care about.

    Here is a brief talk about “business closed loop” :

    By caring about business data, you can avoid being a simple “implementor.”

  • Comprehensive data

    As mentioned above, performance/error/business, etc., can all kinds of data of a business be automatically aggregated into a report to solve the problems of automation and real-time performance at the same time?

    If the above problems are solved, business development can at least do:

    • Safe online
    • Rapid operations
    • Timely feedback data
    • Adjust strategy in time

Technology growth in front end development

Technology is for the business, as everyone agrees, so is front-end development.

Focus on the business, solve the various pain points in the business, active thinking, this is my technical growth ideas in business development.

Recently, I have been sorting out a front-end development knowledge map. I have been sorting and settling my own knowledge, and I feel I have gained a lot.…

Hopefully, a year later, this will be a comprehensive and detailed “front-end knowledge map”.


Keep thinking…